
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Monday Meanderings 2 - 14 - 2022

Did you watch the Super Bowl last night?  I don't care about the game so much as the advertising.  But honestly, so far, I'm not impressed.  Evidently,  I'm not in the age group that most of the ads are targeting.  Oh well.  I didn't see one fun ad about buying fabric. 

It's been another productive week for me.  Here's the list from last week. 


Work on Stop Tossing, Mystery for Military -No clue this week

Make blocks: √RSC, √Sherri’s mystery, FCQ Equilter, √Red Spider Webs

Make 16 patch blocks 

Quilt one of my quilts -  Quilted the baby quilt from below. 

Sew baby quilt together

Start on Looking Glass quilt — a beginning has been made

Here is a look at my Red Spider Web blocks I've made in February. You can see the web design coming out.  I don't know how many more of these blocks I'll make.  I'm hoping to make a lap size quilt so I definitely need to keep making blocks. I may need to buy some more red fabrics to have enough. 

I'm hoping the top Whirl block will work even though it really isn't aqua or even  turquoise.  It looks more teal/green to me.  I've been making a few Spider Web blocks in the RSC colors too.  I'll make at least two more of each of these blocks, maybe more. 

It turns out that the next Stop Tossing mystery clue comes out Wed, 2/16.  So I'll get back to work on this one later this week. 

Here's what I hope to get done this week. 


More sewing on Looking Glass quilt

Do first clue of Stop Tossing  

Make more Red Spider Webs, RSC blocks, and 16 patches 

Bind Baby Bricks 

Work on SAHRR 

Cut up some smaller scraps

Amid my sewing I've been trying to do some straightening and cleaning in the studio. Unfortunately not much is being tossed but I have been putting fabric back on the shelves after having saved them to start or finish various quilts. This one thing I found made me laugh.  

I used to love playing Snood.  I guess when I last updated my computer (in 2013!) I probably couldn't use the program any more.  Hum, I wonder if I should try loading it on this computer?  Probably not, I have enough games I play now! 

Here are the linky parties I linking up with.  I hope you'll spend a bit of time checking out blogs across the net by going to these blogs first. 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday 

That's it for me today.  A book is calling my name... 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie


  1. Your Spiderweb blocks are amazing! Are they foundation pieced?

  2. Those Spiderweb blocks are stunning!! Wow!!

  3. Your spiderweb blocks are going to make a gorgeous quilt! I love the design.

  4. I love all those red spiderwebs together!

  5. It’s interesting that the blue spiderweb block are forming a snowflake. The red blocks look fabulous together and will make a stunning quilt.

  6. Those red spider blocks are fabulous. I'm not normally a fan of spider blocks, but the way you have the even strips makes it look so different, I'm a big fan.


  7. You gave me a chuckle--no good fabric buying ads during the super bowl!?! They are missing out!!! All your various blocks are looking so scrappy good, Bonnie!!!

  8. Ha, yes, didn't see any fabric ads! The only one that stood out to me was the one with the little mechanical puppy. We talked through so much of the game that I guess we didn't watch too many of the ads either. You certainly did have a productive week!

  9. Those spiderweb blocks are really neat! I love the effect they give when you put them together. We watched the Super Bowl, and I paid attention once in awhile, lol! It's nice to have other things to occupy your attention while it's going on.

  10. Oh shame on the Super Bowl with no fabric ads at the halfway point. I bet a lot of women sit hand sewing as its on! Spider web blocks look really effective.

  11. Nice job on those blocks for the RSC, Bonnie!!

  12. Gosh you did good on your goals Bonnie! Your Red Spider Web blocks are just beautiful. Hey I think the teal/green works just fine for turquoise. I am LOL at the name "Snood" for a game.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  13. The Super Bowl happened? Haha, I don't even pay attention anymore. You have so many neat RSC blocks. I really like those spider web blocks.

  14. I could have sworn I already commented on this post, but if I have, well you don't mind more compliments do you? :D LOL on the fabric commercial! I keep telling my husband we should invent something neat for quilting and go on Shark Tank and sell it to the Sharks. We would make millions! And why don't the fabric companies advertise on TV? Well maybe they don't need to - haha.
    I love the red spider blocks, especially how scrappy they are. I don't remember Snood, lol on the name! I used to have all kinds of discs (?) for computer games and actually miss some of them.
    This is very late but thank you for linking with 2-15 To Do Tuesday!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.