
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

To Do Tuesday -- Wednesday Morning Version

Amazing.  By Saturday I was pretty much done with my goal list from last week. So I vegged a lot over the week. I finished 2 books. I put away some of the fabric that was strewn across my cutting table. Here's how I did on my goals... 


Finish labeling quilts and mail✔️

Add more details to landscape quilt✔️

Quilt customer’s quilt✔️

Read a book✔️

Start looking for fabrics for baby quilt✔️

And this week's goals...


Update long arm computer and attend Zoom class 

Start stitching Cheese and Cracker together

Buy baby quilt fabric and cut out pattern 

Make 8 to 10 snowball blocks and decide on sashing and cornerstones

Embroider grandkids’ Halloween shirts — only 2 as the older girls aren’t interested this year.

The computer program that runs Ruthie had an update released several weeks ago. I had way too many quilts that needed to be finished under a time constraint for me to start the process. I'll be downloading and installing the program tomorrow so I'll know what the instructor is talking about when describing how pantographs work with the new program when I take a class Wednesday night. 

Here's the picture of my newest quilt project. 

I was inspired by several bloggers who were using their 30s fabric to make quilts.  I actually have had this pattern and the background fabric stored with my 30's fabrics for years.  In fact, I think I pulled the background fabric and pattern out last year.  But seeing others use their 30's recently I decided to give it a try. 

Fast forward to when I was ready to start a new project, ie, today. I was happily cutting away and on the last 3 strips of 26, when I realized I had cut the strips 5" instead of 5.5".  Can you say, smaller quilt?  I don't think it will make a huge difference to tell the truth.  But I do need to measure some things out to make sure every thing will fit together.  Thank goodness for rectangles! As I was figuring away I realized I could make it smaller but then I would have to refigure the border.  Um, no thank you! I've already checked to see I have enough fabric and cut all the strips. Now I need to look for patterns for 5" strips.  Sounds like a charm pack in the making. (And lucky me, I bought my pattern when it was only $7.00.) 

I'm also hoping to make some more Snowball blocks so I can begin putting the quilt together. Here's what I've got so far.  (Or at least what I want to put into this particular quilt.) I just slapped the blocks on the design wall.  But I see I need to move around the last 3 blocks of row 3.  They look too much alike. I'll cut some more and then fuss with the arrangement when they are all done. I'm so happy I have the Accuquilt die for this pattern.  It is SO easy to cut out multiple blocks at the same time.  It may be harder to decide what fabric I want to use than to cut the blocks. 

I'm done for tonight.  I've got a lot on my plate for this week.  Hopefully I'll move everything forward!  I'm linking up with To Do Tuesday, and Midweek Makers.  Enjoy surfing the blogs posted to these linky parties. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I've made cheese and crackers in two different color ways for my daughter...when she changed her bedroom colors. she still loves the first one! great idea to snowball the novelty fabrics!

  2. I’ve seen the Cheese and Crackers quilt on several blogs recently. It looks like a fun pattern. Sorry about the cutting issue.

  3. That does look like a fun pattern, and I like the snowball blocks, too! One of these days, you'll have to share what books you finished. I always want to know what people are reading!

  4. Hi Bonnie! Yay to having everything checked off and early in the week, no less. Ugg. Cutting the strips the wrong size - it happens to all of us. I'm not a huge fan of 30s fabrics - or maybe I should say I wasn't because our next project uses them to my delight. I am itching to get started on it but have to finish a few more projects first. Finally, your snowball blocks look fab! I see what you mean about those three blocks looking similar. I can't tell you how often that happens to me even after studying a photo for a bit. Good luck with this week's list and thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I love those snowball blocks. I made a snowball quilt in indigos and whites a couple years back and it still needs to be quilted. You are being very productive...way to go!


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