
Friday, March 19, 2021

No Finish But . . .

I did get the yellow squares cut out to put with the Chunky Churn Dash blocks.  Nothing sewn together yet but there are still 2 more sewing days before I do my next goal post!  (Hope springs eternal!) 

Hum, I see a few blocks I want to move around to better balance color but this is the basic plan.  Maybe it'll get done this weekend.

I've been pretty involved with reading books over the last week or so (which also might explain why I haven't finished a quilt yet.)  For some reason every half the books I had on hold started showing up -- about one every other day.  I love reading on my Kindle but there was no way I could keep up. I was able to skip my turn and not really lose my place in line for a couple of the books.  No doubt in two weeks or so they will start showing up again.  Sigh.  

This is a short post today.  I'm linking up to the weekend parties so take a look at these blogs to see what is going on! Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Alycia Quilts, and From Bolt to Beauty.  You know the drill -- check out what folks are making across the internet.  You can always add it to your someday-I'm-going-to-make list! 

Have you checked out Hands 2 Help 2021?  It's a great opportunity to make some quilts and give them to good causes.  Sarah has been doing this yearly since 2011.  She says nearly 3000 comfort quilts have been made and shared.  Do you want to join in this year?  If you sign up before the end of Sat., March 20th you'll be eligible for some prizes.  Click on my link on the right to get directly to the H2H page with all sorts of information. Hope you join in. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Love your header picture. This looks like a fun quilt to play with colors!

  2. I love this quilt Bonnie. It is so cheerful and perfect for spring time. Have a blessed weekend. Happy quilting

  3. Gosh it looks so great with the yellow!! Bright and hapy!

  4. Such a happy quilt!


  5. The Chunky Churn Dash blocks are so bright and fun! That yellow really sets them off. Sometimes you just need a break from the stitching to read a good book. I did that one night this week. I just needed the zone out time.


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