
Saturday, December 4, 2021

There's a Finish Here

I have been skipping my end of week posts for several weeks.  But this week I took some pictures of a finish. 

This is a 3 yard quilt from Fabric Cafe. It is in the book Pretty Darn Quick 3-Yard Quilts by Donna Robertson. (check out the link to the book to see their version.) Isn't it amazing how different fabric choices changes the whole look of the quilt.  I'm a fan of Fabric Cafes books and patterns.  I've bought several books but haven't made a lot, yet.  You'll be seeing more in the future. And the back...

The quilting is Fern Gully -- one of my go to quilting designs. I love how it gives nice texture to the quilt but doesn't overpower the quilt.   I used the backing for the binding.  If you decide to try any of the 3 yard quilt patterns you might want to have a bit more fabric around than 1 yard of each.  I prefer my quilts to bound with doubled binding rather than single, which the books call for.  I was really squeezing this quilt out of the yardage I had in my stash.  One of the large blue squares was pieced so I had enough squares.  (That was on me for not quite having a yard of fabric!) I like using novelty fabrics like these dinosaurs.

I'm calling this blog done as I'm about 80% finished with the new Outlander book, Tell the Bees That I Am Gone and it's calling my name.  Monday I was at chapter 9. Now I'm on 130. (Remember, 155 chapters?)  The digital version I had on reserve came in mid week so unless I'm sewing (and listening) I'm reading.  I bet I'll be done by tomorrow. 

I'm linking up with the following parties: 

Hope you can spend some time surfing the web.  Try some of these linky parties for links to all sorts of quilty blogs. 

Last night I was pulling my hair out and yelling at Blogger because I couldn't upload my photos. At. All. I closed Safari, and restarted.  I tried to move photos from different locations.  I shut off, waited and restarted my computer.  Nothing worked.  I finally gave up and shut off the computer and went to bed. After lunch I tried again, Voila! My photos moved to Blogger as if nothing was ever wrong. PHEW!  I was worrying about never being able to upload a photo again.  I thought I would never be able to post another blog. I thought I might have to buy a new computer. Luckily, no sleep was lost worrying.  All was fine today.  Enjoy the pics and the read. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. another blogger said this morning that she couldn't load photos either - I finished the book yesterday morning - now maybe I can make some progress on quilts

  2. The quilt is adorable in those fabrics and colors. Blogger has its hiccups from time to time, and it’s frustrating. Sound like the book is a good one!

  3. Love the dinosaur quilt! Cute fabric, and such nice colors. Congratulations on a great finish.

  4. That dinosaur fabric is adorable. Congrats on the finish!

  5. I too have noticed once in a while blogger won't let me post photos, I just come back later and it works. Cute quilt with simple sewing is a win win!

  6. Cute quilt finish, Bonnie! I've heard others were having photo posting issues. Glad the problem was finally resolved!

  7. Great finish, Bonnie! You know I love the Fern Gully! As for single fold binding, I didn't know anyone did that anymore, except maybe on a quilt with curved edges. Give me double fold every day! And as for the photos not uploading, that's happened to me twice in the past. Next time try logging out of blogger and then log right back in. That works for me. Although sounds like something mysteriously worked for you--great!!!

  8. The dinosaur quilt is so pretty and love the Fern Gully quilting design. Have a very lovely week. Happy quilting.

  9. What a cute quilt. and the fabrics really make it shine!


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