
Friday, April 22, 2022

Class Time

Wednesday I attended an all day class with Debby Kratovil with Virginia Star Quilt Guild.  The morning class was Pyramids using a 60º ruler with the afternoon session called Fractured Jewels using leftovers from making the Pyramids piece.  I was happy to attend as it had been scheduled in 2020 and was canceled due to Covid.  It was great fun and nice to get together with quilters again.  

I was losing steam during the afternoon. But I was able to get two of these rows of these pyramid pieces sewn by the end of class. (These were just laid out in this picture.) 

I used set of ombre batik strips.  I am tickled with what I've done so far but I haven't been able to spend any more time on them yet.  

Here's Karen's version in progress. It was fun to see all the different fabrics used to make this little wall hanging.  I'm going to see if I have enough fabric to make mine a little bigger.  Or perhaps I have some other batiks I could add in. 

I came home to eat dinner and rest a bit before going back to the regular monthly guild meeting.  Debby was the guest speaker and shared a Power Point of her quilts along with some actual quilts that showed her great patterns and ideas.  Here's a link to her blog to see what else she is doing.  She designs patterns for various fabric manufacturers and her own line of patterns.

The other big accomplishment this week is finishing the secret project including quilting and binding it.  Check back in on Sunday to see what I have been working on. 

On the home front we've found a new home.  No, we aren't moving.  We have a cardinal nest in our holly tree right outside our 3 season room.  Pat sits out there and was able to watch the cardinal make the nest.  The tree is in bloom and there are bees buzzing all around.  We haven't seen much of the cardinal.  But bonus!  There was an egg in there yesterday or so.  I'll try to get a picture of it soon.  The egg is beautifully speckled.  

I'm linking up to the following Linky parties: 

Check out what makers are doing across the web. And, excitement, my improv beginning was featured on this week's Wednesday Wait Loss.  

I hope you can come back Sunday for the reveal of my secret project is.  I can't wait to share it with you. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. The class sounds like it was interesting. I like the fabrics and colors you’re using for the project. How fun to have the nest so close so you can see the cardinal family grow.

  2. sounds like it was fun...and i love your project so far...the colors are very pretty...

  3. You have chosen a very pretty pallet for your pyramids quilt. We had a cardinal nest in one of our bushes right by the front porch, we thought we'd get to see the young ones fly but never did they were so quick about it!!

  4. I love your pyramids! Those ombre batiks are very pretty. I had not heard of Debby and enjoyed reading her "Who is Debby" page. Your day sounds fun and busy. I'm keeping an eye out for classes at quilt stores near me, but so far nothing appeals to me. I probably should pick one anyway, just to get some quilter fellowship, right?

  5. isn't that something that you had to wait 2 years for a class - who would have ever thought! Those are pretty will look forward to seeing the end result

  6. Pretty start on your pyramids quilt! I've seen Debby's name on the internet for years. Neat you got to take a class with her. At last. I'm looking forward to your Sunday quilt. And I wonder how many eggs are in the nest now--they usually add one a day for several days.

  7. What a pretty spring wall hanging that Pyramid quilt will make! Love it. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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