
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Monday Meanderings 12 - 27 - 2021

How about a post event Merry Christmas?  I failed to get a Friday blog posted.  So I'm hoping you had a wonderful day on Saturday.  Here are the four ornaments I made for my grand kids. 

I took these photos of the ornaments on my tree.  Notice  the little Santa  ornament up on the right. I'm pretty sure that ornament is from my family tree when I was very young.  I'm guessing the green pine cone was from a later time but still from when I was living with my parents.  Sophie loves blue so I always try to make her ornament with blue. The rest of the kids got red work. 

I should have moved the red and white ornament on the right so it showed more.  I bought that when we lived in Georgian in the late 80's and early 90's.  It is a Santa made on a dried okra.  I like to have unusual or handmade ornaments on our Christmas tree. 

We drove up to our daughter and son-in-law's house for Christmas Day.  Wonders of wonders -- the traffic on I 95 was moving at or above the speed limit going and coming.  The trip took the normal hour and 15 minutes.  It made a great start to our day.  And we were very happy it was an easy drive home. Truth told, I fell asleep!

We had a lovely day.  We opened presents. I played a game with the grands. (I will never play a game on the floor again.  Yikes, I just don't move that well any more!) We ate a terrific dinner cooked by Brian with desserts made by Jenny and Sophie.  Overall we had a wonderful time with Jenny and her family.  

We've had Cassie, our son's dog since last Monday.  They went to Tennessee to be with Aimee's family.  We haven't figured out when we'll do the dog swap and the presents swap yet but hopefully this week. Heck, they aren't sure when they are coming home! 

The goal list didn't get everything check off this past week.  On the other hand, I did finish a couple of books which I enjoyed. Here's how I did on that goals list. 


Wrap Christmas presents 

Finish grand’s ornaments 

Finish winter wall hanging — haven’t finished yet but I've decided what to do! 

Make new UFO list — in works  

Have a wonderful family Christmas 

And this week --- 


Finish new UFO list 

Pick 12 UFOs to focus on this year 

Finish quilting and bind the Peppermint Bunny top

Quilt and bind another top 

Work on more ombre log cabin blocks 

Work on Winter Wall hanging 

Here's the fat quarters I was gifted from Jen's family.  They were personally curated by Brian.  I was absolutely tickled with them.  I am now trying to figure out how I will use some of them in their own quilt.  Didn't he do a terrific job? 

Here's my Monday linky parties.  I hope you can take some time to go to some of them and surf the many blogs that will be linking up at the parties.

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday

Have you been making goals or quilting plans for the 2022?  I decided I'm going to participate in a UFO challenge where every month we finish a UFO.  I also want to start and finish 2 quilts that I bought the patterns and/or fabric for a while.  It's time to get them started and finished this year. This may be the year to make some year long goals.  I would like to clear out some of the UFOs I have although some I'm just never going to make.  Do you make year long goals?  Are they written or stored in your brain?  How do you follow through to make sure you finish those goals?   Let me know in your comments.   

Happy Quilting All,  Bonnie 




  1. adorable ornies for the grands...and gorgeous FQs for you! a delectable selection indeed....

  2. I have a general idea of what I will be making in 2022 but I think I will mainly be sticking with the RSC group for color each month - i really enjoyed doing that the last two years and really stuck with it and found it an easy way to stick with finishing and not starting too many each year

  3. Love the cute stocking ornaments. I stopped making goals a long time ago, that way I don't get disappointed!!

  4. One of the joys is bringing out old favorite ornaments and remembering the stories behind them. Glad you had a wonderful day -- with fat quarters to boot! I'm contemplating my goals for 2022, as well.

  5. Wooow, love those ornaments for the grands, Bonnie!!! Soo special!!! I'm glad to see you check off the have a wonderful family Christmas!!!

  6. It snowed most of Christmas Day, so I worked on a puzzle and watched the flakes piling up. I don’t make a formal list of goals, but I do plan to make as many QOV as I possibly can. I don’t have any UFOs to speak of, but I do want to use the bits in my scrap bins. The ornaments are wonderful, and I know they are appreciated.

  7. Your ornaments are so precious. I am sure the grandkids loved them too. I remember the okra Santas sold at craft fairs. I made a few back in the day too. Sounds like you are gearing up for 2022. I look forward to see all that you accomplish in the upcoming year, Bonnie. Happy quilting.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful time!
    Your FQ's are lovely!!

  9. Love your Christmas ornaments! So pretty!
    As for planning for 2022 ... I do my own PHD in 2022 - where I have to finish at least 12 UFOs and I MUST finish every. single. quilt. I start in 2022 (so the UFO list does not increase!)
    Happy Quilting! Quilting Gail

  10. You made pretty felt ornaments for the grand kids, love each one of them as your precious family ornaments carried with so many memories.
    Beautitul fat quarter.
    Happy New Year, Bonnie.

  11. Those ornaments are adorable! What a great job Brian did on his selection! Yes, I’ve got a quilt in the works, another cut out and the rest on the chopping block! Happy New Year!

  12. Gosh Bonnie those felt ornaments are adorable! Yes Brian did a great job on the FQs, I'm impressed. Glad you had a good holiday and light traffic. I hear you on getting on the floor - ugh. I'm still mulling my goals for the year, but I did decide yesterday not to participate in a monthly challenge I had planned on doing. I used to write out the goals and do a post, but I think this year they will be in my head, where they'll probably be forgotten - lol!
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!


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