
Friday, April 16, 2021

A Finished Top

Does it count as a finish if it is just a top that's done?  Yep, I think it does. Here are the two three best things about this top.  First, it's a free pattern from Elizabeth Hartman. Second, it was really fast! And finally, my friend Sharon and I decided to each make this quilt and also chat via FaceTime.  Here's my version. (I'll get a picture of hers to share later.) 

I actually hadn't sewn it together yet in this picture so you'll have to use your imagination. I trimmed the grey pieces to fit and made sure I lined everything up carefully. Part of the reason this is such a fast quilt is it uses charm squares. I added some blender fabrics cut to the required size.   

Every once and a while things really come together. Yep, it did with this little quilt.  I have had a piece of flannel with a little monkey dressed as an astronaught on a light turquoise background. It's perfect for these space themed charms.  Hopefully it's going on Ruthie, the long arm, this week--probably Saturday. 

To say that I had a LOT of these charm squares is an understatement.  I still have some left. (And, frankly, I am good and tired of them.) The leftovers are being put away for a later project.  Here are some links to see some of these charms in the Mendota quilt (before quilting,) and in three finished happy block quilts --  yellow,  light turquoise, and teal versions. The happy blocks were made for triplets whose family lost their home in the horrible fires in Washington state last year. (Happy block pattern can be found on I've probably made more Happy Blocks for Charms quilts more any other quilt.

The other fun event was receiving this cute backing fabric for a quilt my daughter asked me to quilt a few weeks ago.  She purchased this wide back from Connecting Threads and had it sent to me.  The quilt is a lot of kitty blocks.  It's going to be given to her daughter's teacher at the end of the year. I'll share pictures in a couple of weeks after I get it quilted. 

Sorry I don't have a picture of Sharon's charm block quilt to share.  Hers used a completely different style charm pack. I'll ask for one and show it later.  I'm now wondering if I could use the same concept and make 4" blocks in place of the charm squares?  Hum, do I even want to think of making a lot of 4" blocks? Yes, I would have to change it up just a little but . . . I just made this garlic knot using 1.5" squares.  It would be nice to make a dent in my 1.5" squares or even the 2" ones... just saying. 

On to the linky parties: Midweek Makers, Needle and Thread Thursday, Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop?, Finished or Not Friday, and Beauties Parade.  Wow, lots of places to link up.  I hope you have some fun surfing through all these linky parties.  There's always something wonderful to see!  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Such sweet strips already to sew into a cheerful quilt, Bonnie and darling cat fabric. I think I see a Garlic Knot block in my future after seeing yours. Lol. Happy quilting.

  2. make a dent? rofl.....surely you jest!

  3. The colors are so bright and cheerful in your charm quilt! Sure to make a child very happy :)

  4. I love your finished top, bright and beautiful! The kitties backing is cute!

  5. YES!! It is a finish even if its not a complete finish!! ( its a stage!!) and too cute! That cat fabric is adorable!

  6. Very fun and bright! Congrats on an almost finished quilt top!

  7. Kitty fabric - so fun!!
    I cannot believe you really save and sew 1 1/2" squares! That makes your little red and black block all the more beautiful!


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