
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Monday Meanderings 9 - 12 - 2022

Ah September -- thank you for the respite from the heat and humidity.  We were suppose to get a lot of rain over several days this last week but it didn't pour -- just heavy mist for the most part. It did help lower the temperature here in northern Virginia. I'm sure we'll get a few more heat waves over the next several weeks. 

Goals for this past week -- some done, some missed.


✅Make 4 composition book covers -- done, more needed

✅Cut out pieces for card challenge -- done, on to sewing

Start on Sept UFO challenge piece -- nothing done, at least I found it! 

✅Complete clue for Melodic Mystery --  done! 

Sew Sept RSC blocks & Sept BOM from A Quilting Life -- Still need to make 1 RSC and the BOM block

Sunday I decided I would get out this month's UFO Challenge project to see what needed to be done.  Except after looking all over the studio I couldn't find it.  It wasn't in the tub of UFOs or in any project boxes or any project pouches. Or anywhere.  Weird.  

Fast forward to the afternoon. Sharon and I FaceTimed so we could do Clue 3 of Melodic Mystery together. As we were talking about the UFO Challenge I looked over my page listing all the UFOs. Low and behold, I listed where I could find this particular UFO.  I immediately checked for it and Eureka!  You can see it early on here. It was just a bunch of blocks then.  I took it to last year's Oct retreat and was able to get it together except for borders.  I hope to get the borders on, quilted and bound by the end of September.  Stay tuned! 

The Composition Book covers are coming along great.  Here's some of the ones I've already finished.  I need to have 12 done by the end of the month. So I'll be working on more over the next few weeks. 

Sharon and I both got the first clue of the mystery done.  Here's mine and the small amount I trimmed off them. Waiting for October for the next clue.

Now on to this week's goals. 


Make 3 more composition book covers

Pick pattern and cut one quilt 

Make borders for Sept. UFO Challenge

Make 1 RSC block & Sept BOM from A Quilting Life

Start sewing down the pieces of the card challenge

OK, that will keep me pretty busy between all the normal things going on. Hopefully I'll be checking off all those goals next week.

I'm adding more fabric to my stash -- a lot of fabric.  I enjoy shopping for fabrics from Connecting Threads, especially their wide backs.  Aren't these fabrics gorgeous?  The bottom two are 2 yard wide backs.  I'd forgotten what fabrics I had purchased while I waited for the fabrics to show up.  Um, sorry to admit, but I have no idea where I was planning to use the center fabric (Sprinkles). Hopefully I'll use the turquoise one before the end of the month. The blue one was bought to use for piecing -- unless I find a smaller top that will fit. I like how all three of these fabrics go together.  Maybe I'll plan a quilt with any fabrics leftover after quilting. 

I also bought one of their Stash and Save specials.  So along with the above fabrics I got 5 yards of white on white fabrics (at a great price.) Don't think I'm trying to sell you on things -- I just like their fabrics. I sure hope they don't wreck my stash statistics.  (Hum, a very good reason to get at least 1 top quilted this month!) 

Do you want to get a lot of inspiration?  Check out these Linky parties:

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday 

Hope you have a great week!  I'll be sewing a lot (hopefully!) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. I'm so glad you found your September UFO so that you can work on it. Great idea to post about it and where to find it. Mine is still sitting here on the shelf wondering if it will get handled this month... Your composition covers are beautiful! Way to keep on track.

  2. Connecting Threads Stash sales are so tempting aren't they! I bought a jelly roll for a really good price-not that I needed one, I just love the colors, haha.

  3. I think I order almost all of my wide backs from Connecting Threads I rarely find any place that has them or the variety of them at a lower price

  4. That UFO (Roman Stripes?) is really pretty! Your book covers look great. Yay on the fabrics - fun times! We have been enjoying some cooler weather, but I read this morning that heat is returning - ugh - so ready for fall.
    Thanking you in advance for linking with To Do Tuesday. :)

  5. Your fabric indulgence looks well worth it! Glad you got so much accomplished this past week.

  6. Pretty composition covers! The retreat gals are going to love them. I purged my fabric stash of unloved fabrics last week: I gave them to two girls who are just beginning to sew. I also purged some quilting books and thread. My stash closet has never been so clean or organized.

  7. Woo Hoo on finding your UFO! A good note where it is stored on your Challenge list. I need to incorporate that hint in my room. Won't the retreaters love the composition books! Marvelous!

  8. I too list where I last saw a ufo. Sometimes the clues are vague so it is always a bit of treasure hunt! Great purchases there! Stay safe and sew on!

  9. Thanks for the reminder of the Melodic Mystery. I still need to get started on that one.

  10. That was brilliant to note the location of said UFO too!

  11. Why haven't I thought of doing those covers with my orphans!! Off to see what I can play with. Squee!!! LOL

  12. We cooled down wonderfully for a few days but we're back in the low 90's. At least it's much cooler at night--reprieve! Love the composition covers. I forget--are you using orphan blocks or making new?


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.