
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Monday Meandering 1 - 3 - 2022

Happy New Years!  Did you stay up and watch a ball drop?  I was sound asleep by the time the year changed. Oops - not much of a partier.

I had several great days of sewing last week. Let's look at last week's goals list to see all I got done.


Finish new UFO list — kind of done but need to move to computer

Pick 12 UFOs to focus on this year 

Finish quilting & bind the Peppermint Bunny top

Quilt and bind another top - Winter Animals & Snowmen. I had hoped to do another one but that didn't happen.

Work on more ombre log cabin blocks 

Work on Winter Wall hanging -- finished (see above!) 

Hand written UFO list. Still needs to be
put on computer. And yes it continues
on the back side and another sheet of paper. 

For the UFO Challenge, number 12 was picked to be worked on in January.  For me that means the sail boat quilt.  When I started today there were 12 snowball blocks with the red and yellow sail boats. I had leftover ocean-related fabrics that I picked up on a give away table at a guild meeting.  I'm going to make 12 more snowball blocks with the tossed lighthouses.    

So far I'm planning to make a fairly small quilt with the snowballs and then add some borders to enlarge.  I might decided to sash the blocks to make the quilt a bit bigger.  These are 6" finished blocks. I would like to incorporate these bigger light houses into the quilt -- maybe at the top or the bottom. Unfortunately I have only two pieces that are at most 15" wide.  I'm going to have to be creative to include these.  I can see them at either the top or the bottom of snowballs. Time will tell. 

I've cut another 12 blocks of the ombre log cabin blocks.  I made several of them while I was making my snowball blocks.  Who said leader/enders have to be a far distance project?

Here's a sneak peak of one of the snowmen in the Winter Animals & Snowmen wall hanging.  I've still got a few more eyes to sew on before it will be hung above the fireplace this winter. 

This project has been in the works for a long time.  The blocks are all paper pieced and may I say, I'm not a fan of paper piecing any more.  It took about 3 years to get the blocks done and after a little more hibernating I finished the top. It was quilted this week before the end of December so it is my last quilt of December. 

Here's what I plan to work on this week.  Several items are continuing what I've been working on but there are a few new items. 


Work on January UFO 

Make more ombre blocks

Start first round of SAHRR

Cut out Looking Glass quilt

Update Accuquilt Go dies online*

*I'm a fan of Go dies and have bought quite a few over the past year.  One of the things Accuquilt provides is a place to list all your dies.  I kept up through Christmas last year when I got several dies.  But nothing I bought this year has been entered.  And believe me with several really good sales (including the preChristmas push) I have bought several many new ones. I will be trying my new dies this year even if I only make a sample block.  

We had a wonderful weather on New Years Day.  It was in the low 70s.  This is winter in the Mid Atlantic?  Hum.... wait a day or two and it will change. 

Yep, there's a change in the weather coming.  We live approximately where the top, left side of the "m" in Richmond is.  Notice that is included in the 8" or so of snow tomorrow.  GOOD GRIEF -- it was just 70. Maybe we'll be lucky and the snow won't stick -- the ground isn't that cold.  Never fear -- I have a lot of piecing or quilting projects I can work on.  Plus about 4 books I had on reserve have become available for my Kindle in the last few days.  I'll be well entertained if we do get 8" of snow! 

A quick update at noon on Monday: 
Yep the snow came.  And, I bet we do get 8" at least.  This is the view outside my double doors in the studio. Looking at the same scene now you can't see any steps to the left, just a continuous mound of snow. It's time for me to quit reading blogs and start working on one of my goals! 

I hope you can take some time to check out these linky parties. I always find so many wonderful ideas when I surf blogs listed on these parties.  Hum, I figure I'll relax with a nice cup of tea and see what's going on. 

That's it for tonight. (Yes, I call this a Monday post but I almost always do it on Sunday evening.)  I'll be back to link up when these parties go live. 

Here's to some hot tea, reading a good book and a bit of stitching while the weather outside is frightful!  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. hope you don't get the 8 inches of snow! My sister lives in Williamsburg and she didn't say anything about expecting snow - crazy how we had 70 something one day and then dropped to 27 by night and today hasn't even topped 30! up and down constantly. I have to update my accuquilt die page too - you mean where you register them right? I know not all of mine are there and I intend to use quite a few of them this year like I did last year. I didn't stay up and was sleeping by 11!!

  2. i like your winter animals civil war diary blocks are ALL paper pieced, lots of pieces....a challenge for sure

  3. Great job getting organized for the new year! Love those snowball blocks. I'll be interested in seeing how you incorporate the lighthouses. I hope you didn't get too much snow! They usually predict about twice as much as actually falls.

  4. You got more snow than we did! And here you are making snowball blocks . . . art imitating life? Have fun with the lighthouses.

  5. Our foretasted 8 inches of snow didn't come (Only 3 inches at most). You are getting the leftovers of our snow. You mentioned the UFO list and #12 drawn. What group are you in that does this? I started my little quilt guild on this for the year and also drew #12 for January. PS: I found you thru Alycia's Mystery group.

  6. Cute snowman block. I’ve only done a bit of paper-piecing: I found it much too tedious. Snowy days make good sewing days, so just watch the white stuff fall as you work in your studio.

  7. Oh that snowman- just too cute, Bonnie! We had a dusting of snow, but it was gone by morning. Have a very lovely week, my dear and happy quilting.

  8. oh my! such a change in weather! and I was a little put out with the measly 4 inches we got here in Michigan the other night! Congrats on getting the snowmen to the finishing stages...I'm not a fan of paper piecing either! Congrats also on staying focused on the UFO's and getting them to the finish line! Brava!!!

  9. I'm wondering how much snow you ended up with! The sailboat quilt looks like a fun one to work on - I like that border fabric, too. I think your paper-pieced blocks are adorable, but I know paper-piecing isn't for everyone!

  10. You will have fun with the snowballs blocks and your snowman looks really nice. Stay warm and let's quilt.

  11. Goodness Bonnie - that is a LOT of snow! I love the view out your studio. Where do the steps lead? I'm so impressed with your handwritten list. I love that you designated it as a "remembered" UFO list - haha! I've actually forgotten some of mine. Your sailboat quilt is going to be beautiful, and that fabric with the larger lighthouses is so pretty. Love the peek at your winter animals!
    Thank you for linking your snowy day with To Do Tuesday!

  12. Bonnie, when you make snowball blocks and snowman blocks, what else will happen but SNOW??? I have to say that the snow covers steps look like a multi tiered cake covered with frosting :-)

  13. We got the cold a good day ahead of you. It was snowing New Year's day here, but we just got a dusting, not 8". Congrats on all the check marks on last week's list. Hopefully you've made lots of progress on this week's list. Love the snowman, he's pretty cute.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.