
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Monday Meanderings 2 - 21 - 2022

We've been going out and about more than usual the last few days.  We drove down to Richmond to do a bit of shopping and have a nice lunch out.  We stayed masked except when we were actually eating.  I enjoyed the time away from home especially since we haven't been going out all that often.  

It didn't cause any problems with what I wanted to get done this past week. Yep, I handled all the goals I wanted to.  


More sewing on Looking Glass quilt — ready to be laid out & sewn together.

Do first clue of Stop Tossing --  All done 

Make more √Red Spider Webs, RSC blocks, and √16 patches  -- Hum, I want to get one more RSC block done...

Bind Baby Bricks -- done and turned into guild. See the finish here

Work on SAHRR -- I added the rest of the border from the star round. I'm behind on the rounds but at least I have an idea for appliqué but I haven't decided yet.

Cut up some smaller scraps -- I churned out some triangles & 2" squares from some small pieces of fabric hanging around. 

Here's what I'm going to be doing this week. I won't have as much sewing time because of some activities. 


Attend Mid Atlantic Quilt Show 

Make more Red Spider blocks

Quilt Jenny’s quilt

Cut pieces for more “cupcake” blocks 

Layout Looking Glass Quilt and begin sewing together 

Work on SAHRR 

Here's what my design wall looks like this week.  I'm lucky to have a big wall to put up lots of different projects. (Well, until I put a whole design up!) 

Here's a close up of a couple of projects I'm working on. 

This churn dash was cut out with my 9" Accuquilt Cube. It is 13.5". I read about using my smaller cube to make a bigger block. I have enough of the center cupcake fabric to make at least 9 blocks. I haven't looked to see if I have enough of the go with fabrics.  There are a lot of colors in the cupcakes so I can use different combos if I need to.  

It's hard to tell but I added the rest of the white for the star border. Hum, it looks like the color changes on that white border. I'm sure it's the same fabric. I wonder if I turned some to the wrong side or is it the lighting?  I'm skipping the signature block round.  I have an idea for some appliqué.  I think I'll add something in the bottom left corner.  It may take me a while before I make a final decision. I'm looking forward to seeing what is called for this week. I'd like to get the top done by the end of the month but that my not happen.  

Join me checking out quilter's blogs by looking at these linky parties:

I'm off to do a bit of surfing--you never know when something will inspire you. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. that is an interesting version of the Feathered Star I made one once that has a cardinal appliqued in the middle and then of course I started a new version last month and then tossed the block this month in the trash because of problems with it I might try another next month. I too have enjoyed getting out a little bit more now that covid is getting less and less in my area - do people wear a mask a lot in your area still? My sister in Williamsburg says a lot still wear them there

  2. You've got lots of lovely blocks on your design wall! So much inspiration! xx

  3. love that feathered star...anxious to see more of that project!

  4. I like how you incorporated the star into the white border on your SAHRR. And which project is the churn dash red blocks in the upper left corner for?

  5. Your design wall provides a host of potential. I really like those spiderweb blocks! (Are they AccuCut or paper-pieced?) We never thought how great it is to get out until we can't!

  6. Fun projects on your wall. I’ve been venturing out more — always masked even though few others are masking. Positive numbers have dropped considerably in the last three weeks.

  7. Excellent award with getting your goals accomplished! Well done!

  8. Bonnie you have so many lovely projects going on on your design wall. It certainly sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

  9. Love all your variety of projects going on, Bonnie!!! You have me holding my breath on your SAHRR!!! Have fun at the quilt show!!!

  10. Hi Bonnie! So glad you got to have a nice lunch out. Masks aren't required here anymore. The only places we have to wear them are doctors' offices and hair salons, and I feel like I'm slowly suffocating!
    You really did well on your goals - I'm jealous - lol! Pretty fussy cutting on your churn dash. I love your SAHRR star so much. I'm behind on my rounds too - I sure hope to catch up this week.
    Thank you for joining in with To Do Tuesday!

  11. You've got some fun projects up on the design wall. Hopefully you've already checked off most of your list for the week.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.