
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Monday Meandering 4 -12 - 2021

 It's been a wild week here.  We went shopping for groceries and spring plants.  I spent the rest of one day trying to dig holes for my small plants.  Yuck. Heavy clay soil and quite a few rocks.  But eventually all the plants got in the ground and are now looking happy.  Some sewing got accomplished.  But the big event was a road trip on Saturday.

One of my friends in Maryland is moving to New Mexico.  She was having a sale of quilting supplies she wasn't planning on taking with her.  She also was giving me an Accuquilt die.  And, I wanted to check out what she had for sale and free.  We drove through Washington, DC and almost up to Baltimore to visit and shop.  Here's the Jefferson Memorial.  Unfortunately, the cherry trees were past peak. I'm not sure these are  cherry trees but I think they are. We are crossing the Potomac River when I snapped this picture. It was a grey misty day.  

I failed to take any pictures with my friend.  We had a great visit and another friend was checking out the sale so I was able to visit with her too.  Since it took us over 2 hours to get up there we decided to visit the grands on the way back home.  

So we made two more stops -- one in Maryland to see Jenny and Brian, Sophie and Natalie.  We weren't there long as we had just seen them the week before.  We also drove a storage unit from my friends to Jenny for her sewing nook.  (It amazing when texting works so well!) 

Next stop was Kevin and Aimee and Ellie and Theo. And, Walter, the wild puppy.  We hadn't seen any of them since Christmas.  Walter is now a 10 month old wild puppy. And, once again, I didn't think to get pictures. Again, a fairly short visit but there was some hugging going on.  We left our house about 9:15 in the morning and got home just before 6 pm.  We were tired but I had a great time. 

On Thursday an order from Marshall Dry Goods came in.  Have you looked at their fabric?  Someone recommended it to me so I thought I would check them out.  Here's what I bought. You may have to click on the picture so it enlarges.  I bought 2 yards of two different white on whites and 4 yards of Weaver Wine.  Most of this fabric was $4.99 a yard.  One piece of the WOW was $4.49. Shipping was $7.00. I was highly skeptical about the fabric quality.  But, I was pleasantly surprised.  It will certainly work in my quilts.  The one issue is trying to match something you have with the online fabric. It doesn't work too well. 

The white was fine; the Weaver Wine is going to be fine but it's a big off from what I was trying to match it with.  But, it's going to be the back so I don't think it is a big issue.  (No, I am not compensated for my opinion.  I was just looking for a fairly decent fabric at a reasonable cost.)  I hope to buy more of the WOW in the next month or two.  I also think I can get basic go withs to have on hand rather than try to match fabric.  Oh yes, they also sell wholesale/bulk to anyone who wants to buy a 15 yard bolt.  At $2.45/yard or $36.75 for the bolt. Can you see where my brain is going here?  They have a limited number of brand name fabrics at around $7.00 a yard.  I don't keep up with the newest fabric too much but my guess is the brand name fabrics are probably older fabrics. 

That's all the excitement with me for the week so let's see how I did on my goals. GREAT, I got almost everyone totally finished. AMAZING! 


Cut and sew flowers & 9 patches ☑️ done

Make last R,W, & B Ohio Star blocks ☑️done, looking at borders

Put together 1 Happy Block Quilt from FCQ Equilter’s blocks picked and laid out blocks☑️

Quilt Customer’s Table Runner☑️ 

Work on doggy tumbler quilt ☑️thinking of borders

And this week.


Sew Happy Blocks together -- they were number 3 above.  These are from my last round receiving blocks from FCQ Equilters.  Altogether I think I have 73 blocks.  I'm going to be making all sorts of quilts from these.  One group of blocks were patriotic so hopefully I'll get at least one adult size quilt from them.  I was surprised how many orange blocks arrived.  But they help brighten the top up nicely. These are 10" blocks (maybe they'll be trimmed to 9.75" so this quilt will be close to 40 x 40".  I may make it bigger after I check the quilt size criteria for where I'll probably be giving them..) 

Border Doggy Tumbler quilt

Make new easy quilt

Quilt and bind one of my quilts

Work on April table runner 

Oh yes, one other issue with out road trip.  As many know I am still a member of the Maryland guild, Faithful Circle Quilters.  They do an amazing job with charity work.  I usually bring quilts to donate to retreats or when I come to classes.  Unfortunately since Covid I haven't been up nor seen any friends who could take these up since well forever or so it seems.  So I took 2 quilts up to donate.  But one was the quilt I hadn't even taken pictures of yet!  So off it went without a photograph.  So here are locations you can see it in process. Nov, 2019 here and here.  And the finished top here. 

I'm looking forward to doing some surfing this week.  I'm hoping I can get all my goals done and possibly more.  Here are the links for the parties this week: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday.  (I forgot to come back on Tuesday to link up with To Do Tuesday last hopefully I'll remember it this week.)  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 

PS We saw lots of beautiful redbuds and a few forsythias blooming on our drive north.  Trees here are starting to leaf out.  The cherry tree has lost all the flowers and is turning green.  Spring is definitely here! Hopefully it won't rush into summer too fast. 



  1. busy weekend ! thanks for the marshall's review...i need a couple of batts and some muslin so will try them out....hope you will post what you got at the sale!

  2. You got a lot done! And only one die from the moving sale, but no fabric? Fortitude!

  3. You just got me into trouble with the Marshalls site!!!! But I can say that all that I bought is basics and most of them will be worked into some projects on the wish list and with fabric coming in--we will see!!!
    If I get hungry I will just have to stop in at your place for vittles--oh way where is it you live!!!!!!!!!!lol
    luv, di

  4. Love this newsy post! You had a busy weekend. I’m glad you were able to see friends, drop off donation quilts, hug grandchildren, and visit with your kids. I’ll check out the Marshall’s site. Thanks for the link.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.