
Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday Meanderings 1 - 30 -2023

Good Morning. (well, it may not be morning when you read this but whatever time of day it is I hope it is good!)  Let's get right to the goals from last week.


✅Work on red spider web blocks — need to finish sewing together — about half the rows are left to do.

Make blocks for ✅Sharon, ✅Cindy — all done.

Finish moose top — didn’t happen. I’ve put it aside until the spider web quilt is a top.

✅Finish Traffic jam with 2” blocks — further along but need to make rest of border and sew it on. 

Quilt on hearts top — quilting is done just need to finish hand sewing the binding.

Not too bad as I really did focus on the spider web blocks turning into a quilt. Unfortunately I needed to re-iron the center seam of nearly every block.  Sigh 

Here is the block I made for Cindy. I've always liked the hugs and kisses block. The blocks are going to a guild member who has served the guild for many, many years.  How do you pick fabrics when making a block that will be mixed with lots of others and there are no color guidelines?  I first picked a cute print and then decided this one was much calmer and would blend with lots of wilder blocks. At least, that's my thinking! 

Next up are 4 blocks I made for Sharon who is a member of the FCQ E Quilters group.  She chose Criss Cross Star block.  (It might look familiar as we also made it for the October retreat opportunity block.) Here's a link to a Lori Holt video explaining how to make it. If for some reason it doesn't come up type in Sew Your Stash Series 10 to find it. It ends up a 9" finished block. I still love this block.  Hum, maybe one day I'll make a quilt out of them. 

Now what is going on this week?  Check it out below. 


Finish the hearts top 

Finish sewing Spider web together, find or buy backing 

Dance around the studio because Ruthie’s being fixed on Thursday!

Quilt spider web 

Keep working on Traffic Jam border 

Finish Moose quilt to top stage 

I'm tickled that Ruthie will be back and working this week.  I haven't finished much in the way of quilted tops this month because she was under the weather. (so to speak!) Hopefully I'll get the Spider web quilt done by the end of the week. 

As January comes to a close we (as in hubby) starts thinking about what quilts need to be displayed in February.  Well, you got it.  Valentine's Day quilts.  So before we (as in hubby) remove the winter quilts and snowmen I took a few pictures to share.

(Hum, the top border is actually straight -- it's just hard to get it straight in the holder.) All the snowmen on the left I made. Hubby made the trees. I bought the snowmen on the right.  

I normally get this post done the day before but I was lazy last evening.  I'll be leaving right after lunch for my stitching group so I'll call this done now.  Take some time to do a little blog hopping using these Linky parties to start off. 

I hope you have a wonderful quilty week! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Your hubby changes out the quilts for you? Mine could care less what I decorate with! Thankfully he endures my quilting adventures tho'. Good work this past week Bonnie:)

  2. I like your snowmen and quilts. I am the one who usually starts thinking about what to display all month but Hubby is the one who has the reach for putting it up. So it's just a matter of motivating or coercing him.

  3. I love your pretty stars and the snowmen are so cute

  4. You've been busy! Pretty blocks for Cindy and Sharon. Cute winter quilt and the snowmen are darling.

  5. Wonderful snowmen! The quilt is a cute mix of wintry animals.

  6. I love the snowmen and the darling quilt. The fabric print you chose for hugs and kisses is really pretty. I still have the instructions you gave me for the Criss Cross stars - so pretty - and intend to get to them "sometime"!

  7. Bonnie you did have a busy week! Just look at all of your check marks! good to hear your machine will be fixed this week. love your winter quilt and snowmen. Please tell your hubby I love his trees and the fact that he helps you choose and swap out your decor. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope you have a wonderful week filled with fabric fun and fondling. :)

  8. I like your snowmen display. Hope you post a pic of your hearts. And hubby changes it out for you? Now that is one good man! Since snow is still on the ground, our snowmen are staying put.

  9. Congrats on all the check marks for last week's list. Your Hugs and Kisses block turned out really cute and I think your fabric pick will go well with other fabrics. Good luck with this week's list!

  10. I finally found the star blocks. They look fun to make.
    Love the snowmen that you made.

  11. You had a great week, Bonnie! I love your mantle and those criss crossed stars are beautiful! The hugs and kisses block is too! Thanks for linking up at Monday Musings!


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