
Monday, April 4, 2022

Monday Meanderings 4 - 4 - 2022

Phew!  What a great weekend.  Sharon came up on Thursday for a quilting marathon.  We were able to quilt 2 of her quilts and get a big shopping trip too. Needless to say, I didn't get all of my weekly goals done but more importantly we had a great time.  Here's what did get done: 


Put borders on Stop Tossing - nothing

✅Sew rows together - Easy Breezy Blocks  - Half the borders are - on see photo below 

Make more Shoo Fly blocks for SAHRR  - nada, except consultation

Make a few more Spider Web blocks - Three cut out, but  no sewing done

✅Clean up front of cutting table and Accuquilt area — done but may need to be done again! 

Put labels and hanging sleeves on 4 quilts — all done! 

Not the most productive week but I'm happy I was able to move some projects forward.  And the all-important labels and hanging sleeves were finished.  Sharon took the quilts with her.  These will be delivered to a quilt guild member in Maryland for the Faithful Circle Quilters Show. (It's coming May 19 to 21. For more info click here.) 

Here's what I hope to get done this week.  It should be a quiet week so I expect to move these forward or finish them. 


Put borders on Stop Tossing

Finish borders on Easy Breezy Blocks 

Make more Spider Web blocks

Start putting Improv blocks together (my AP & Q's UFO challenge for April)

Quilt top for Leashes of Valor 

Here's one of Sharon's quilts that was quilted this weekend. It was big!

I believe this pattern is called Dottie A Garden for Harper and is available free on Moda Bakeshop. If you have a spare jelly roll with both light and medium/dark strips this might be the pattern for you. Have you been to the Bakeshop recently? Here's the link to the free patterns.   You might want to spend some time checking out the patterns there. 

Here's how far I got on Easy Breezy.  Almost done with the top -- something I hope to finish this week. Once the side borders are added this will go into the To-Be-Quilted closet. 

I'm linking up with the following parties: 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday 

I hope you can spend some time surfing to see what people are up to this week.  I'm planning to take it easy today: read a book and surf quilting blogs.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I like the interplay of the Dottie blocks. I've signed up for Moda Block Heads 4 but haven't gone into the Bake Shop for a while.

  2. I saved the Dottie pattern long ago but haven’t made it.I love Sharon’s quilt with all the colors. You inspired me to tidy my cutting table. It’s not cleared by any means but it looks 100% better.

  3. The pattern is actually A Garden for Harper, free in the Moda Bake Shop. It’s great for a jelly roll, and makes a BIG quilt!

  4. Two quilts quilted is quite an accomplishment, too!!!

  5. Hi Bonnie,
    I like your Easy Breezy quilt. Almost finished too! Good Job! Spring is not here yet in Michigan, but I'm sure Spring has arrived in Virginia. I'm having warm thoughts of my flowers in my yard in my former home in Williamsburg. Hugs, Judy

  6. Love the Dottie quilt!!! It must be great to have the quilting finished!
    Glad you had a good time with Sharon! Relationships are way more important than sewing! The sewing will always be there later!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  7. You made progress on your to do list and got in some fun buddy time, that's a really productive week. Dotty looks great, love all the bright colors she used. Good luck with this week's to do list.

  8. Gosh I love Dottie, and your Easy Breezy looks so pretty! Thanks for the link to the free patterns.
    Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  9. I might have a jelly roll! 😃 I tend to forget about the Moda Bake Shop. I have found some lovely patterns there.
    You had a very productive week. I probably should have a to do list to keep me focused.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.