
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Monday Meanderings 12 - 6 - 2021

I had a successful week this past seven days.  How do you determine quilting success?  I base part of my success on whether I've been able to get my goals list done along with moving other projects forward and participate in life activities.  

This weekend I was able to decorate the Christmas tree (standard size) and our mini tree.  But it didn't inhibit me getting everything on my To Do list done plus a little more. 

Here's the list and my results. 


Quilt and Bind small quilt of mine -- Done! Pictures coming later this week. 

Clear off design wall -- Mostly done. I should probably get some more papers cleared off too! 

Finish blocks for Ombre log cabin — Change of plan.  This quilt will be bigger than the size listed in the directions.  I’ll be making more blocks so it can be a big queen.  

Keep making string blocks -- Yep, I've finished several more. Luckily I cut all the paper backing before I started so when they're all used I'll know I'm  ready to start putting them together.

Start new quilt -- Definitely started.  Check out the picture below.

I took this picture to help me decide what fabric to use with these blocks.  The blocks of fall animal fabric with the orange surround are done.  Each block is suppose to be sashed and have setting stones of the orange. But I have no idea what fabric to use.  I really like the gold but I used it on the economy blocks shown here and I need to save the rest of it for the binding of that quilt.  

I have plenty of the brown fabric but I think it is overpowering.  I have a lot of the gray too.  Click on the picture to enlarge it.  What do you think?  I'll probably use the brown for the backing if the top doesn't get too big. What I didn't say is I'd like to use fabric from my stash and I don't use much brown. This design comes from Even More Quilts for Baby by Ursula Reikes although I'm making it with blocks set 3 x 4 instead for 2 by 3. Give me your thoughts I won't get back to it for a few days.  

Moving right along let's look at this week's goals. 


Update batting pieces Excel list

Make more ombre log cabin blocks

Quilt small quilt of mine (or maybe charity quilts) 

Work on winter wall hanging

Keep making string blocks  

That seems like a doable list. The winter wall hanging was started several years ago. I used Mary Hertel's designs in Sew Yourself a Merry Little Christmas to make the blocks.  I've got the sashing for it and would love to get it finished so I can use it this winter.  With polar bears, penguins and snow men it will be perfect to hang beginning in January.  I'm going to give it a try! 

I'm linking up with my favorite linky parties: 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday ** I remembered to link up last week -- on Thursday. 😕

Remember that I was listening to Go Tell the Bees that I have Gone last week? My library purchased another digital copy of the book and I was next in line* so I got it about Wednesday.  It showed up as 967 (or so) pages on my Kindle.  I was able to get some serious reading time in and I finished it in the wee hours Sunday morning.  I really enjoyed the story.  Diane Gabaldon does a great job with the historical part of the story.  I particularly liked this quote from Elizabeth Hand who wrote a review of the book for the "Washington Post": "One of the many things that Gabaldon does superbly is show how great events aren’t history to those who live through them but simply everyday life, with children to be fed, clothes to be mended, the dead to be buried." The only drawback of reading a digital copy of this book is the map and family trees are too small to actually read. If you are interested, I suggest starting at the beginning of the series.  Take your time and enjoy each book. I wonder how long it will take for the 10th and final book to come out?  * I've returned both the audio book and the digital book to the library so the next patrons can enjoy them. 

Happy Quilting (and reading) All!  Bonnie  



  1. This is a really cute project you are working on. Each fabric gives it a different look. I really like the gold too, but I understand the pickle you are in when you have a limited amount of fabric. I can not wait to see which fabric you choose. It will look spectacular with whatever you decide. Happy quilting.

  2. I rather like that brown for the sashing. But in person I might change my mind;)

  3. I love the brown for the front of the quilt - it really brings out the red/orange to me

  4. The brown fabric makes the blocks pop, in my humble opinion.

  5. Absolutely the brown. It highlights rather than overwhelms the features within the blocks. The gray seems to diminish everything.

    I finally figured out why that book title niggles: it was part of the first episode of Midsomer Murders.


  6. Wow you were very focused and productive!!! Have a great next week! Stay safe and sew on!

  7. I love the brown check!!! Not too overpowering with the sashing between the focus fabric and brown check.

  8. I like the brown! I think it makes the critters dance - lol! I agree with you on success in life - to achieve your goals and still participate in life activities. What is the excel list for batting pieces?
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.