
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Monday Meanderings 3 - 15 - 2021

Today I'm sharing the T shirt quilt I made over the fall and winter.  Truth be told I ignored the T shirts for almost a year before starting on them.  You can see them laid out in this post. I didn't share any other pictures from what I can tell.  So today, a few more pictures. The quilt has been received by the customer and she was happy with it. 

First up just the shirts with coping strips to make them all fit together.  The customer determined the placement of the shirts and I made them fit together. 

There were some really cool shirts including a shirt from a Pike's Peak Marathon and the 100th Anniversary of the Boston Marathon.  

I needed to figure out how to make it a twin size quilt as it was pretty close to being able to be used on a bed. The name of the runner was added. I picked friendship star  blocks to fill in the height needed to be bed size. 

Notice no feet under the quilt.  Pat had to stand on a step ladder for this one.  And, because it was a gorgeous day after a lot of snowy and sleety days here's one from a distance with a little bit of snow. 

Unfortunately, I didn't take any closeups nor any of the back.  It was quilted with an allover basic stipple.  The backing and binding was the same grey as the front.  I still have one more T shirt quilt in me -- my son handed me 2 big bags of shirts from his running and rowing days several years ago.  He'll probably be waiting for a while before I tackle his T shirts.

Next up goals  --  Last week's goals:


Begin March table runner ☑️ Background pieces are ready to stitch together. 

Quilt customer’s quilt Started but ran into issues but now resolved.

Start a flannel quilt use some pink and purple flannel☑️ Done and ready to quilt.

Finish planning the Anniversary quilt Nope, didn’t even look at it.

This week: 


Put March table runner together

Quilt customer’s quilt 

Quilt one of my quilts

Put together the chunky churn dash quilt 

Prep doggy tumbler quilt — what should go with the dog fabrics & cut it out 

That's it for me today.  Check out my regular linky parties.  Hopefully I'll get them linked as they become available.  Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday.  Woot! Woot!  It is Tuesday morning and I'm linking up to To Do Tuesday.  (some weeks  I forget all together, others I'm late to the party!) 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. What a great quilt, Bonnie. I always enjoy seeing tshirt quilts and have saved my girls' shirts for just a project. I love the stars on this quilt. Beautiful job .

  2. very nice finish bonnie and even better when the customer loves it

  3. I am with you on the dislike for T-Shirt quilts! Not another is my mantra. But it looks great and I am sure the receiver will love it.

  4. Congrats on finishing the t*shirt quilt! Great finish! I tend to ignore them too...

  5. Ah, t-shirt quilts. Loved by non-quilters ("what a great idea!") and not-so-loved by quiltmakers. Our March guild Zoom program was by Beth Sullivan who is a professional t-shirt quiltmaker. ( She gave great ideas for designing and for sewing not only t-shirts but also other fabrics for memory quilts. Her website gives a pricing breakdown which is very helpful.

  6. Nice finish on the t-shirt quilt! I like the layout of it - smaller blocks on top growing to larger on the bottom. T-shirt quilts are never our favorites to make, but they sure are loved by the recipients!

  7. Nice finish. I’ve never tackled a T-shirt quilt, and after watching my sister struggle through one for a friend’s grandson, I know that making one is NOT in the cards for me.

  8. Congratulations on a fabulous finish. The friendship stars add the perfect sparkle :-) T-shirt quilts are a lot of work with not much creative accomplishment for the maker. Hope you got paid.

  9. This is a fabulous finish. It would have been tricky sewing all those patches of T-shirts, wouldn't it? The customer would be delighted with her quilt.

  10. It looks like a pretty good sized T=shirt quilt. YOur yard is cute too for this time of year especially.


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