
Saturday, October 31, 2020

October OMG Success!

Remember my October OMG? (No of course you don't)  Here is what I published: 

My Goal for October, 2020 is to finish 4 quilts.  

Three tops are already made and one needs to be started. 

All four need to be quilted. 

I'm happy to report I finished all of them and in record time! These were part of the group of quilts I was sending to Washington fire victims.  All went to students at the local school district. 

No glamor photos for these quilts.  I was trying to get them shipped asap. The first three were going to triplet boys in kindergarten!

Marilyn, my cousin, sent me pictures of what she did to help with the distribution of the quilts.  She tied them into rolls and put a little stamped note on each one.  

All 14 laid out.  The orange and lime green one was made by my friend Sharon. 

Here's Donna's quilt ready to be rolled up.  It's so great to have quilty friends who frequently make quilts to give away. 

The rolling, tying, and adding a sweet message is done.  Thank you Marilyn for adding such a great message, "Anything is possible."  Plus driving the 90 minutes each way to deliver them. 

Ready to go! 

It was a busy time to get my 4 quilts done but all was done by mid-October.  It's satisfying to know we all may have added a moment of joy for these students.  

Here is the linky parties I am joining today: Elm Street Quilts' OMG Finish, Finished Friday at Alycia Quilts, and Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  It's fun for me to link up with different parties.  I need some surfing time this week! I hope you can take the time to see what's going on in Blogland too. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie


  1. wow what a great doubt they will be so loved

  2. What a wonderful effort from you and your buddy. Have you heard how it went when they were passed out?

  3. I need to work faster with my donation quilts! Do you ever slow down to kinda enjoy the making of specific quilts that kinda touch your own love of them? You are a good and kind quilter. Thank you for being a good example.

  4. Congrats on finishing what you set out to do! In these strange times, that's even more of an accomplishment. Love seeing all those donation quilts rolled up and ready to go to work. It makes my heart happy :)

  5. Wonderful quilts. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  6. Fabulous finishes all around. And so cute all rolled up!

  7. Oh my gosh - they are great - Congrats on finishing all FOUR!!! and it is great how she is rolling them and adding a little extra love!

  8. Wow, Bonnie, kudos to you for getting these finished plus your generosity to donate them. And those other ladies kind and sweet of you all.

  9. The presentation packaging is great!

  10. What a great accomplishment!! They all look wonderful and surely will be loved by the receivers.

  11. Your quilts are beautiful - and what a great cause! They no doubt will give the recipients some comfort.


  12. These quilts are glamorous in their own special way. I am sure they will be loved and cherished. Congratulations on crushing your goals.


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