
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

To Do Tuesday Tuesday Night Version

I suppose I could publish this blog Tuesday morning but I like the extra day for getting things done.  Today we did some shopping and a post office run.  So I only had half a day to stitch.  And I frittered away part of it reading blogs. 

Let's start with last week's goals: 


Prep pieces for Embroidety Garden Class.✔️

Attend Embroidery Garden Class Thursday. ✔️ see the result here.

Finish quilting customer quilt.✔️ (must ask her if I can share a pic.)

Keep trimming log cabin blocks.✔️ Finished! The trimmings were from 60 blocks.  I made 2 more and trimmed the one I didn't include with the groups of 10. I've got 4 of the 9 rows stitched with one mistake I need to fix. 

Finish binding one of my quilts.✔️ Finished need to take some photos.

Make 1 scrap basket in red Ugh didn’t do much but look at the pattern! 

Not bad really. And here's what I'm working on this week. 


Finish sewing log cabin blocks together.

Work on city landscape quilt. Figure out more size appropriate rocks for where the water meets the land.  (No, there aren't rocks there now but I may be placing some there.) 

This was from an October 2017 class with Karen Eckmeier.  I need to finish the design, layer tulle over it and then quilt all the little houses, steps, roofs, etc. Currently things are glued on and are starting to fall off. 

Bind my churn dash quilt. 

Make more Snowball Blocks.

Make the red scrap basket. (If I don't get this done this week it comes off the list!) 

That's the plan for this coming week. I really hope I can get the red basket done and make some progress on the landscape quilt.  

I'm linking up with To-Do Tuesday, Mid Week Makers, and Needle and Thread Thursday.  Let's see if I remember to link up with all three! Check them out! 

Happy Quilting! Bonnie 


  1. Your city landscape quilt is wonderful! It will be fun to see how you add to it. Have you made the scrap baskets before? I never have, but I'm tempted!

  2. Hi Bonnie! Don't you find that little pile of trimmings so satisfying? I love seeing it build up higher and higher as my trimming pile recedes. Oh, your landscape quilt is so colorful and pretty. I hope you do get that red basket finished so you can give this wonderful piece some attention. I can't wait to see both finished! Thanks for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. At first, when I saw your City Landscape quilt, it reminded me of the Native American pueblo homes! It's gorgeous! Your colorway is lovely! Ahhhhh! You're making great progress with your Wonky Log Cabin blocks! So pretty!

  4. Wow, that city landscape! Or maybe it should be an seaside village landscape. Really something!!!

  5. I love the black and white log cabins. I looked and looked and can't figure out you got that pattern.

  6. Oh, for 16 more hours in the day!!! LOL

  7. I'm looking forward to seeing the City Landscape quilt progress!

  8. I recently watch one of Karen's videos for her Accidental Landscapes. It ran through the Happy Village quilt, as well. Looking forward to seeing how this finishes up, Bonnie!


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