
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Design Wall Monday 10 - 17 - 2022

Good news first. I am feeling so much better than last week at this time.  I've stayed in my studio most days leaving Pat the upstairs.  He does not want to get Covid again.  Nor do I for that matter!  I've had several good days playing in the studio all day and will continue for several more days until I have 2 negative tests.  I'm hoping to get one tomorrow -- but I may not yet.   

On to my goals for last week.  Several days I spent more time laying around and reading and less (or no) time sewing.  You'll notice I didn't get everything done on my list but I did get other things done. (I'll admit, I spent more time off list than on list.) So here's the list and what I did get done. 


✅Quilt and bind a quilt (not the binding though.)

✅Continue making triangles for tumbling triangles -- all sewn and into rows.

Remove papers from string blocks -- oops nothing done. 

✅Work on grands’ Christmas ornaments -- This weeks I sewed some beads on a dolphin.

Paint wooden pumpkins -- two have the first primer coat on one side... 

Here's the top I quilted but didn't bind yet. Hopefully the binding will get done this week.  

What I did that wasn't on the list was work on a scrap quilt with 2.5" squares. I still need to make the border before it will be done.  I'm using the 2.5" blocks as my leader ender.  Hopefully I'll get it put together by next week and will be able to share it. (Hum, it's not on the list though... so a little more off list work!) 

And here's what I hope to work on this week...


Bind Flowers and 9 Patch quilt

Quilt and bind another quilt 

Finish sewing Tumbling Triangles together 

Border Oct UFO Challenge Quilt

Make Sept & October BOM from A Quilting Life

Work on Halloween quilt

Who knows if I'll get all of these done but I'm going to give it a try. Here is a picture of Tumbling Triangles.  I did finish all the blocks and sewed them into rows.  Hopefully I'll get all the rows sewn together.  Who knows maybe I'll sew the borders on too. This is a Studio 180 design that uses their V Block ruler. 

I may try to get two of the wooden pumpkins primed -- front, back and edges.  If I get any done I'll share pictures.  Pat cut them out of the wood with a scroll saw. My job is to paint them.  

So that's it for me today except for suggesting you check out these Linky parties and see what folks are doing all across the nation.
Monday Making

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! Wood pumpkins-what size? Do you do fancy painting with shading? Wishing you a fun filled productive sewing week!

  2. Hope you "fail" the tests and can get back to normal. The nine-patches are cheerful! I have that Studio 180 ruler...hmmmm....

  3. I got my second negative test on Saturday, but I’m still skittish about being mask free. I want to stay COVID free so I can get the new booster I’ve scheduled on November 1st.

  4. Hope you continue to feel better each day! Love the look of the Tumbling Triangles. Wow!

  5. Even if what got done wasn't on your list, you still had a productive week for not feeling 100% Good luck with this week's list. Your tumbling triangles is looking good.

  6. It takes time to recover, so I'm glad you are taking it slow. You had a productive week, though! Those tumbling triangles are fun!

  7. So glad you're feeling better, Bonnie! Such cute fabric in the Floral/9 Patch. Tumbling Triangles looks like a neat design, too! Have a great week!

  8. You achieved a lot really especially as you are still recovering from Covid. The scrap project sounds fun, and things not on the list are always my favourites.

  9. Glad to hear you are feeling better, The Flowers and 9 Patch quilt is so spring. Lovely. The tumbling triangles is super modern and looks great in white and blue. Good luck with your list for this week. Take care of yourself.

  10. Glad you are on the mend!! Pretty quilted blocks and those Tumbling Triangles are really neat. Happy Stitching now.

  11. Oh I forgot I wanted to ask about that beautiful tree in your header photo and the gorgeous quilt to match it.

  12. Glad you are feeling better, I guess you and your husband can text each other! Looks like you've been productive. I love that top you quilted, the fabrics are beautiful. Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  13. I love that Tumbling Triangles quilt. I definitely need to look up that pattern.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.