
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Monday Meanderings 2 - 6 - 2023

What a week we've had.  During the days I spent a lot of time reading and working on various quilting projects.  I'm so happy with what I got done.  Three nights in a row we were out socializing.  Let me just say we don't go out all that much but three events lined up one after another.  Ok, we can be social animals but boy we were tired each night! 

Here's the skinny on last week's goal list.  It's mostly good. 


✅Finish the hearts top — done and hanging in the great room.

✅Finish sewing Spider web together,  find or buy backing — together, backing figured out.

✅Dance around the studio because Ruthie’s being fixed on Thursday! — Not too much dancing done but she’s ready to go except one cord that needed to be replaced. It should come in the mail soon. 

Quilt spider web — not yet - see above. 😏

✅Keep working on Traffic Jam border — definite progress made but still working on it as a leader/ender.

Finish Moose quilt to top stage -- It's done and ready to be measured, tagged and stashed in the to-be-quilted closet. 

Here's the finished top photo. I'm so happy it is done even if I don't have any fabric for the backing. This all came from my head. I did do a search of panel quilts before I started but in the end I really just had to proceed with trial and error. I've run out of the blue used to highlight the moose pictures, the dark brown used as the border and in the center, and the light blue inner border. I'm hoping one of the darker browns I pulled but didn't use will work for the binding once I find backing fabric. (I plan on checking that tomorrow and then hang that fabric in closet with the quilt.) 

Truth told, I finished this a 5:45pm on Sunday evening! 

Here's what is on the list for this coming week. 


Make 2 walker bags

Make Spider Web backing 

Quilt Spider Web Quilt

Prep binding for Spider Web Quilt

Work on Feb UFO Challenge blocks

Prep binding for Moose quilt 

You might be able to tell that I am relying on getting the part I need for the long arm so that I can finish up the Spider Web quilt.  

In the meantime, I have a ton (20+ yards) of decorator fabric (and who knows where I got it from but I can guarantee that I did not buy it!).  I think it works pretty well for walker bags as it is a little heavier than regular cotton.  Hum, thinking about heavier fabric I may also have some lighter upholstery fabric that might work. I will be working on walker bags for years before I use up all I have! 

This is short as I don't have much to add.  I do know I'm being really strong and not starting any new projects. Actually nothing new has been started since 2023 began. Hopefully this month's UFO challenge won't take much time to do.  Time will tell! 

I'm linking up with the following Linky parties.  I hope you can spend a few minutes visiting some of the links at these parties. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday 

Sew and Tell

Monday Musing 

To Do Tuesday 

That's it for tonight - yep, I generally write this Sunday evenings.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. You've been busy! Socializing three nights in a row?! I'd been exhausted too! Love your moose quilt, it's beautiful!

  2. My socializing "muscles" are very unused. We used to socialize regularly and actually enjoyed it, but now we are old and dull and socializing exhausts us - lol! Your Moose quilt is so pretty - I love the panel pieces and the colors and your great design. Are walker bags for folks in walkers?

  3. I'm laughing at Linda's comment because it sounds like me

  4. It's hard when we are not used to going out isn't it! But so fun that tired is worth it;) The moose can out just wonderful!! I am happy Ruthie is back to normal and hope your cord comes swiftly.

  5. Love the moose quilt! If the upholstery fabric is cotton, it is also perfect for a pressing board cover. The one I made had been washed several times and doesn’t show any signs of wear.

  6. Congratulations on the moose quilt finish and all your To Do list was completed. Way to go! Upholstery fabrics make great purses too if you like making them.

  7. Hooray for a productive and busy week -- seeing friends and finishing projects!

  8. I really like your moose quilt! The blue is a pretty addition to all the different browns. Do you have a recipient in mind for it?

  9. You have been busy, Bonnie and great job on getting all your goals completed last week. I love your design for the Moose quilt. It looks amazing. Have a great week.

  10. Congratulations on a lot of green on last week's to do list. The moose quilt is really fun. Good luck with this week's to do list.

  11. Love that Moose quilt. Combination of brown and lighter blues is such a winner.

  12. Congratulations Bonnie on another productive week. Well done on your List. I love seeing all those check marks. Love the Moose quilt and its done! Hope your part came in and you are having fun with your Spider Web quilt. Good luck with your list this week. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  13. Bonnie, I LOVE your moose quilt!! It looks fantastic. I'd say your head is batting 1000!! LOL


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.