
Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday Meandering 1 - 16 - 2023

Winter has gripped our area again.  We're are staying in the house to keep warm.  Hubby and I are staying with our grands while their parents are in Key West. Hum, why didn't we think to do that?  We're having fun during our visit. I'll share some of the visit at the end. 

First it's time for my goals. Here's last week's list. 


✅Continue with RSC blocks in blue

✅Work on January UFO Challenge — Moose quilt

👎🏼Work on Spider Web blocks — sew blocks into “foursys”. Decide how many more blocks needed and make them — A few more blocks sewn but didn’t get far. 

Spend 15 minutes a day cleaning up the studio — Most days 20 minutes were spent cleaning around the studio. And I can see a difference. More needs to be done though. 

Here's the result of two of my goals. First is the progress on the Moose quilt. I decided on using some 3.5" squares to separate the pictures. I'm using a brown which has some light colors in it to accent the pictures. (Sorry you can't see the light highlights in that dark brown in the picture.)  The short brown piece above the bigger moose picture was just to see how a brown strip would look across the quilt.  When I have a chance I'll be adding a brown strip above and below the second strip of pictures. I hope I can get this finished by the end of the month... at least to top stage. 

I was able to get a sample RSC block done in blues.  Here are the results. Hum, I need to make sure there are light colors in each quarter of the block. I haven't decided how many I'm going to make but maybe 2 of each of the 10 colors. This block is 9" finished. I generally make lap size quilts with RSC blocks.  We'll see what I decide this year.


Here's are my plans for this week.  They are a little less challenging than normal but I hope to finish all of them. 


Finish a few RSC blue blocks

Do the January Melodic Mystery clue

Make a few blocks for Flower Song

Finish Traffic Jam top with 2” blocks

Enjoy the Grands

Now on to some photos that should make you laugh when you see them. 

And he here is ... Walter the dog! 

I know, poor dog.  Next up is a list of Linky parties I'll be signing up with.  Hopefully I actually link to all I list. 

I'm ready to get some piecing done and hopefully I'll be able to when the grands are at school over the next few days.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I really like the browns with the blues. It really brings the attention back to the moose blocks. You have a really patient dog and that look on his face in the second picture is priceless!

  2. Congrats on all the progress on your to do list. I like your RSC project for this year and you've made some good decisions on the moose quilt. Loved the dog photos! Enjoy your time with the grands.

  3. Sweet Walter! He looks like a patient and loving soul.

  4. I like where you are heading with the moose quilt, the browns do help bring out the moose color. You obviously brought your machine with you-good call:)

  5. Great progress on the moose quilt and I think browns are perfect. Fun RSC blocks, beautiful blues. Enjoy the grands.

  6. The brown and blue combination is great for the moose-print fabric. It will be interesting to find out how much you get done while grand-sitting!

  7. Well, Walter is adorable...even as a - whatever that is! LOL Your moose quilt is looking good. I love the combination of the browns with the blocks! Stay warm and enjoy your time with the grands!! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  8. Key west.... yep you got the cold end haha!! but what fun! I like your blue circle blocks - very cool!!!

  9. Are they scuba divers, or just there to enjoy it? Walter is adorable. The moose quilt has such rich, pretty colors. I like the blues in your RSC. Enjoy your grands!


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