
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Monday Meanderings 10 - 19 - 2020

How can another week have wizzed by so fast?  I was really busy at the beginning of the week but things calmed down for a while toward the end. 

I'm pretty sure I finished this quilt the week before this last week.  You can see it before quilting here.  Here's what the finished version looks like. This is another quilt that has been sent to Washington. There were several older girls who were getting quilts. I was trying not to send just pink quilts especially to the older girls so I chose this wild green print to go on the back of this quilt.  I figure if pink isn't her favorite maybe the green would be! 

Quilting design:  Fern Gully

Thread So Fine: 474 - 50 wt. 

And, yes, I did use the stripe fabric for the binding.  I generally don't wash quilts before giving them away.  But it seemed the right thing to do for these quilts.  

One last shot...

That's it for me today.  I'm linking to my normal Monday parties. Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  I'm looking forward to having the time to do a bit of surfing this week! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie


  1. Love the stripes! Great way to make a simple quilt stand out.

  2. Great quilt! An older girl will love it!!!

  3. That stripe orientation is so cool! The bright green back is just right.

  4. Hi,
    Awesome quilt...the person receiving this will
    love it...have a great day!

  5. I like the lime green backing with the striped fabric.

  6. That binding is perfect! Love it.

  7. That is a really neat design, Bonnie! I love what you did with the striped fabric in the blocks, and then again for the bindinb!

  8. great quilt...I love fern gully! it gives so much motion to the quilt!

  9. It looks even better all quilted up! Love the bright green backing :)


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