
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Meandering Monday 1 - 24 - 2022

I'm happy to report that the snow storm that could have been last week didn't really increase our snow -- we did get some flurries and a lot of rain overnight.  And, it was cold for us.  A couple of days barely got out of the 20s.  It was 13 one morning when we went to work out.  Brr. There's still snow on the ground but it should be melted by mid week. And, fingers crossed, no more snow storms. 

On the other hand, it was too cold to spend time outdoors so I definitely spent a lot of time in the studio. Which means I was able to work on all of my goals.  Here's last week's list.


Do 2nd round of SAHRR in progress

Quilt and bind my Happy Block quilt top

Finish Sailboat top (January UFO) 

Make more ombre blocks 

Keep making Happy Blocks, Twirl blocks and Spider blocks 

Here's as far as I've gotten on the curves for the first round of the Stay At Home Round Robin. I seriously considered some drunkard paths but decided it would have been too big of an addition.  So I found my bias bars and picked the 1/4" one to make some bias strips to curve around the small navy border.  I've got one side hand sewn down.  I'll be getting the other side stitched down hopefully early this week while I contemplate what to do for the next round.  

I had decided not to continue making the Twirl blocks from the half hexagons.  Remember how the half block looked? You can see them on this post. Scroll down until you see the half block of Twirl.  I had decided not to finish the block. But my friend Beth suggested I move the colors around a bit. And, what a difference that made.  Here's my first almost finished block.  I think this is when the parts were just laid out. I got the block sewn together and it looks better.  I plan to cut out another block and see how it goes.  I'm using a variety of fat quarters so each block will be different. 

I thought I'd share one of my "off list" projects. I cut out this fun coffee fabric and go with fabric a week ago.  Then I started the sewing at some point this weekend.  Here's one of the blocks. Do you need sun glasses?  It's really bright. 

I've already started sewing the borders on.  I'll get it to top stage some time this week.  Then I'll be on the hunt for a backing fabric.  I never seem to have the right fabric for the backing.  By the way, it comes from one of Ursula Reikes' Quilts for Baby as Easy as ABC books published by Martingales. I ended up taking both these pictures at night so the lighting isn't as good as I'd hoped it would be.  

Here's what I'll be working on this week. Hopefully I'll get a second top quilted and bound this week along with some other projects moved forward or finished.  

Quilt & Bind Sailboat top (January UFO)
3rd round of SAHRR
Finish coffee top
Make more ombré blocks
Cut out baby quilt 

I'm linking with the following parties: 
As usual, I'll come back and link up to the parties that aren't available yet.  Please spend some time surfing blogs you can find at these sites. 

OOPS!  My brain was away last evening when I wrote and posted this entry.  Did you notice my mistake?  Today's blog became Meandering Monday instead of Monday Meandering.  Hopefully I'll remember the Monday title correctly next week! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Bright and bold kid quilt along with such a beautiful addition to your SAHRR!!

  2. Those citrus hues will certainly brighten a room!

  3. The border for the SAHRR looks great. Love those colors! Speaking of colors - Wow, the coffee quilt is bright AND cheerful.

  4. Happy Monday, Bonnie. You have some fabulous projects going on. I have a bias maker but have yet to figure out how to use it. Looking forward to seeing how your SAHRR comes along. It's a beauty. Happy quilting.

  5. I love your interpretation of the curve challenge for SAHRR. I am still trying to come up with an idea for mine.

  6. The bias strips are going to beautiful curving around your center block, Bonnie! Love the cute coffee quilt, too. Those are great blocks to feature a fun print!

  7. Lucky you missing the snow this last time. We weren't quite so lucky and now there is another storm brewing... probably not quite as bright as your coffee quilt though! I love how bright your quilt is.
    What a good idea to avoid piecing curves.

  8. Those bias curvy strips will set that off very well! Nice!

  9. Love your SAHRR! The twirl block is looking great. Love the bright baby quilt. We are anticipating a "wintry mix event" starting Wednesday. Here in Texas, even a couple inches of sleet makes a huge impact because we aren't used to it.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.