
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Last Month's Finish!

I try like crazy to use more fabric than I bring in every month.  Wait!  I forgot to post my stash busting stats for last month.  So, I'll start with that first. I bought a whole lot of fabric from Connecting Threads -- mostly wide backs on sale.  So, yep a large amount of fabric came in during September. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year


In or Out Year







But quite a bit of fabric went out too. As Nann, who blogs at With Strings Attached  suggested I save my scraps up over a few months and then weigh them and covert that to yardage -- which happened in September to the tune of 5 yards worth of scraps. I also made 12 composition book covers that came to approximately 2 1/4 yards of fabric.  And, last but not least, the quilt shown below, Voyager. 

It was a beautiful day Friday so we planned an outing after our neighborhood chorus's rehearsal. It was my first time singing in at least 3 weeks.  We both decided to mask up so we wouldn't get Covid (again) nor possibly spread Covid (me.) I'm better but I do tire more easily.  

After singing we went for a quick bite to eat and then went to a new park near downtown Fredericksburg.  It was a great day to be out by the Rappahannock River.  The new park has a great playground for kids and it looked like it had stairs leading down to the river and a small dock. I pulled out Voyager and started taking pictures.  I always take way more than I need so I can eliminate ones that I don't like.  

For some reason there is temporary fencing between the play area and the river.  It might be to keep kids from wandering down and falling into the river.  It seemed a pretty steep hill.  

The title, Voyager, is the name of the Villa Rosa Design I used.  (You know those designs -- the ones that are a colored postcard?)  I only have a few but I really like the ones I have but haven't made others. Hum, something else to think about when next I want to start a quilt. I used some batik strips along with some other fabrics in turquoise in this one.  

It's hard to see the quilting on this one.  The pattern is called Curly.  I chose to quilt it with the length of the quilt loaded parallel to the bars on the long arm.  I used a light turquoise So Fine thread from Superior Threads. 

Part of the reason we chose to go to this particular park is because Fredericksburg has a promotion called Otter-ly Amazing Fredericksburg. It was designed to bring attention to downtown Fredericksburg and highlight the Rappahannock River as a healthy ecosystem.  You can read more about it in the Free Lance Star.

Selling a game about Fredericksburg, its history, and its downtown raised enough money to create otter statues that were placed throughout the downtown area.  Needless to say we needed to visit at least one of the bronze statues.  Parking is tight in downtown so we thought the new park would be easier to get in and out of. 

Here's an otter and her pups.  

The statue isn't very large. I am assuming they are life-size.  Notice the fish in front. A pair of local artists made the statues. I imagine we'll take the time to walk the downtown area at some point and see the rest of the statues. 

I'm linking up with the following Linky parties: 

*Can I Get a Whoop Whoop*

Finished or Not Friday

Beauties Pageant 

*I am delighted to see Sarah who blogs at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  has returned to blogging.  Waving at you Sarah -- sorry it took me a month or so to see you've come back.  We've missed you!*

That's it for me today.  I haven't made much progress on my goals list this week so I think I'll try to get one or two more done now. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 



  1. the blue quilt is lovely!! I will need to watch for wide back sales again too - I have one for the next quilt top that is not super huge but will need more more next year

  2. what a great finish! and the park looks like a fun spot for 'glamour shots!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Voyager is beautiful Bonnie! Your quilting looks great. Is that free motion or a panto? That is a perfect spot for photos.

  5. That otter park must be amazing-I love watching otters! Voyager is a super gorgeous quilt, I too love Villa Rosa patterns.

  6. Pretty quilt. I enjoy using the Villa Rose design cards. I have quite a few but often forget I have them. The otter sculpture is adorable. I’m skittish about getting COVID again. Im trying to stay healthy so I can get the new booster: my appointment is next Tuesday.

  7. Thanks for the shout out, Bonnie. Those slivers and snippets accumulate! The turquoise quilt is so soothing and you found a wonderful setting for the photo shoot. Glad you got out to sing again!

  8. Such a pretty quilt - love all those blues together!!! Glad you are feeling better!


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