
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Monday Meanderings and Statistics 9 - 26 - 2022

Hum, the fourth Monday of September and I am just now sharing my stashbusting statistics for August. Pitiful, isn't it? I think the main issue is I didn't want to figure out fabric usage for my spring sampler quilt.  So I came up with the amount for a 6.5" square and added 25% for seams or appliqué.  It's probably correct for some of the blocks and too little or too much for a few.  But at least I'm moving forward!  It was a decent month when I realized I only brought in a half yard. Whoop! Whoop! Here are the numbers: 


Fabric  In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year


In or Out Year







Fan-tas-tic! I had that big addition of fabric this month and it's nice to have a 17.5 yard cushion.  Plus I did finish quilting a top today. So there will be some fabric used this month, even if it isn't going to be a lot. 

Not the best week for goals but I did succeed on some. Here's what I was aiming for this past week. 


✅Quilt and bind turquoise quilt — it is quilted but binding will be this week

✅Finish card challenge — and on display at Virginia Star’s booth at Virginia State Fair

Make 3 or more composition book covers √ Just 1 finished.

Make Sept BOM from A Quilting Life — oops again - maybe this week it’ll get done

Here's the turquoise quilt on Ruthie, the long arm... 

And for this week I'll be trying to do: 


Trim and bind turquoise quilt

Finish last 3 composition book covers

Make Sept BOM from A Quilting Life

Get projects ready for next week’s retreat

Go to Virginia State fair; man VaStar booth

Several of this week's goals are must do activities.  I've already started some work preparing projects for the retreat.  I'm trying to decide how many I want to take for 4 nights and about 4+ days. It's longer than usual and I'm guessing my stamina isn't what it used to be but I also don't want to run out of projects to work on. Decisions, decisions.

I'm ready to finish my current book. I don't know why all sorts of ebooks I've put on hold at the library are coming in at the same time.  Good grief. I've had to postpone several and they keep coming in even though many were listed to come at many weeks later than I actually was notified they were ready.  I haven't spent as much time reading in the last two weeks so hopefully I'll actually get all of them read before the due dates.  

Here's my favorite Monday Linky parties.  You know the drill -- spend the time visiting some and go forth into the Internet to read lots of blogs. You never know when you'll see a particularly fabulous quilt that inspires you to make one similar! I'll be back to link up the rest once they are available. 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday 

Thanks for all the get well wishes for Pat. He's feeling much better but still has drippy sinus.  I plan to test soon before I go to my chorus rehearsal.  Hopefully I'll continue to test negative for Covid. 

Here's a visitor to the backyard this morning.  This is a juvenile mourning dove from what I can tell. He sat at the top of the steps from the studio to the backyard for 5 or 10 minutes all puffed up.  I wonder if he is friends with the squirrel who visited a few weeks ago.

Happy Quilting all! Bonnie 



  1. It's funny--lately I've been thinking about how our hobby of quilting so quickly becomes yet another obligation to be met, and it seems library books also fall into that category way too easily! Whatever happened to reading for leisure and enjoyment? I think my library membership has lapsed (don't tell Nann!) but I have plenty of books on hand that I enjoy rereading, and I beta read manuscripts for a writer friend. That fills my awake time between watching movies with hubby and falling asleep at night.

    If that dove is puffing for the squirrel, it's a very confused bird! Bi-species, methinks, or maybe just bi-curious?


  2. I can lose hours reading the links from the linky parties, so many great sewing/quilting blogs to read & I spend the day reading instead of sewing. The colours in your teal quilt are lovely, enjoy the retreat!

  3. It's okay to plan more projects to take to retreat. You can always work on them when you get home if you don't get to them on retreat! Maybe it comes down to how much time do you have to prepare before you go? Last year when getting ready to leave to AZ I ran out of time to kit everything so I just threw in yardage and I was glad I did:)

  4. When I was on the trail at the state park last week I startled up a flock of mourning doves. I wonder if they gather at this time of year? I'm not particularly fond of them our their pigeon cousins.....As for books coming in--if I don't put them on hold then I'll forget that they caught my attention, but (too) often I return them unread. The circ stats don't ask for proof of completion!

  5. No harm in taking at least one more project than you think you’ll need at the retreat. Some of the books I had on hold have arrived soon than I anticipated. I’m sure the person before me didn’t like it or didn’t have time to read it.

  6. I am amazed at how fast scraps can turn into a lot of fabric storage--trying to keep pecking away at the scraps is a constant source of sewing opportunities. I'm going on a retreat soon too, and got one project all ready. Now to decide what else to bring. Since I am driving not flying, I could bring a small top to quilt. Hmmm

  7. That turquoise quilt is a beauty. Congratulations on only a half yard "in". Glad your husband is feeling better and hope you remain "negative". Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  8. It sounds like you will be well prepared for your retreat. Be Prepared was my Girl Guide motto and I've lived my life trying to be. :D Yes, I also have books that start showing up together even though I've been told I'm 90th on the wait list kind of thing. Mystery to me. Anyway, enjoy your special stitching time!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.