
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Monday Meanderings 4 - 18 - 2022

What a week!  I didn't have much on my Goals list and I still didn't get them all done.  Bummer.  Here's what I did get done...


✅Work on a secret project -- 5 seams left until top stage

✅Continue on Improv top -- all blocks sewn together 

✅Make more RSC blocks --  did the last yellow one, on to pink someday

Make April block from Sherri McConnell’s BOM — Half done, I ran out of energy! 

And this week here are my goals.  I've got way more than normal so some things may not see forward movement.


Finish Secret project

Quilt one of my quilts

Border Stop Tossing Mystery

Cut and sew strips for improv top

Finish Sherri’s BOM, 

Cut fabrics for and attend Debby Kratovil class 

I forgot to show the Easy Breezy finished top earlier. I finished it several weeks ago. It's been relegated to the To-Be-Quilted closet.  I'd been making good progress finishing tops but now it seems I''m adding more tops and not finishing as many. Hopefully I'll get at least one finished this week. 

In 2020 Virginia Star Quilters had to cancel a class with Debby Kratovil.  I was tickled when it was rescheduled this year.  Last week I bought some Kona Snow for the background fabric.  I have several pieces of batiks to use as the focus fabric. You can see the class pictures by scrolling down until you see Pyramids and Jewels.  We'll be making two smaller quilts. Hopefully, I can show pictures of it next week. 

I keep forgetting to take pictures as I'm working so I have nothing else to share today.  

I did get some reading done.  I just finished The Paris Wife by  Paula McLain about Ernest Hemingway and his first wife Hadley Richardson. I found it interesting although I kept interspersing other books while I was trying to get it read.  I also started The Lost Family by Libby Copeland. It's a very readable book about genetic genealogy.  I'm about half way finished. I'm happily surprised that it is  keeping my interest. If you are interested in where you come from this book presents a lot of information regarding the field of genetic genealogy. Hopefully, I'll find some time this week to finish it.  

Don't forget to visit the these Linky parties to see what bloggers across the Internet are working on. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday 

Hopefully I'll come back later to link to the other two parties. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Hope you all had a nice Easter! :Secret project"? I'm intrigued. I'll look up Lost Family.

  2. What a great list!!! I will have to check out the paris wife - I have read a few other books about Ernest and his wives .. maybe it will fit right in!

  3. Hi Bonnie, I sure understand running out of energy, but you got quite a bit done with your goals. Your Easy Breezy top is so pretty! Thanks for the book recommendations.
    So glad you shared your post with To Do Tuesday!

  4. I love Easy Breezy, it looks a great way to use up scraps.
    A secret project sounds intriguing.

  5. I love your Easy Breezy! The purple border is so pretty. TThe h

  6. Lots of color and pattern here! I've got to get back to my Easy Breezy quilt too! Mine is huge but I am aiming to fit it on a Cal-King bed.

  7. Oh you are going to have a blast making those quilts at Debbie's class. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


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