
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Monday Meanderings 5 - 9 - 2022

Weather -- it's been a mess for us.  It was lovely for the beginning of the week and then the rain came. And it poured, maybe 2" overnight.  Ugh.  I'm ready for more temperate weather and less rain.  I wish I could send the rain West where it is needed so badly. The weather looks dry until the weekend. OH no! (see below.) 

On to my goals this week: 


✅Work on pyramid class project — I made at least one more row of the triangles -- but they aren't sewn together yet.

✅Start May’s UFO challenge — a small start, I know what I want to do next. 

✅Quilt something — customer quilt. 

✅Work on Christmas ornaments — I’ve started the first one. 

Make Spider Web blocks — 2 done.

Not bad.  

I spent most time this past week making miscellaneous blocks. Yep, not really on the goals list! Here are a couple I made to send FCQ Equilter, Fran.  They're from a video by  Jenny Dolan from Missouri Star Quilters with the directions. Her method works well unless you realize you are using way more fabric on the four corners than what is needed.  

I eventually cut my squares smaller to save some fabric.  I'll take more pictures before I mail them off to Fran.

For the May UFO challenge number 11 came up. That meant I pulled out a series of blocks I had made from the book The Anniversary Sampler Quilt by Donna Lynn Thomas.  Country Piecemakers used the book as a block of the month a few years ago.  I have 16 6" blocks done.  I'm hoping to get another 9 blocks made and then sash them. I picked a new sashing fabric from stash. I will be making blocks from other sources -- ones easier to make. I want to get this at least to top stage.  We'll see how far I get done this week with this project.  Surprisingly enough I actually have a backing for this project. 

Here's my goals list for this week.  I've got a rehearsal and the concert all day on Saturday so I won't have as much time to quilt this coming week. We're all rooting for no rain as it is at an outside amphitheater. Here's what I hope to do: 


Make 4 (or more) blocks for May UFO

Continue progress on pyramid class project

Make Sherri’s BOM

Make more FCQ Equilter blocks for Fran; Start Beth’s. 

Enjoy the Spotsylvanian’s Concert

Even though I hadn't put these on my list, I did make several dog toys to sell at $10 and Under table at Faithful Circle Quilters show. It's  May 19th through 21 in Columbia, Maryland.  If you want to read more about it click on the link above.  If you live close by I hope you'll try to come by.  We have over 600 quilts entered.  Lots of wonderful eye candy to see. 

There are empty water bottles tied into the fleece covering.  The dogs love the crinkling sound as they chase and play with the toy.  I was happy to use up several pieces of fleece I had.  I still have some smaller pieces -- anyone have any good ideas to use them up? 

I've spent a lot of time reading recently, mostly because I had a bunch of reserved digital books delivered over the last week.  Time to get them read and back to the library. 

Now it's time to link up with my Monday parties. 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

Wait Loss Wednesday 

Mid Week Makers 

I did a great job linking up after Monday last week.  Let's see how I do this week.  Enjoy your surfing. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The dog toys are a clever way to upcycle the plastic bottles. Can the smaller pieces of fleece be sewn together to make striped toys? I hope you have a rain-free concert.

  2. Our goals are loose, right, so if we follow it's good and we don't but still move other projects forward it's still good:) I hope your weather shapes up. We had 10 days in a row with cool, cloudy and some rain, then 3 glorious days and now back into some icky stuff, 80's so that means storms coming. Last night hubby said it was a lightening show, I slept through it!!!

  3. yes it is going to be hot here this week. My brother was on his way home to Arkansas yesterday from New Mexico and he said it was 100 when he was part way through Oklahoma - too hot hope it won't be that much here.

  4. You could definitely send some of that rain out west here to Colorado! The dog toys are a fun idea - I bet they'll sell well for you. I like those 9 patches on point, too. I always err on the side of cutting the triangles too big, too, although it does waste fabric.

  5. Friday our doorbell rang, it was someone from the city who wanted to check the storm drain for debris because of all the inclement weather that was forecast. Like you we are forecast more at the end of the week. I really hope that the forecast changes for you.

    I love the dog toys. Our son adopted a 2 year old beagle rescue and she is learning to play.

    You've done well with your goals.


  6. We've caught up on rainfall after last year's drought. So many clever techniques are more clever than fabric-efficient.

  7. I like those 9 patchblocks - so happy!
    Weather has just been so crazy!!!!

  8. Cool Nine Patch blocks on point, Bonnie.

  9. Yes please send that rain west! We had a nice thing going with rain, then it stopped and got hot. I like your nine patches. What a smart idea for a dog toy. I bet our Boomer would love that.
    Thanks for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  10. Super cute dog toys for the Show's sale, Bonnie!

  11. Such cute dog toys! Good luck on the sale, and on the concert. Got my fingers crossed for no rain! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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