
Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday Meanderings 7 - 5 - 2021

Good Morning All! 

Not much to share today.  Here's the completed goal list.  Everything got marked off.  But most of it is repeats of ongoing activities. Always happy to move along projects though. 


Finish sewing binding on remade log cabin

Continue cutting and making Positivity blocks

Make a few Ombré log cabin blocks

Cut out and begin sewing a new small quilt

And here's what I'll be working on this week.


Load and quilt one quilt (maybe two!) 

Knitting on baby blanket 

Continue cutting and making Positivity blocks

Finish new small quilt, find backing fabric 

Make a few Ombré log cabin blocks 

Did you notice knitting on the baby blanket?  Nobody I know is having a baby so it isn't a gift.  I have a lot of yarn that I'd like to move out of the house and this is one way I can do it.  I will be donating the finished blanket to a group that passes them on to people who need them.  It's a win-win to me.  I use up some yarn and someone gets a pretty baby blanket.  This one is turquoise.  I had made myself a sweater in the 80's when we lived in Pennsylvania.  Out next location was Georgia.  Nope, didn't need a sweater there very often.  So I unraveled the sweater and have kept the balls of yarn for years.  I figure a baby blanket would be great to make out of it.  So I've been slowly knitting on it.  

One thing I did do this week was relist all the tops I have that are ready to be quilted.  Then I also figured out how much backing fabric I would need.  Here's my worksheet. You can enlarge it if you want to read the nitty gritty.  I will update my spread sheet with this info.  And print it out to have it handy at the desk I use with my long arm.  

Then I checked which tops would work with patriotic fabric.  JoAnns had patriotic fabric on sale for 50% off over the weekend.  I took a list of 5 or so tops but decided not to buy that many backings.  I feel that many of JoAnns fabrics have improved over the years but they still have some "stiff" fabric. You know, the ones that don't drape or flow?  I've bought some over the years thinking they would soften up in the wash -- nope didn't really do that after a few washings.  I made sure I bought fabric that would be cozy and drape nicely.  Here's what I got: 

Do you see the little yellow tape measure on the bottom of the dark blue one? Enlarge the photo to get a better view. That selvedge is 1.5" wide.  GRRR! In the past the selvedges have been an inch wide and I had to buy more to be able to fit the top on the backing. I sure hope this  isn't the new trend. I've bought this fabric before but I don't remember the wide selvedge. Rant, rant! 

Here's my linky party list. Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday.  (hanging my head -- I've not done a great job going back to link all of my list.  Today being Monday I'll get the first 3 done and hope I remember Tuesday's blog! Finally did it Friday night!) 

Have fun surfing the web.  You can get a ton of ideas for your next project! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Great job on meeting your goals last week and looks like another busy week ahead. I hope you have a lot of fun knitting up a blankie to use up the yarn. Have a wonderful week.

  2. What weight yarn are you using for the baby blanket? Great to make a list of flimsy's that need the backs for shopping! I have that same fabric but mine doesn't have that wide selvedge. I agree you have to watch their fabrics, I did just buy a red patriotic one that was pretty stiff. Just washed it and it is still stiffer, but I am going to use it for wall hangings so it won't matter as much.

  3. I made a list of unquilted tops too. I ordered wide backs from Whittles(?) but certainly not enough for all of them. I think enough for 4 or 5. I did finish 4 quilts. No long arm here so I’m not too fast. It’s so easy to put them aside and start a new project.

  4. That's some list, Bonnie! Best of luck on working your way through it.

  5. I have the red fabric with stars in my stash. There is a similar one with a blue background. Yikes that is a wide selvedge! I haven’t seen any that wide, but I need to be more observant when I purchase backing fabric.

  6. Hi Bonnie, following your lead, I made a list of my projects that need backings and quilting. I have 9 which didn't surprise me. But it surprised me two I'd forgotten about. Yikes! Meanwhile, good luck with yours. I've never seen selvedge that wide either.

  7. Bonnie, must we get rid of the selvedge? I let them be on my scrap quilts or on the back. Getting a ton of ideas - now that is what I need to trim :-) Most definitely.

  8. Congrats on all the check mark on last week's list. Hope this week has been as good. It's good to go back and look at what you've got that's close to a finish. I'm trying to use up older fabrics on my backings rather than buying new. I've got some beautiful fabrics that just haven't made it into a quilt top. Happy stitching this weekend.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.