
Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday Meanderings 7 - 12 - 2021

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date.  No, I'm not the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland but I am definitely later than usual for my normal Monday blog post.  My excuse?  Um, er, I was reading and didn't want to stop. I haven't got much to show you either.  

First up is the set of string blocks I mailed out to my friend in FCQ Equilters.  It was so much fun to make these blocks.  I guess I got a little carried away... 20 went out in the mail.  I'm thinking I'd like to make more but I've got so much to do before I can even consider something new. 

Next is reviewing my goals for last week and listing what I want to work on this week. 


Load ✅ and quilt one quilt (maybe two!) 

Knit on baby blanket

Continue cutting and making Positivity blocks

Finish new small quilt, find backing fabric -- didn't do much on this one.

Make a few Ombré log cabin blocks  

I didn't get the top quilted because of technical difficulties -- the computer wasn't talking to the long arm.  This afternoon I tried once more before I planned to call the manufacturer for help.  Well, you guessed it -- it quilted the whole quilt with no problems.  So as of now one quilt is done. Refer to issue about about reading for why I didn't get every thing listed done. 

Here's this week's plan.


Sew Positivity blocks together (and make the last 9 blocks)

Make a few Ombre log cabin blocks 

Quilt another quilt

Cut out customer’s quilt
Knit on baby blanket 

Not as productive as some weeks.  I did get my stash busting statistics done for June. Not as good as I had hoped but not that bad either. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out Month

Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







I brought in 3/8th of a yard more than I used.  Not bad at all! 

I mentioned I was reading a lot recently.  In the last five days I've finished 5 books.  The one I read today is called The Girl in His Shadow by Audrey Blake. This book grabbed my interest from the start to the finish.  It is not for everyone. "An exquisitely detailed journey through the harrowing field of medicine in mid-19th century London." by Tracey Enerson Wood, USA Today bestselling author. I do not know if Nann who blogs at With Strings Attached recommended it or if I noticed it on the new books page. The story line is mixed in with details  of information about medicine in the 1840s so if you are squeamish it might not be a good choice.  But if historical details fascinate you this is good historical fiction.  The medical information is accurate to the time period.  

Time for me to get on to the next book I've started.  (Honestly, I hope it isn't as good so I will actually quit reading and do some sewing!) 

Please take a look at my normal linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. Enjoy the surf! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. It's so fun sometimes to just immerse into a book and forget about everything else. I have been reading a lot of books based on the Amish. A friend has a daughter in the library system and someone had dropped off a bunch of these books and the library didn't need them so she passed them on!

  2. something about summer and books go together! i love your string blocks...never saw a string quilt i didn't like...

  3. Good job on the string blocks. I’m glad Ruthie behaved enough for you to do some quilting. I’ve been listening to books like crazy - finishing one every three days and doing little else.

  4. The string blocks are so bright and cheerful. Never made any, but definitely on my bucket list (that becomes longer and longer!). I can't imagine a day without reading. I'm currently reading JoJo Moyes; Sheltering Rain.

  5. It is so hard to put down a good book sometimes. Isn't it? Happy Tuesday, Bonnie. Your string blocks looks so cheerful and pretty. Sounds like a busy week . Have a blessed day and happy quilting.

  6. I am way behind too, I ran off to Canmore to see Mountains! It was amazing!
    So no sewing or writing, just enjoying the views and the mountain atmosphere.
    Hiked up a canyon and saw mountain sheep. Tonight I will get back to everything after the home chores are done. Now we are cleaning the garage!

  7. Sometimes we just need to follow our hearts! Cute blocks. Good luck with your goals and thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!


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