
Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday Meandering 3 - 28 -2022

Good Morning! (Or whatever time it is where you are.) I was gone all weekend and came home exhausted so I'm posting later than usual. More about that at the end of the blog. Now, I'll share my goals progress.  Yes there was some progress. 


✅Work on Easy Breezy Blocks — blocks sewn in rows

Make a few more Spider Web blocks— nothing done 

✅Make shoo fly blocks for SAHRR — some made 

✅Prep and work on wool ornaments — prepped but no sewing done 

Enter quilts for FCQ show in May 

Not too bad and being gone 3 days does make a dent in sewing time. 

The only quilt picture is of my SAHRR with some of the Shoo Fly blocks I've made.  Basically the appliqué and the shoo fly blocks are speculation.  I'm still trying to decide how to finish off this top. The left hand appliqué pieces are just pinned on.  I still need to figure the math on the Shoo Fly blocks.  Do I need to trim the white border to fit them or do something else to make them fit? Do I want them on all sides? Do I have enough of the 3 fabrics to make enough blocks to go all around?  Is this feathered star ever going to get done?? Hopefully I'll have answers to all those questions by the end of the week.    

Here's what I plan to do this week.  Sharon's coming up so I suspect I'll spend a lot more time in the studio. 


Clean up cutting table

Put borders on Stop Tossing

Sew rows together - Easy Breezy Blocks 

Make more Shoo Fly blocks for SAHRR

Make a few more Spider Web blocks

Put labels and hanging sleeves on 4 quilts

Um, dare I show you my cutting table that is number 1 on my to do list? Sure. Here it is from three sides. EEK - how did it get so bad? 

Left side. (Which normally is kept pretty cleared off. 

Center Front -- OH MY GOODNESS! 

Right Side. I've been trying to cut smaller pieces with my Accuquilt Go. But it is totally out of control.   

Hopefully by Thursday this whole area will look much, much better. 

Meanwhile, here's more about what Pat and I did this weekend. As some of you know Pat sings with The Virginians barbershop chorus.  This weekend was a combined Central and Southern Division competition for the Mid-Atlantic District. So we headed to Wilmington, DE on Friday morning so he could compete.  I usually don't go but agreed to attend this year.  And, what a great decision that was! 

Barbershop Harmony Society has expanded its membership to women and some chapters, like The Virginians, have embraced it. 

The competition for choruses and quartets was wonderful. Friday night was the prelims for 24 quartets. The first one blew me away as did many of them. I didn't see all of them as we had some other things going on -- like finding dinner.  

The chorus competition was held Saturday morning. I was able to see quite a few of the choruses.  Because it was a combination of divisions there were two first place choruses.  I'm proud to say The Virginians came in first in the Southern District.   Here they are during their performance. 

Pat's the second from the right on the floor.  I have nothing positive to say about their navy blue camp shirts.  I do know they were more comfortable than wearing more formal uniforms--think tuxes or suits. 

That evening the quartet finals were held for the 10 semifinal quartets.  Again, the quality and variety of singing was amazing.  One quartet did an admirable job including poking fun at themselves with a line they stuck in the song that said "we've sung literally all the songs we know..."  We hadn't had dinner before the 7 pm start so we scooted out after the last quartet and tried to get our leftovers from lunch heated up. 

The main downside of the whole weekend was the partying that went on after the competition.  I'm not sure every floor had the same problem but people were partying on our floor until 2 am.  To Barbershoppers that means singing.  Needless to say we were trying to sleep as some of the younger folks were having fun singing, chatting and at one point running up and down the hall. ARGH.  On the other hand, it is really great to see younger people joining the Barbershop Harmony Society.  We did get a little sleep then headed out early to get home before the traffic on I 95 backed up. I spent too much time in the afternoon snoozing although it didn't stop me from getting a good 8 hours sleep last night.

Back to my quilting blog... I'm going to link up with the following parties. (At least these parties only keep you up late if you choose.). 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I love how the feather star has come together - looking good! I'm exhausted after a weekend away too and tell myself I really need to get the housework done, the treadmill and the sewing - but what will I really do?

  2. Oh, how wonderful to have your quartets back in competition! Your SAHRR design is lovely. I wonder if a smaller border block might let the feathered star show off more? Though the math may get goofy if you adjust the size. And maybe a small block would end up being too fussy. Hmm.

  3. thanks for once again reminding me that i don't need a very large sewing would surely look like that all the time! loving that feathered star...swoon worthy!

  4. As a barbershopper myself, I'll have to admit that the partying is what makes the months of preparation and the stress of the day all worth-while! Six minutes on stage? Barely remembered once it's over. A nightful of singing, partying, and camaraderie? That's when the chorus gels and the newbies finally feel like they're really a part of the chorus.

  5. Great week--sewing & singing!!! Your SAHRR is soooo good! Any panto ideas yet?

  6. Congratulations to Pat’s group! Hearing all the groups would be delightful. My cutting table is a huge mess, too: I think that’s the main reason I haven’t felt like sewing.

  7. What fun listening to all of those barbershop groups! I'm sorry they were such partiers at the hotel, though - you must be exhausted. The possibilities for your SAHRR look wonderful! Have fun getting that cutting board under control - we've all faced that!

  8. Whatever you end up doing with your SAHRR, it will be spectacular! What a neat experience to hear all those groups, the harmony would give me goosebumps. I'd feel exactly the same as you about the partying - we partied in our 40s, but now we are so over it.
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!

  9. I love your SAHRR but see, that math there...that's why I haven't done one yet! LOL. I'm sure you'll work it out tho and it's going to be lovely. Can't wait to see it progress!

  10. Happy Wednesday, Bonnie. Your SAHRR quilt is looking fabulous. I love the Shoo Fly blocks. I have to say Bonnie the quartet competition sounds like it was a lot of fun . Have a great week and happy quilting.

  11. Yes your days out makes a big dent in quilting opportunities! I love your SAHRR and how it is turning out. Very effective. Will be interested to see what you do with the next step.

  12. I have a feathered star, 15"x15", beautiful fabrics, and I can't make up my mind what more to do with it! Appreciate seeing yours. My dad had been in a sacred quartet since high school. They gave many programs and special music for churches. I remember going to larger cities for "all-night sings". At some point toward my teenage years, they were convinced to try barbershop; oh, my, the world that opened for them and their families! Many wonderful memories; thank you for that today! The afterglow isn't for everyone!!

  13. Hi, Bonnie,
    Your feathered star looks wonderful! And I really like the churn dash blocks just on the top and some of the left side. Have you tried equally spacing the churn dash blocks in the top border, and then use that same spacing for the two of them on the left side? As for the applique, how would it look if, rather than your flower in the lower left of your feathered star, you put in the same star as is in the upper right? Keep going on the applique in the upper left, and no applique in the lower right.
    Congratulations to Pat and his group. I'm sure the competition was stiff!
    Gail (from NY, the one you haven't heard from in many years)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.