
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Synergy - My Way

"I did it my way." Is that old Frank Sinatra song playing in your head now?   I visited the lyrics on Google and realized the words aren't what I thought they'd be. That being said I think part of the second verse says it for me about Synergy. 

I did what I had to do
I saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much, much more
I did it, I did it my way ...

Yep, that covers my interpretation of Synergy, a wonderful pattern recently released by Preeti of Sew Preeti Quilts. You can check out her post about it at Sew Preeti Quilts. Two weeks and a couple of days ago she asked me to participate in her Synergy release blog hop. I agreed to be part of Preeti's new pattern release.  I was a bit concerned about being able to make a quilt in 17 days but I really surprised myself and had a finished top in 12 days.  So then I asked myself and Preeti whether I should quilt it too.  I decided I certainly could quilt it so here is my version pieced, quilted, and bound.  (This may be the fastest I've ever finished a quilt!) Synergy is 56 x 70". 

I went right to work trying to figure out my colors to make Synergy my way.  I decided to use a color generator, Coolers, to see what I could find. Here's the screen shot from one of their palettes.  Ten colors -- just what was needed for Synergy. 

I did a little stash "shopping" and then a little fabric store shopping and came up with my fabrics. 

My rusts to lights were less rust and leaned more to the peach side. The Blues to turquoise seemed right on to me.  Of the group, 4 came from stash.  Add in my Kona Snow for the background and I was set to cut and sew. 

Here are a few hints I used to help me whiz through the cutting and sewing. 

I numbered my fabrics based on the numbers Preeti used in her very well written pattern.  In fact, I also wrote the number of strips I needed for each color on one set of tags I used. That made the cutting faster so I didn't have to go back to the pattern for each cut. 

Preeti recommended ironing the seams open during the sewing process.
So I did as recommended.
Seams ironed open.

And boy did that make a nice flat top.  I'm my own long armer and I admit I really liked it.  Quilting it was a piece of cake.

Now that I've got my preliminary info out, how about many pictures of Synergy-My Way out in the wild? (So to speak!) 

Most accurate coloring of all my pictures.

We went to Patriots Park in Spotsylvania county for the photo shoot.  It was a beautiful spring day with a slight breeze. 

The above picture and the below picture were taken at the amphitheater.  It was so I could make a blatant plug for the next Spotsylvanian's concert that will be held at this Amphitheater on Saturday, May 14th at 6 pm. There are 5 rows of benches and then a great grassy area you can bring yours chairs and blankets to relax and enjoy the music. (Yep, Pat and I both sing in this community chorus.) Tickets are $10 for adults and kids are free. You can purchase them online from the link on the Spotsy's web page above.

The picture below is one of my favorites.  There was a decorative rock near the parking lot with plants growing on the sides.  I spread out the quilt to take pictures and the wind picked it up just as I started taking pictures. Kismet.  You can see the whole quilt with a little help from the wind. 

Are you chomping at the bit to have your own copy of this fabulous pattern?  Head over to Preeti's Etsy shop to get it. But wait, there's more!  The pattern is 25% off until April 27, 2022. Well worth it, if you ask me. The pattern is 13 pages in color with step-by-step instructions, a coloring page, and great quality graphics. I personally love being able to download and save PDF Patterns.  I wrote notes on mine due to the difference in colors and when I want to make it again I can print a clean version to mark up again. 

Remember I mentioned I quilted and bound my quilt?  Here's Ruthie, the long arm, working away on Synergy - My Way.  Well, actually, that's her light shining on the left as she stitched. 

And, a final picture of the back showing off the quilting. I picked A Wave in the Sand by My Creative Stitches.  It actually stitched 12 rows at a time stitching both left to right and right to left.  That sure made it go fast.  I used a grey So Fine thread on the front and in the bobbin. 

Preeti has a drawing for a free copy of Synergy or any of her patterns at her Etsy shop.  Leave a comment answering this question by Wednesday:  How many sewing machines do you own?  I'll answer first so you know I am a total machine nut! 6. What? 6. Yes -- 3 working domestic machines, 2 probably not working domestic machines, and 1 wonderful long arm. Oops, and an old serger. Make that 7.   I have a Featherweight (working) and what I call a Heavy Weight Singer (nonworking) that was my mom's purchased used. I'm not sure what to do with it.  Doorstop comes to mind. 

Entries close on Tuesday at midnight EDT. Remember if you are a no comment account to leave your contact information in the post. (Sandi -- that would be you so far. Please let me know your contact info.)  I'll post the winner on my Friday blog post. (Yes, I have another finish to show you on Friday! Are you surprised? I am!) 

Do you want to see the other quilts made as part of this Blog Hop?

1. Mari of Academic Quilter - Thursday, April 21, 2022
2. Alycia of Alycia Quilts - Friday, April 22, 2022
3. Wendy of Pieceful Thoughts - Saturday, April 23, 2022
4. Bonnie of Institches with Bonnie - Sunday, April 24, 2022 You are here!
5. Roseanne of Home Sewn By Us - Monday, April 25, 2022 

I hope you take a look at all of these wonderful versions of Synergy.  This pattern is so adaptable to colors, prints, even changing the background to a print.  Let me know how you like Synergy.  

I'm linking with Oh Scrap!. Enjoy surfing a few blogs.  You never know when you'll see something you just love. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. Beautiful, Bonnie! I love how you used a color generator to organize your fabrics/quilt! Awesome quilt-in-the-wild photos! Great quilting choice!!! I own 5 machines--Bernina, Featherweight, Longarm, portable Elna and treadle, AKA plant stand!?!

  2. Bonnie, your quilt is lovely! I like your choice of colors. I only have 3 sewing machines. I have an old Bernina which is a workhorse, a Singer Quantam and my fairly new machine is a Baby Lock Crescendo.

  3. Oh Bonnie, I love everything about your process and the outcome is so fabulous. The gradation is bold and beautiful. Nothing subtle about it :-D I really appreciate that you shared all the details from fabric choices to the photoshoot. Good luck at the concert. I will be traveling on May 14 but I would love to drive (1.5 hours from me) down and see you perform in person some time. Love & Hugs!!!

  4. Good morning, Bonnie! I was looking forward to seeing your version and it was worth the wait! That color suggestion from Coolers is a fun idea (I have to check that out), and your matching fabric pull is spot on. What a great idea! We used the exact same system, numbering everything as Preeti had done which really helps following the pattern. I am so happy you were able to get My Way quilted, too. I love the look of the waves - I may have to copy that on my version. Happy happy Sunday to you! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. your quilt turned out great - love those colors - I have been pressing my seams open a lot lately - takes a little more time but it all lays so much flatter and I think the measurements even come out more accurate.

  6. bonnie, you did a wonderful job, love the colors and your quilting!

  7. Your version is scrumptious! Love your photo shoot also. I too have pressed more seams open in the last 2 years than ever before, just depends on the project and my mood, LOL. How many sewing machines, let me think...treadle, featherweight, embroidery one, serger, two I use daily, two in the closet, and the longarm. 9 of them!!!

    Absolutely love your work!!!

  9. Love that you made Synergy "Your Way!" It turned out great! Too bad I didn't live closer, we'd come to hear you sing!

  10. Your Synergy is just beautiful, Bonnie! In fact, I haven't seen a version I don't like! I'm definitely impressed that you finished it in about 2 weeks, too. Wish I could come to the concert - sounds so enjoyable. I own 3 sewing machines - one is the first one I ever owned which DH gave me when we were first married, and now I think it might be considered vintage!

  11. I really like your quilt. Great color layout. I have a midarm and 3 machines. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  12. Oh, I love the cclors in your version, Bonnie! The quilt design works really well!

  13. Wonderful job on your quilt, great colours, works really well.

  14. Oh how pretty! I have 2 working, modern machines, and 3 (working but not in use) antique machines, and another antique machine at a vacation home, and a serger....

  15. Awesome interpretation of Preeti's pattern, Bonnie, and I absolutely LOVE that fun quilting design you chose!!

  16. Such a lovely quilt! I like the color scheme you picked and the quilting design is fun and a great contrast. xo


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