
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Monday Meanderings 9 - 5 - 2022

Do you have weeks where your planned activities don't actually get done, or at least not all of them? That's what I've faced this week. Here's what I wanted to get done this week ---


✅Make some composition book covers - 2 are done and I rewrote the directions to get a nice tight cover.

Continue working on challenge piece inspired by a card - HA! Didn’t touch it — again. (I might make progress after I finish this post....)

✅Finish sewing Ombre log cabin blocks together in columns - still need to get a couple of columns done.

✅Sew 1 Picket Star top together - Done! 

Start on Sept UFO challenge piece. - Didn’t even get it out.  Sigh.

So no, I didn't get all of the goals done but I did make some forward progress. I decided to revise the composition book cover directions I had after Sue Daurio shared she'd just gone to a class on making covers.  She was kind enough to send me a picture of hers.  It looked so different from what I made I decided to try to figure out how to make it.  After many trials and errors I succeeded.  Here's the piece before sewing it all together.

And below is the front of the finish one. I used interfacing instead of using lightweight batting.  Sharon and I are doing these together for an event coming up.  I'll be trying the batting on my next cover.


The Picket Star blocks were made by the FCQ Equilters for me about two years ago.  I have enough for another bigger quilt.  I was able to get these 9 blocks together this afternoon but not until making 2 more and taking 2 apart to the four squares in the block. One block needed each quadrant  trimmed to the right size. The other one had too big of seams. I am happy with the end results. I added two of the gold blocks although looking at it I realized all three of the gold blocks are mine.  Should I add a border to this or let it stand as is?  It is currently 52 by 52". I'm thinking I might want to do borders only on the top and bottom to make it rectangular. What do you think? 

Before the end of August I finished another smaller quilt.  This was a block of the month from the Country Piecemakers guild several years ago. Each participant bought the book The Anniversary Sampler Quilt by Donna Lynn Thomas.  We made a block or two each month.  I decided that I wanted a 5 by 5 setting and needed 25 6" blocks.  As I finished all the blocks I liked from the book I chose blocks from other sources to make up the 25.  I made this quilt specifically to use some of the 5 yards of cotton fabric I purchased at a children's dress manufacturer many years ago. (As in at least 25 years ago!) I tried using it as the sashing but it looked awful. (You can see the "attempt" here.) The purple looks much better.

The quilting design is Random Clams by Jessica Schick.  I used a soft pink So Fine thread. The bat was a Quilter's Dream polyester.  It really shows the quilting well.  The quilt is appx 40" x 40" which fits perfectly above the fireplace. 

Thanks to my favorite quilt holder for once again holding my quilt. It's easier when it is small like this one. After he held it, he hung it above the fireplace.  It's a little bright and "springy" for September.  But I was tired of the quilt that was there. 

Here's the ancient fabric backing!  The fabric is 60" wide.  Um, I have to admit I have about 3 yards left.  I'm going to reassess the tops I have ready to quilt to see if any of them would look good with this as backing fabric. 

I'm linking to my favorite parties for the beginning of the week. You know the drill.  Take some time to visit some of the bloggers who link up with these parties.  I find so much inspiration when I surf these sites.


Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday

I finally remembered what else took up some of my time this past week.  I entered two quilts in Virginia's State Fair.  I've never entered either a state or county fair before.  My local guild, Virginia Star Quilters, has a booth at the fair and wanted members to enter some of their quilts.  I spent part of the week sewing sleeves on, making labels and driving it over to a member who was willing to deliver the quilts.  Pat and I will be manning  the booth at the beginning of October.  It would be fun to win a ribbon but I'm not counting on that happening. But I'll let you know in a few weeks. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 



  1. if you go with a border possibly choose the red color in the middle....or really any of the colors would work...

  2. That should be fun working the booth and then see your quilt hanging at the fair!! I like your note book cover too. Yes I have lots of weeks where I don't get done what I think I will, and then sometimes get way more done, funny how that works out!

  3. good luck entering your quilt in the fair and working it. sometimes they can be fun - but sometimes hot!

  4. I love the quilt with purple sashing! I went back and looked at the previous attempt, and definitely agree that the purple was the right choice. The other makes a very good backing!

  5. That purple sashing is gorgeous, and just perfect for those blocks. Great choice. The notebook covers are a fun looking project.

  6. Nice composition book cover! Seeing it triggered a long forgotten memory. When I was teaching,I required book covers on all the larger textbooks, And over the years I became quite adept at creating covers from paper bags, old maps, wall paper and many other materials.Those covers spared the books a lot of wear and tear, prolonging their usefulness, and thus, saving the school district a lot of money.

  7. I like your composition book cover. It sure adds pizazz to a rather boring notebook! Your finished quilt is gorgeous and looks great with the purple sashing. I'd be inclined to add a border to your star blocks. I like the idea of red that was mentioned above. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am not getting any of the comments to my email.

  8. The purple sashing is much better than the swirly pastel. Nice finish! The notebook covers would be a good scrapbuster and a nice gift.

  9. Good choice on the purple sashing for the sampler quilt. It's just lovely! Aren't those quilt holders handy? LOL
    I love the picket star block. It's on my list of "want-to-do's".

  10. Hi,
    Both your quilts are beautiful! I really like
    the sampler quilt...have a great day!

  11. The purple does look better. I'm always a fan of borders so I almost always put them on. Quilts just don't look finished without them. LOL

  12. A great finish! Good luck to you and keep us posted!

  13. I like your border idea for picket stars - those are pretty blocks. Wow your sampler quilt turned out beautiful and the purple really showcases the blocks - nice quilting too. That "ancient" fabric really looks good on the back. Good luck with your State Fair quilts!
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  14. That's a really beautiful quilt, Bonnie, the one edged in purple and with the beautiful quilting lines. I have a really hard time figuring out borders, etc. so I'm useless to you, LOL. Meanwhile, I think your quilts are ribbon worthy for sure so good luck with that!

  15. What an absolutely gorgeous array of purples you have there, Ms. Bonnie. Why do those Picket Blocks look so familiar? Hmmm. :-D I just finished a quilt today, minutes ago, really. I will be posting on 9/14. The design is a 70" square. Too large for a lap/throw quilt and too square for a bed quilt. So I added wider borders on the top and bottom for a finished quilt of 70" by 88". To cut a long story short (or elongate a quilt :-D), yes, make top/bottom borders wider.

  16. What a difference the right sashing makes! The purple sashing is just perfect!!!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.