
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Monday Meanderings 9 - 20 - 2021

Did you have a great week last week?  Get a lot of quilting done and the like?  I did too but it seemed to be a slow week for me. I was successful with my goals so let's take a look at them.

UFO -- Roman Stripes 

Make Table Scrap Challenge runner — cut & laid out. 

Finish cutting out Economy blocks for retreat — finished &bagged for retreat.

Work on UFO blocks (need 2 more) Plan sashing — Trimmed blocks, made 3,  ready to sew together.  This pattern is called Roman Stripes. 

Make a couple of walker bags — Made 3 and turned into the guild (oops no pictures!)

Contact Grace Co. — Ordered new cables and small circuit board.

Here's what's up for this coming week.  It isn't a very long list because as soon as the parts for Ruthie come in I'll start catching up on my quilting.


Finish orange table runner

Sew blocks together & start sashing UFO Roman Stripes 

If parts arrive, fix Ruthie & finish quilt on Ruthie

Put border on curved 9 patch

Last month I was really good and didn't buy any fabric.  This month I'm going crazy buying fabric and winning fabric.  I won a prize from the Positivity Quilt Along.  I received a squishy in the mail holding these beautiful fabrics. Whoop! Whoop! There were 7 fat quarters and a yard of the burgundy.  I need to start looking for fat quarter friendly patterns so I can make something special from them. 

Did you know Saturday, Sept. 18 was Jelly Roll Day?  I didn't either.  But I did read about it on Facebook.  There was also a link to some jelly roll friendly patterns.  Check them out here.  There are 15 different patterns -- one is probably going to call your name! I shared with my friend Sharon and she's planning on bringing instructions and a jelly roll to the retreat in less than 2 weeks. It's always nice to have a backup project just in case. 

  • I'm linking with my regular parties. Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. (Ok, I've not been too successful on linking up on Tuesdays. I'll really try hard this week.) Join me in surfing the web.  There are lots of things to see out there.

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I'm pleased you managed to reach your goals with 5 being ticked off...
    Your blog headed photo is gOrgeOus too by the way...xox

  2. You did great on your goals. I LOVE the Roman Stripes! Lovely fabrics you won - yay!

  3. I do the same with fabric - I can not buy and then I start buying - thanks for the jelly roll ideas

  4. You did have a good week. I finished up a few more table runners. I heard about jelly roll day, but I did not start one. I have one picked out to do this winter from Villa Rosa.

  5. Fun wins, Bonnie! My favorite FQ friendly quilt pattern is MEADOWLAND!!! Love the jelly roll patterns! I found a couple that I'd really love to make!

  6. Wow, great job on your goals! I got quite a bit accomplished at retreat last week. I worked on all four kits that I’d prepared. I don’t purchase precuts, but I do have scraps that could equal a jelly roll. I’ll check out the link.

  7. Congratulations on your win, Bonnie. Those are some beautiful fabrics. I am sure you will figure out a way to put them to good use :-)

  8. LOVE those Roman Stripe blocks, Bonnie! I see tasks for your September 2021 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge are checked off your list. Perfect timing, since the Link Party is coming up this weekend!!

  9. Thanks for linking to To Do Tuesday! I enjoyed reading your post again. :D

  10. Your string blocks are pretty. The white strip in the middle gives them so much structure. I like them a lot. Hugs, Judy

  11. Lots of check marks for last week. Hopefully you've got Ruthie up and purring again so you can make progress on this week's list. Happy stitching!


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