
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Monday Meandering 4 - 19 - 2021

Monday is a good day to evaluate what got done last week and to decide what to do during this coming week.  Unfortunately my evaluation for last week would be, at best, a C if we were talking grades.  

Let's look at what I said I wanted to do. (I really did want to do them but even amid great plans sometimes things happen that mess up the plan.)


 1) Sew Happy Blocks together Looked at them, laid one out but no sewing...

 2) Border Doggy Tumbler Didn't even look at this one! 

 3) Make new easy quiltMade a new one (photo to come ) and

 4) Quilt and bind one of my quilts✅ Quilted it, binding to come

 5) Work on April table runner Planned a little of it! I know what I want to do I just need to do it.  

So, yea, not a whole lot got done on the list. Hold on, there is a reason not as much got done from the list. I was asked to quilt a patriotic quilt for a veteran.  (I'm saying it that way because the Virginia Star Quilters give quilts to veterans through various organizations. I'm not sure which group is getting this one.)  I was told to pick a design that was easy and loose.  I picked a nice pattern with stars and some flourishes.  Except it wasn't nice and easy.  It took forever to stitch across the quilt. Ruthie didn't like working on it and gave me fits.  It took a couple of days but it is done. I need to take some pictures to share and give it back to the guild.  I made a note not to use that pattern again.  I own several really nice, easy patterns to use on quilts for vets. 

Here's my plan for this coming week. 


 1) Make April table runner

 2) Bind Space Charms quilt

 3) Finish making R, W, B blocks, start sewing together 

That's a shorter list than normal but making the table runner may take up all the time. I would like to get it done before Sat. 4/24 but my guess is it will be the following week. Time will tell. 

See number 3 above?  Here's what I've done on that one so far...

I made the four patches ages ago. Back then I did pick out a pattern to try to make but I was making changes. (The block is a 4.5" square and a 4 patch with a 4 patch and a 4.5" square underneath.)  First my 4 patches used 2.5" squares instead of 3.5" squares. I used multiple prints for the reds, blues and white 4 patches. I was "supposedly" making all the blocks the same.  Except, when I picked up working on this project after a couple of weeks off I was messing up sewing the 
initial blocks together.  After ripping and sewing and a little more ripping, I made a color copy of the quilt pattern to lay out the blocks. It is not an easy job. I may cut the picture of the rows apart and put one next to each row. I've still got 4 rows left. The pattern called for 3 differing blocks but I think I can do a nice quilt with the one block.  I'll keep you posted. 

I had a lovely day in Richmond today attending the Virginians Drive In Rehearsal.  The Virginians are a barbershop chorus to which Pat belongs.  Every other week a group of members meet at a church parking lot and sing from their cars using microphones and a radio set up that gives them the sound of the group singing in real time.  It was pretty cool.  It was such a nice day many of the folks stood outside to sing. I chose to sit in the car and truth be told I was singing along for most of the time.  I didn't get very far on the book I'd planned to read. We took the slow way home and stopped at a favorite barbecue place on the way back. 

It's time to link up to the terrific parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. Take some time to go "surfing."  It gets me into trouble all the time.  (i.e. I'll be buying a cool pattern I saw on a blog last week.) 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Your quilt is looking really great. It's going to be very striking.
    Good luck with your weeks sewing challenge.

  2. An easy quilt design is positively therapeutic! (But I understand how the orientation can flip and not be noticed until after the seams are sewn.) How nice to get to a choral concert in person again.

  3. Bonnie,
    The choral concert siunds great and your red, white, and blue quilt is beautiful. Sounds like you have a good plan for this week ahead. Hugs, Judy

  4. Your r, w, and b design is really neat! 4 patches combined with squares always look great. I have a bunch of blocks made like that and need to sew them into a top. Your day with the barbershop singers sounds so fun! What a creative way for them to sing together!

  5. Sounds like forward and back, sideways and all-around with fabric and thread for your week! I like your RWB layout of blocks.

  6. It’s wonderful how resourceful people have become during the pandemic. The choir rehearsal is a great example. Your RWB quilt blocks are fabulous: I like the setting.

  7. love the rwb quilt and kudos for sticking with the other quilt to completion!

  8. You definitely had a super good excuse to not get everything on your list done!!! But, you tried!!! I hope this week goes more smoothly for you!!!
    Loved hearing about the choir practice! Sounds fantastic!

  9. Some weeks are like that, but you will get to those things left undone!

  10. gee bonnie i think you get a lot done....pretty RWB...

  11. How neat that Pat's group can rehearse like that! I'll bet it was fun to listen to. The blues in your r/w/b piece are so vibrant :)

  12. Such a pretty patriotic top you are working on Bonnie. I am in the mood for red , white and blue quilting too. Hope you have a very productive week. I always love reading your to do list . Happy quilting.

  13. Love anything in patriotic colors. Will be watching for the finish and maybe it'll be in time for the 4th?

  14. Cool layout for simple blocks, your RWB quilt will be beautiful, Bonnie.

  15. Sometimes you have to abandon the plan when something more critical comes up. Sorry the QOV gave you such fits, still its done and you still made some progress on your list. Love the blue background for your RWB blocks. Happy stitching this week and good luck with your to dos.

  16. A C is still better than an F. Your quilt is so pretty!


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