
Monday, February 1, 2021

Monday Meanderings 2 - 1 - 2021

 Hello February -- Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow tomorrow, 2/2?  You can read more about him and his prognostic endeavors on Wikipedia.  The weather forecast in my area doesn't support an early spring at all.  Starting next weekend our temperatures will be in the teens overnight and low 30s to 20s during the day.  Brr.  On the other hand that's a long time from now weather-wise so it may change a lot. 

How did you do on your goals this past week?  I was really successful.  (Note: that doesn't mean I did all of them; just that the ones I really wanted to get done, got done!) 


Work on T-shirt quilt, borders, blocks ☑️

Embroider sweatshirt - Moved to future week… 

Bind Christmas quilt☑️ This is will be shown later this week.

Quilt one or more of my quilts ☑️ See below.

Off list: finish pink table runner. ☑️ ***

*** How I could forget to put this on my list is beyond me.  It needed to be done by Sat, 1/30.  You can see the finished Table Scraps table runner here.

I'm happy to say I only have to sew the top and bottom borders together and then add them to the t shirt quilt.  I am really looking forward to finishing this quilt.  I enjoy working on my own projects but every once in a while I take on a big project for a customer.  It's time to get this quilt done. 

Here's my list for the first week of February.


Put fabric away, straighten cutting table, vacuum floor. 

Finish purple basket

Make more RWB Ohio Star blocks 

Quilt one of my quilts. 

Yellow RSC blocks and/or table runner 

Just so you know I really do need to straighten my cutting space and put fabric away. 

Here's the worse area. 

Yea, I'm not the neatest quilter.  I am lucky to have a very big cutting area.  It's divided into 3 sections.  This front section I "can" cut on but more often I use it to stage my projects: pulled fabric, fabric that needs to stay out until the project is done, things like that. I am notorious for piling up fabric that I've used and then letting it just pile up deeper.  Think archeological dig.   Below, you can see the purple mat that is usually pretty cleaned off and is my main cutting mat. 

I've been stashing cut off fabric at the top of the cutting area.  It's now overwhelming the space and I have less and less space to cut on.  Not a good thing. The space beyond the rulers has my Accuquilt Go Cutter.  It's open and ready to use. If you look back to the first picture above ... the fabric at the bottom right is basically leftovers from the Go cutting.  I tend to toss the little bits, but every once in awhile there are usable pieces left that get piled up there.  ARGH.  It's now driving me crazy.  Therefore it is now time to put this stuff away. (Or throwaway maybe.) 

Since yellow is the RSC color for February I decided to check out my collection of odd blocks and block parts.  I knew I had some yellow bits and pieces.  I'll be figuring out how to incorporate these in whatever project I make. 

Finally, here is the finished top that I quilted and bound last week.  For those of you who read about the Pink Table Scraps runner, I used the same navy blue binding from Kona. 

I've decided to name it Wild Snowballs.  You might remember that my swap group (FCQ Equilters) was making snowball blocks last fall.  I have the 6" snowball die from Accuquilt so I went to town making them.  Often I made two of the fabric so I had a nice collection of blocks for myself. They make a wonderful leader ender block.  So I just kept making them.  And, finally, a quilt!  I used some Kona white (or Snow or one of their whites) for the sashing.  The corner stones was a grey grid that I got in a kit I didn't want to make but loved the fabrics.  

When I went to quilt it I realized that It needed to be finished some how.  The botton row had sashing, but the top and two sides did not.  No problem I thought I'd cut some more sashing and corner stones and be done with it.  Except... I didn't have enough of the grey corner stone fabric.  My solution was to sash the top and then use the white only on the side borders with 4 more corner stones. It worked really well.  You can see pictures of this project here and here.  Here's a couple of close ups.  Left, while quilting; right after quilting.

Here are the details of the quilting:  Thread:  So Fine 451; Pattern: Star Struck Edge-to-Edge, rounded star by My Creative Stitches.  

I haven't any plans for this quilt yet.  I'll probably hold on to it until Hands 2 Help 2021 that Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict does every spring.  It's great having a head start on it. 

That's it for me today.  I'm linking up with the regular gang: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  Tomorrow I'll link up with To Do Tuesday. (Ha!  I hardly ever remember! Extra points for me! I remembered early on Tuesday!) Hope you can take a few minutes to surf blogs today 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Wild Snowballs is great! Love that panto, too--Star Struck. Wish I had it for a quilt I'm quilting next. But I'll use another similar one I already have.

  2. Great job on getting some things done! And now, the clean up, why is that more time consuming than all the rest? LOL! For me it's because it leads to more project ideas.

  3. Great job on checking things off of your list! Hmmm, your cutting board and mine could be twins.

  4. I didn't even notice the "missing" gray cornerstones until I read the explanation -- I was caught up in admiring the novelty prints in each snowball. It feels good to have a check mark next to each item on the lists, and you got the table runner done in time, too. Hope you can clear off your table without getting too sidetracked.

  5. Happy February, Bonnie. Great job on getting most of your goals completed and loved reading what your plans are this week. I got tickled when you showed your area you need to clean because it looks exactly like mine. I am a messy quilter. Lol . I start to cutting and scraps start flying but I have so much fun. I am in love with your Wild Snowballs. Have an awesome week.

  6. a really wild finish doubt it'll find a good home

  7. Great job checking those things off! I just re-organized all of my fabric--gets me re-acquainted with all of it. When I'm pulling for a project, I definitely tear through it and make a mess but I have to get it all cleaned up before I start cutting and sewing. I think I'm in the minority there though!

  8. Hi Bonnie! That tree in your header gets me every time - it's just gorgeous. Great job on your list, especially sticking with the t-shirt quilt. That's a big thing to tackle outside of your normal projects - I'd be anxious to get 'er done, too. Fabulous solution about the shortage on the cornerstones. I never would have noticed they weren't there until you pointed it out - it's definitely a great design choice!! Good job on remembering to link up and I thank you for that! ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Congrats on the finish! Wild Snowballs is pretty fun, lots of cool fabrics in it. The quilting looks great too. The one place in my sewing room that stays cleaned off is my sewing table. I can handle clutter anywhere else but there.


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