
Sunday, September 12, 2021

Monday Meanderings 9 - 13 - 2021

First up -- August stashbusting statistics.  Oh yes! There was some stashbusting going on during August. Here are the details. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







Wide backs are now added or subtracted by total width x total height divided by 1440.  I figured a “normal” yard of fabric was appx 1440 sq inches and have been using that for years.  (36” long by 40” wide equals 1440 square inches. 7/21)

I was strong and didn't buy any fabric in August.  And, the Verdant Serenity quilt used a whole bunch of fabric. My total out has surpassed June's 23.5 yards.  Not much but moving in the right direction again. (True confession -- I've already bought 5 or 6 yards but each has a definite purpose.) 

I'm pleased with my goal success.  Not 100% due to mechanical difficulties with Ruthie.  I'll be calling the Grace Co about these issues of the computer not "talking" with the long arm.  I think by buying new ethernet cables I'll get her to work again. (I sure hope so!) 

Here's the list from last week:


Finish tumbler quilt in progress on Ruthie

Finish cutting out pieces for Sawtooth Star blocks 

Work on Ombre and RSC blocks 

Start cutting out Economy blocks for retreat

I have a good start on making kits for the retreat in a little over two weeks. I finished the Sawtooth Stars blocks and have a start on the Economy blocks.  I've been picking floral fabrics to make these blocks.  The two outside blocks shown below are Simple Abundance from Bonnie and Camille for Moda. I have several more pieces from that line. Maybe I'll pull out all of the pieces of Simple Abundance to see if they would make a decent size quilt. (Which means the other blocks may become another whole quilt....) 

I haven't decided how big this is going to be maybe set 5 x 6 -- 30 blocks.  Or maybe bigger. In the long run the size may be dependent on the Simple Abundance I have or whether I'm mixing other fabrics in.   I'm going to wait to get the blocks made to see if I need to sash it.  My guess is it will help. There's a lot more to be done to make this a kit for retreat! 

Here's this week's Goals List.


Start Table Scrap Challenge runner 

Finish cutting out Economy blocks for retreat

Make 2 blocks for a UFO. Plan sashing 

Make a couple of walker bags 

Call the Grace Co. about cables

Do you decorate with your quilts?  I've been hanging quilts as artwork around my house for 15 to 20 years.  My husband makes beautiful wooden quilt hangers for the walls. We switch out the quilts every few months.  Sometimes the quilts relate to upcoming holidays, sometimes not.  

He also made me a wooden "ladder" to show off several quilts at a time.  Here's the ladder decked out with a lot of the table runners I've made over the years.  Several are from the Table Scraps Challenge this year.  This stands in the corner of our dining room. 

Sometime in the future I will take a picture of the quilt rack he made.  It is in the guest bedroom and has bigger quilts on it.   

Have you seen all the great quilts folks are working on these days? I'm linking up to Oh Scrap, Monday Makings, Design Wall Monday and To Do Tuesday.  Take some time to check these linky parties out. 

That's it for me today.  I'm ready to read a bit and go to bed! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Happy Monday, Bonnie. Well you certainly had more will power this past month than me on buying fabric . Lol. Your stats look great for August. Your Economy blocks are looking great. Such pretty fabrics. Looks like another busy week for you. Oh yes. I love to decorate with quilts .I have them tucked here , there and everywhere. Such a pretty quilt ladder your hubby made. You are one lucky lady. Have a blessed and wonderful week, my dear and happy quilting.

  2. wow lots of pretties to show and good stashbusting progress!

  3. I love that you showed several of your runners on the ladder! I had hubby make me a couple of those too and I love them.

  4. Such a funny name for such pretty blocks - Economy? Love your quilt ladder, and your quilts look beautiful on there. Hubs asked me the other day if I'd like for him to make one. He made a quilt display rack a couple years ago but it only holds one or two, so I think I'll say yes to the ladder!

  5. Pat did a great job on the quilt ladder: it’s perfect for displaying the table runners you’ve made.

  6. Hi Bonnie,
    You are to be commended on your restraint in resisting buying new fabric. It is tough. I went to a fabric store this past week to buy 1/2 yard of fabric to make binding for a finished quikt top, and I had to put my head down and not look around at any other fabrics. But I did it. It’s nice to know you are on the “use up your stash” train with me. Thanks for joining the Design Wall Mondays linky party. Hugs, Judy


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