
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Monday Meanderings 2 - 7 - 2022

Did this week go by fast for you?  It sure did for me -- and I can't even say why or what made it go by so fast.  I did pretty well on my goals list this week.  I also bought some new fabric (oops!) Although I did convince myself not to go wild and only bought the fabric I needed for a specific project. I am doing Stop Tossing Mystery quilt designed by Alycia of Alycia Quilts blog. She is doing it for Mysteries for Military a group on Groups.IOS. So far we've only got the fabric requirements and a bit of the cutting instructions. You can join the group if you would like to sew along. Alycia says it's going to be easy. 

Here's how I did with my goals this week...


Work on SAHRR - I'm waiting for the next round's instruction before I sew last week's border on as I've been trying to compact the borders so it doesn't become too large. 

Make more ombré blocks -- I need to lay out the blocks I have and see if I need to make more or not.

Sew baby quilt together — started but not finished

Sew Blazing Star table runner together, quilt and bind - all done

Sew backing together for group patriotic quilt - and done

I also spent some time ironing, folding, tagging, and putting away new fabric (some purchased quite a while ago.) I also made quite a few of the spider web blocks in red and white.  I'm enamored of them and may have to purchase more reds to keep making them. 

Here's what I hope to work on this week . . . 


Work on Stop Tossing, Mystery for Military

Make blocks: RSC, Sherri’s mystery, FCQ Equilter, Red Spider Webs

Make 16 patch blocks

Quilt one of my quilts

Sew baby quilt together

Start on Looking Glass quilt 

I always like to include pictures in my posts.  But, this time I really had to think about what I could possibly share with you.  So here are the fabrics I'm using for the Stop Tossing mystery quilt. It's going to be bright! (And I hope these work well!)

I have a lot purples and when the fabric requirements called for a lot of one color with a one separate contrast color I knew my purples would be up to it. Also needed  a background that contrasted with the main color and another contrast color.  The white in this picture was replaced by my new fabric.  I didn't have enough of any fabric to use as a background thus my fabric shopping.  And here's my new background fabric. 

I don't think this is correct on color but you can see the little designs in the fabric.  It's a much lighter cream.  I'm just waiting for the next set of instructions. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the instructions.

Please take some time this week to do some blog hopping starting from these linky parties.  It's always fun to see what folks are doing these days. 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

I hope you enjoy sewing time this week.  I've got enough to keep me busy for awhile.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. this week past slowly for me as I haven't left the house since last Tuesday the day before the ice/sleet hit us - the driveway is clear enough now that I will get out and do grocery shopping today - so the week was slow for me.

  2. I wish I could make a list and actually do some of the items on the list! I admire those who are that organized! Love the purple and green color scheme!

  3. Your purple cutting mat looks like part of the fabric pull! Yes, the weeks melt away even if the snow doesn't.

  4. Hi Bonnie!! Love your Stop Tossing mystery quilt fabric choices!!!

  5. I haven’t decided on mystery fabrics yet and may wait until a few clues have been posted. Last week was a fast one, probably because I was a slug and spent a lot of time reading.

  6. I know plenty of women who go ga-ga over the purple/lime green combo. It's bound to be a stunner!


  7. Love the bright colors! Some unplanned fabric came home with me recently, too :)

  8. The Stop Tossing Mystery fabrics are so pretty and vibrant. How fun!

  9. Hi Bonnie! Oooooh I LOVE the fabrics for Stop Tossing, and what lovely background fabric that is. Is the Spider web paper pieced? I looked at a photo of a partial block you made back in January - it sure is pretty.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday! Hope you are having a great week. :)

  10. Bright is good, Bonnie. I think this is going to look SEW amazing!!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.