
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Monday Meanderings 1 - 31 - 2022

Well that month flew by!  And, I admit I've gotten a lot done or so it seems.  First up - my goal list for the past week. 


Quilt & Bind Sailboat top (January UFO) (click here to see it.) 

3rd 2nd round of SAHRR

Finish coffee top (click here to see it without the borders I put on this week.) 

Make more ombré blocks

Cut out baby quilt 

Surprisingly enough, I finished most of these early in the week.  The only one I really spent much time on Sunday was the 3rd 2nd round of SAHRR. Here's where the 3rd 2nd round has been left.  I will finish the side borders early this coming week and move on to the 3rd round. 

Because I had made so much progress on my goals I decided to pull out a UFO from last year.  I had made one Blazing Star block with an Accucut die I got as a gift last Christmas. It is easy to sew together but not so easy to cut out correctly.  After cutting various pieces in the wrong colors or wrong section of the die,  I finally got one block finished.  I cut out one more block before giving up for the day on Saturday. 

Fast forward to Sunday when I sat down to sew the block together. I was zipping through it until I realized the "C" piece didn't fit.  Well darn, it was actually a "B" piece.  Luckily I have plenty of the fabric and got it recut and put together before lunch. 

I hope to finish sewing the blocks together, quilt and bind it by the end of Monday.  (I need some more finishes for January!)  It's doable if I don't get side tracked on the Feathered Star project!

This first week of February has a lot planned for it too.  We'll see if I can get them all done. But I am highly motivated! 


Work on SAHRR.  

Make more ombré blocks, spider web blocks and begin the new RSC color

Sew baby quilt together

Sew Blazing Star table runner together, quilt and bind

Sew backing together for group patriotic quilt

I actually lucked out on the next UFO for the challenge I'm participating in.  The Feathered Star I'm working on for the SAHRR was number 7 that was pulled for February. I didn't list actually finishing the whole wall hanging but I think I'll try to get it quilted and bound too. 

I've been adding more red spider web blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I have 4 and a half done. I really like the red on white ones I've been making. Hum, should I just make a whole quilt of red and white blocks?  Maybe. Maybe not.  I did go through my red scrap basket to get all the red scraps I have that would fit on the die.  Sad news, I have mostly strips so I was only able to pull maybe 6 different fabrics.  On the other hand, I could always use some of my fat quarters to make more.  Time will tell what I choose to do. Maybe I'll do both...

Thursday we dodged a major snowstorm.  I'm sure you've seen the reports from the states further north that got totally inundated.  We got about 2" or so but nothing stuck on the streets or our driveway.  Because of the way the house is set, the back walkway and the basement steps are now ice. (It rained first and then snowed.) Most of the backyard doesn't get sun during the winter.  Temps will be "warm" this week (in the high 50s) so the snow and ice should melt. It was beautiful when we came back from working out Friday.  Just to give a little reality to that 50 degree temp, it was 10 degrees this morning! 

Please take some time to visit these linky parties.  

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

I'm calling it quits for today.  I spent most of the day sewing with breaks for lunch and dinner.  I'm worn out but very pleased with my progress. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. glad you missed the most of that big storm - this time it looks like we will be hit with a storm in Arkansas mid week - hope it won't be the ice that the predictors are saying. Love that Feathered Star!

  2. What a pretty SAHRR! Glad you dodged the storm!! ( I think - did you want snow?)

  3. Oh that is coming together so nicely, I love how the curved border came out.

  4. Your starter block is the STAR of this quilt! The snowstorm had a funny track -- family in central NH reported 6" while Boston (just 75 miles away) got socked. And here in Chicagoland we've had little snow while 25 miles south they had several inches. We're due for a storm Tuesday night into Wednesday....relieved that my meetings are by Zoom.

  5. Great progress on your goals! From the photos on the news of the storm, I think you definitely lucked out. Dealing with that much snow is crazy.

  6. your star is coming along beautifully....we dodged the storm as well...less than an inch...just enough in my book

  7. WOW!! You have a LOT going on!!! Your SAHRR is looking great! I'm loving your blazing star blocks!
    Good luck finishing your To Do list this coming week! :-)

  8. I'm glad you weren't buried under lots of snow. I love how your SAHRR is looking, especially with that snowflake center. Lovely!

  9. Those snow storms were nasty. So good they didn't come you way. Your SAHRR is gorgeous! Love those beautiful colours!

  10. Lots going on, but that makes it more fun! Very pretty projects.

  11. I just love your SAHRR. How fun that you made so much progress that you had time to play with your UFO. I've been meaning to make a red and white quilt since 2000! Glad you dodged the Big Snow bullet. We are due ice and snow Wednesday night and Thursday - big weather news for north Texas!

  12. Oh, and thanks for linking up with To do Tuesday!

  13. Your Feathered star is lovely and very intimidating. How do you make sure that all the pieces go in the right place and then the points stay pointy and intact? SAHRR is coming along nicely. Slow is better than rapid and wrong. Speaking of storms, there is another one hammering large parts of the country today. We are just getting rain. I am ready for the weekend. Happy sewing to you.

  14. SAHRR looks great! Congrats on all the progress. Hope this week has been as good on the sewing front.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.