
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Monday Meanderings 10 - 3 -2022


I'm so excited.  I'm going to a quilting retreat with my friends from Country Piecemakers today (or Monday depending on when you read this.)  It should be a wonderful week. So before I go let's see how I did do on my goals last week. I'm very pleased with it. 


✅Trim and bind turquoise quilt

✅Finish last 3 composition book covers

Make Sept BOM from A Quilting Life -- again not done. Oops! 

✅Get projects ready for next week’s retreat

Go to Virginia State fair; man VaStar booth

Oh that poor Sept BOM from A Quilting Life -- it's been on my to do list for weeks.  I just picked fabrics for it. I'm taking them with me on retreat and hope to get it made and maybe even the one that will come out on Thursday.  I'll let you know next week whether I've succeeded.  

But everything else was done and I'm happy at all the check marks. Here's what I am planning to do this week. (A week with no cleaning, no cooking and all the sewing I want to do!) 


Get Happy Blocks & string blocks to top stage

Make baby quilt top

Make all 79 triangles for Tumbling Triangles

Get other projects brought  moved forward 

Enjoy retreat! 

On to photographs.  First up is Ellie's Flowers on display in the Virginia Star Quilt Guild's booth at the Virginia State Fair.  I was able to get the card in the same picture.  Remember this was a challenge to use a card to inspire a quilt. She sent me a nifty 3 d floral arrangement card.

At the last guild meeting we made fast, easy pumpkins. Here's mine on my orange table runner. It was a lot of fun to make this pumpkin.  

And now, I'd like to share a big win for me. I cleared off the front of my cutting table.  Take a minute to look at it last March.  I don't think I ever got it cleaned off then. But look at it now. Some of the fabrics that were piled up here are going to be available for my fellow retreaters to adopt. A bit of the fabric has been safely stashed in the basket so I can deal with it when I get back.  

I don't think I've seen that mat for years.  It doesn't look like I ever cut on it. My goal is to keep that cleared off (more or less) for the whole month of October. (And maybe longer.)  One thing I'm trying to do is let go of the smallest scraps.  I generally cut 2" and 2.5" squares.  I definitely use the 2.5" ones.  I've got a plan for 2" squares too.  But what do you do with 1.5" squares?  I'm not sure I'll ever use that size!  Scraps are a never ending battle. 

So it's time to get this post published and for me to get to bed.  I've got a lot to do tomorrow.  Here's the list of my Linky parties.  I hope to spend some time this week surfing to see what quilters are doing. 
To Do Tuesday 
That's it for now.  I'm packing tomorrow morning and heading off to retreat.  It's a new location this year that takes a bit longer to get to.  No problem -- we can't check in until 3 pm.  Should work well.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. green with envy here bonnie...have a wonderful time!

  2. Have an awesome retreat and get lots of sewing done! Are the fall colors showing out there yet?

  3. The Ellie's Flowers display is just beautiful. Your retreat sounds like so much fun! Hope you enjoy your drive to it. Your cutting table looks fabulous. Thanking you early for linking to To Do Tuesday!

  4. Enjoy the retreat. Your friends will happily adopt your u loved fabric. I don’t keep anything smaller than 2inches. I have a box next to my cutting table where I toss smaller strips and bits. I bag those up and give them to ladies who love to make string blocks.

  5. Oh, the bouquet is wonderful! Congratulations on the cleared-off cutting table. Is this a version of "wear clean underwear just in case" since you're heading off on a retreat? Have fun!

  6. Have a great time at your retreat! Can't wait to see all the wonderful creations!

  7. Hope you had a wonderful time at the retreat and got lots of stitching done!


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