
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Monday Meanderings 5 - 16 - 2022

This was a great week for getting most of my goals done.  Onne goal we were looking forward to fell apart.  Our Spotsylvanian's concert had to be canceled for Saturday and the rain date of Sunday. Bummer. By Thursday the powers that be canceled the concert.  Weather report was calling for 80% change of thunderstorms on Saturday and 60% percent on Sunday.  And, a big AND, a singer tested positive for Covid on Wednesday after our Monday rehearsal. Although we were all masked, between that and the possibility of rain it was safer to reschedule.  We've tested once and we were both negative.  We'll test again in a day or so but I expect we'll continue to be negative. Plus, both Pat and I have kept up with all the vaccines that have been offered. So, the up side is I had all day Saturday and Sunday to sew.

Here's what last week's goal list looked like. 

✅Make 4 blocks for May UFO - I made a bunch of blocks and am still hand stitching a hexagon block.  Here's the one I'm still working on.

This is called Sew South and was designed by Jennifer Mathis. It was part of The Splendid Sampler in 2015. 

✅Continue on pyramid class project - One more row was sewn but the triangles were not cut out.

✅Make Sherri’s BOM - finished.

✅Make more FCQ Equilter blocks for Fran; Start Beth’s. I've made about 8 blocks for Fran, some still need trimming.  I didn't start Beth's. 

Enjoy the Spotsylvanian’s Concert 😟 Bummer.  We can't make the rescheduled concert. 


Finish hand stitching Sew South 

Sash blocks for May UFO

Make Beth’s FCQ Equilter blocks

Make some blocks for SAHRR (yep, I've ignored it for a while.) 

Get 3 packages in the mail 

Keep working on the pyramid class project

Here are the rest of the blocks for the May UFO Challenge. 

Hum, that center one in the bottom row doesn't look like it fits with the rest.  I'll decide whether it stays or gets replaced. Or maybe it would be fine if it is turned or placed somewhere else. We'll see how the blocks are arranged this week and hopefully get their sashing on.  

This is a short post today.  I'm linking up with the parties listed below. Please take some time to visit some of them and do some surfing! 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday

Mid-Week Makers

Wednesday Wait Loss 

I finally got my hummingbird feeder up Sunday.  Pat said a hummer visited while he was in the all weather room on the deck that day.  None visited while I was out there.  I hope they keep visiting. (And I get to see them.) 

Do you remember the nest we had in one of our trees? You can read about the nest here. After the mama Cardinal laid a few eggs something got to them.  One was found smashed on the steps coming from the deck.  A few days later several crows were hanging around the steps keeping an eye on the nest.  In the above picture the tree on the left is the holly where the nest was situated.  We do seem to have a couple of Robins who are not happy when we are outside so I bet they've got another nest under our deck. Last year they would squawk at me whenever I was in the backyard.  Hope their eggs/babies stay safe.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I am so sorry the concert got canceled this weekend:( But on the bright side you did have lots more sewing time then. I will keep good thoughts that you don't get/have covid.

  2. What a shame about the concert. Hopefully you are covid free.
    Extra sewing time is always a bonus.

  3. I like that you had a positive outlook on the cancellation - but I am still so sorry. That sucks!! Love all your sewing tho!!!

  4. The challenge of sampler quilts is to achieve balance when some blocks are denser than others....Sorry your concert was cancelled but you made good use of the free time!

  5. Perhaps the hummer Pat saw was a scout, and soon you have a feeder full of hummers. They are great fun to watch. Will there be other concerts this Spring?

  6. We put our hummingbird feeders out last week, and the next day had 2 visitors. I'm always happy to see them. Sorry the concert was canceled.

  7. How sad about your concert being cancelled. What a disappointment.
    You have a lot of quilts in progress, and it seems like you're making good progress on all of them.
    I think your May UFO Challenge blocks look great. I think the bottom row center block looks like it fits with the rest of the blocks, though maybe it is a little "heavier" than some of the others. You'll know what to do about it!

  8. Sorry about the concert cancellation but glad you didn't test positive. Your hexagon block is pretty. That is sad about the Cardinal eggs. :(
    Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  9. So sorry about your concert! But it seems like that may have been for the best. Love your May UFO Challenge blocks! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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