
Friday, February 18, 2022

Yea! A Finish!

I am so happy to finish off the baby bricks quilt I've been working on with a couple of friends.  We've made a quilt top for a veteran last fall.  (I haven't quilted it yet but it will be done in the next few weeks.) This baby bricks quilt was our winter charity quilt.  Who knows what we'll choose for spring.  I'm thrilled to move some fabric out of my stash.  You can see some photos of the quilt in process here.

I grabbed the quilt when Pat and I went to the post office. It was time to try a different location for photos. We found a track behind a community center not far from the post office.  It was a fairly windy day so Pat found some straps in the back of the car that worked fairly well. (Note to self, bring clips next time we venture off to take quilt pictures.) 

Here's the back of the quilt and a longer view of the location. I was tickled I had some leftover fabric from the front that I could use for the back.  At center bottom is the label Virginia Star Quilters use to identify their charity quilts. Hum, do you think I should move it to a corner next time I put a label on?  I didn't think about the label until the binding was already on.  

Here's a good look at the quilting.  I used Ginger Snap by Apricot Moon.  Thread was a cream So Fine.  The contrasting binding was machine sewn to the back and then machine sewn down from the front.  I find that method works well.  I like that the front stitching is actually on the edge of the front binding.  The back binding may not be as accurate -- sometimes the stitches show right on the binding and sometimes it wanders off to the backing.  I use whatever color matches the binding the best.  

I finished the quilt Wednesday morning and passed it on to the guild Wednesday evening so that it can be given to a preemie in the local hospital's NICU.  Do you make quilts for your local NICU?  I really enjoy making smaller quilts so I'm always happy to find appropriate fabric in my stash to make a baby quilt. 

It's getting late here -- time to pop off to bed and read a bit. Before I go, I'm linking up with the following parties.  I hope you will spend some time cruising the World Wide Web using these links. 


  1. Love the colors you chose! Really great quilt and such a sweet cause!!

  2. so very pretty'll be loved for sure..

  3. I am not in a guild or a group so I never hear about the quilts needed at local things - I don't know if the local hospital takes quilts for things. I rather make and give to family (its large enough and never ends)

  4. Congrats on a beautiful quilt! I used to do quite a few for the local NIU, but since I am no longer a member of the guild I switched to a different local organization to donate to.

  5. Cute!!! And you know I love Ginger Snap--perfect for a baby quilt!!! I think the label where it is, is just fine. Fun photos in a new location!

  6. What a wonderful donation finish in support of your Guild's charities, Bonnie!!

  7. Such a pretty palette! And hooray for a finish and an outdoor photo shoot!

  8. I love the Bricks quilt!! Its soft and comfy looking!!
    Great photo session to haha!!

  9. That's a perfect baby quilt! Very soothing colors. I love the patchwork blocks in it.

  10. Congratulations on the fabulous finish, Bonnie. I love the pattern . Happy quilting.


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