
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

To Do Tuesday and September Stashbusting

Just ask my hubby -- I have a terrible sense of time.  I probably shocked him yesterday when I was ready a few minutes early when we went shopping. I'm trying to explain why I'm late posting my weekly goals.  And, really late on my September stashbusting report!  Sigh.  

On to my goals from last week: 


Update long arm computer and attend Zoom class ✔️

Start stitching Cheese and Crackers together✔️

Buy baby quilt fabric & start sewing ✔️ Purchased but not started.

Make 8 to 10 snowball blocks and decide on sashing and cornerstones✔️ blocks done but still deciding the cornerstones.

Embroider grandkids’ Halloween shirts — only 2 as the older girls aren’t interested✔️ and I didn’t remember to take pictures. Boo!  

Here's how the snowball blocks are going to be laid out.  I've got white sashing laid out horizontally.  Shoot, I want to put setting squares in but I jut realized that means I have to put everything together as short strips  -no long sashing strip anywhere.  Bummer.

Hum, it seems to me that I might need to move a couple of blocks.  The 2 dark blocks in the 4th row need to be separated. Anything else strike you that might need to be move around?  What color setting squares would suggest?  I'm guessing dark but don't know what yet.  

Here's what's up for this week:


Continue to work on Cheese and Crackers

Quilt and bind one of my quilts

Plan and begin cutting baby quilt 

Make more trees for landscape quilt 

Start another basket in purple (it's going to be a different style.) 

I've been forgetting to announce my stashbusting for September.  I actually figured it all out a while ago.  Needless to say I was happy with it! 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out Month

Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







I'm not doing as well this month though! Sigh. I'm hoping I still use more fabric than I bring in but it's going to be close. 

Time to get back to working on these goals!  Take some time to visit To Do Tuesday and Midweek Makers this week. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I love your I Spy quilt - so fun! And you're doing great on getting fabric out this year! Keep it up!

  2. That's so cute, Bonnie! Lots of fun things to spy! I prefer cornerstones when I'm adding sashing because then I can match up the blocks better from row to row. I agree, something darker - maybe a blue or red, if that's what you want to pull out from the blocks. :)

  3. Cornerstones will look nice. I think a variety of colors would work great. Nice job on your weekly goals. Your more disciplined than I am.

  4. All I can say is that if I had to make a stash-busting report, I'd be late too. Very, very late! I agree to moving those two blocks apart, but that's all I see. Looking good otherwise!

  5. Hi Bonnie! You aren't late with your post. Just because it opens on Tuesday doesn't mean you can't link up later! Before I took over the linky party, I used to have my list Monday to Sunday. I switched it up because who really cares what dates I use?!! I'm just glad you are sharing and that the idea is working for you. I would swap one of those dark blocks with one from the first row - #2 or #3. Those two both have a high amount of yellow in them and there is none in the bottom right corner. I adore the look of sashing and cornerstones but I can sure see the advantage of using long strips! Do what makes your heart happy. It looks great with the current sashing. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Love the I spy quilt, so colorful. You did really well on your list last week, hopefully you've made good progress on this week's list.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.