
Sunday, January 22, 2023

Monday Meanderings 1 - 23 - 2023

We lived through the week with the grands! And, boy were we worn out afterwards.  We came home Friday afternoon. The travelers got home late that afternoon and picked the grands up at a friend's home.  We were glad we didn't wait to see them as our daughter-in-law came home with Covid.  Between a 24 hour bug that hit the two kids and DIL before they left, and son feeling horrible the first day or two in Key West it wasn't a very relaxing vacation for them. 

I was able to spend part of two days piecing. We also were able to visit with some old friends in the Northern Virginia area. Barb and I went to high school together; in fact we met the first day our freshmen year. For many years Pat and I lived in the greater Los Angeles area. Eventually we moved to the east and finally settled in Virginia closer to Barb and Jay. We're thinking of planning a trip together at some point. 

The above was a bit of information about why I didn't get all my goals done this past week even though I spent most of Sat and Sunday in my studio. Here's what I wanted to accomplish last week. I'm happy with what I did get done plus I worked off list a bit too. 


✅Finish a few RSC blue blocks - three done.

✅Do the January Melodic Mystery clue —  all done. Ready to put it together with the last clue. 

Make a few blocks for Flower Song — didn’t get to this.

Finish Traffic Jam top with 2” blocks — center part is done, working on border.

Enjoy the Grands — it was fun but boy we were tired when we got home! 

Here's how I left Traffic Jam Sunday night. I've got several seams to do to get the rows together and I need to make another sashing row.  Then it's just making 9 patches for the border which I'll do as a leader ender.  The end is in sight. 

I also got 3 of the 4 rows together of the Moose quilt.  I'm not sure why I worked on it so diligently because it wasn't even on the goals list last week.  There is only one more row to figure out and sew on.  I'll evaluate whether it needs a border later. (I was thinking a navy blue border would work but of course I don't have any navy blue fabric.)  The fourth row will echo the top row with the dark brown across the two smaller photos and the dark brown running parallel to the bigger picture in the center. At least that is the plan. We'll see how it actually comes out. (Hopefully it'll be a top by the end of the week with a border to be determined.) 

Now let's see what I hope to do this coming week. 


Work on red spider web blocks

Make blocks for Sharon, Cindy

Finish moose top

Finish Traffic jam with 2” squares

Quilt on hearts top

I need to really focus on the spider web blocks as the guild has a red quilt challenge I'd like to enter it in.  It needs to be done by mid February.  

I think I have enough blocks made it's just a matter of sewing them together, quilting and binding it.  (Just a little bit to do...) Here's a grouping of them from February. 

Hum, I should probably find some backing fabric for this now rather than waiting until it is done and ready to quilt. 

The last picture I want to share is a small quilt I'm pin basting in preparation to hand big stitch quilt it.  I made the appliqué heart blocks in about 1994.  We had moved to the Baltimore area and the first year there I worked at a wonderful quilt store.  I took a class to learn how to appliqué a bunch of different ways.  Fast forward many years and I finally made it into a top.  Now I'm ready to get it finished. It's a little less than 23" square so I'm hoping it goes quickly. Any suggestions on where I should quilt it? I have to see what color pearl cotton I have although my guess is I only have larger sizes in colors and only black in the right size thread. Maybe. I need to look. 

I actually figured out my December fabric usage today  but I think I'll wait to share as this is already pretty long.  So, with no further ado, I'm linking with the following parties.  Please spend some time surfing the web using these parties as a starting point. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The moose quilt is coming along nicely, brown was a good choice. Isn't it typical; looking for a specific color, either not enough or don't have! Fun spider web quilt, and yes, time to finish your heart quilt! :) It's beautiful. No idea how to hand quilt it since I don't to hand quilting. Good luck on your to-do list.

    1. Forgot to say I love your scrappy Traffic Jam quilt.

  2. Glad you survived the Grands. Too bad about illness at Key West! The heart quilt is darling, it will look so good hand quilted. Maybe Karen at Quilts Etc can advise. I downloaded Traffic Jam last October after seeing yours and just pulled it up again to print. Yours is so pretty. Can't wait to see your moose quilt finish.

  3. to start out a vacation getting over sickness for one and then finishing with being sick for the other isn't good. Being around young grandchildren when you are not used to it can be tiring isn't it. I remember those days.

  4. Family and friends are an excellent reason! I like the way you're fitting in the different sizes of the motifs for the moose. Traffic Jam is a great scrap-buster....but oh, the red and white spiderwebs have pulled me in! (LOL)

  5. Love the red/white spiderweb blocks! Happy to hear you had a good; albeit exhausting, time with your Grands. I’m sure some wonderful memories were created for everyone.

  6. nice scrappy but yes the red/white is a stunner!

  7. Not fun to come home with Covid. Not a bad week on the stitching front. I really like your red spiderweb blocks, that's going to be a very dramatic quilt. Good luck with this week's list.

  8. I like your choice with the moose quilt, looks great!

  9. The colours on your moose quilt are gorgeous, it is coming together very well.
    I've been in a few traffic jams near where you live, not look as lovely as your quilt!

  10. Traffic Jam looks like some scrappy fun! Enjoy the homestretch and good luck on the week ahead.

  11. Hi Bonnie: I am a bit ADD so I make a list, but I don't always work from the list. I figure the list is starting point. LOL! I loved all your projects especially the MOOSE. My family laugh at me because I've always wanted to see a live moose. Maybe I should just make a quilt instead! Love the heart applique quilt. Well done!

  12. I so love the colors you put together in your quilts. I love the way the blues and browns work together to bring out the best in the moose panels. When I first glanced your red and white, I thought it looked like a spider web and then saw that was the name. It's perfect and I can't wait to see it finished. I have a little spiderman fan who might like that pattern. But it's not his turn for a quilt. lol

  13. Great progress on your projects, Bonnie! I love that scrappy Traffic Jam! The Moose quilt is really coming together nicely. I think that applique project is really cute and perfect for Valentine's day coming up!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.