
Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday Meanderings -- 2 - 20 - 2023

I feel like a one-eyed cat!  Thursday last I had the cataracts removed from my right eye and a new lens implanted.  It went really well, including me getting a small inspiration for a new wall hanging. I love how well I can see things in the distance. But now I have no close up vision in that eye.  I've bought a pair of readers that helps a lot however, I still can only use one eye to read. (I can also read by bringing the Kindle or iPhone up to my nose and reading with my left eye and shutting my right eye.) I go in Wed. to have my left eye done.  I had originally planned to go in the following week because I really wanted to go to the Mid Atlantic Quilt Show.  I realized it would be really irritating to spend 2 weeks with mismatched eyes. So no quilt show for me this year but I will have far superior vision. 

Even with the surgery I was able to get most of what I wanted to get done in the studio -- some before and some after the surgery. Let's look at how I did on my goals. 


✅Make last 3 blocks of UFO challenge quilt — finished the blocks and the top! 

✅Make a walker bag — One done and ready to give to the guild.

✅Finish making binding for Spider Web Quilt  — Binding made but quilt not ready for it.

Right eye gets a new lens!  Probably won’t get any more sewing done until next week — surgery done! I was back to a bit of sewing on Saturday and Sunday. 

Not bad!  Here's the pic of the UFO challenge piece for February. I'm always "planning" to get tops done and every once in a while I surprise myself and get more done. Darn, didn't happen this time.  

This was made using the Lazy Angle ruler.  Most of these pieces were cut out years ago. I started sewing them together during the October retreat.  I only had 3 more to cut and sew before sewing the top together. I am sure I'll need to put a bright border on this one but I haven't decided what I'll use for it.

Here's this week's goals.  Again, there aren't that many of them because of surgery and a get together of friends in DC on Saturday.  


Pick an easy quilt using my stash & AccuQuilt Go dies — cut it out

Begin sewing Melodic Mystery together

Work on hand embroidery🤞🏼if I can see it well enough 

Left eye gets a new lens! 

I am typing this with my left eye closed and the readers on.  If there are mistakes -- I'm blaming the eye for them! 

Sunday I spent some time reviewing some boxes of fabric and quilt blocks I've been storing for a friend.  She needs to decide what she wants me to do with them and then I'll donate some of the fabric to my guild's charity group and use some to finish some blocks into quilts.  

As I was going through a lot of fabric and blocks, this one really struck me.  It is a hand sewn flower garden block.  This isn't English Paper Piecing this is just sewn together.  Check the next picture of the back. 

On the left side there's a needle and thread with several stitches ready to be pulled through.  I doubt the quilter realized she would never get back to this project.  

Which brings me to a question for you.  Do you have plans for your stash and projects if something happens to you?  I have a plan although my daughter might not be thrilled with it.  She can take what she wants and then pass on the rest to the charity committee at my local guild. I used to say my friend Sharon and my daughter could go through the mess studio and take what they want and spread what is left to charity groups.  But Sharon doesn't live all that close anymore.  But she is still welcome to check it out.  

That's it for me today. The eyes are feeling strained (or is it the head?) I'm linking up with the following parties. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday6 

I hope you can take some time to surf the web to see what quilters are working on these days. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I have no local quilting friends and belong to no guild - I would not want it all just given away as it is worth money - machines, accuquilt dies, fabric etc - one of my daughters is very good with selling stuff and they would sell and share the money!

  2. I have a spreadsheet smack dab in the middle of my laptop titled ICE. The first sheet is titled "Documents" and describes where to find all the important paperwork (and virtual 'paperwork' such as my list of passwords). The second sheet is titled "stuff" and the columns are labelled: Room, Item, Where (precisely where in the room one can find that item), Belongs/Donate To (I store a LOT of chorus stuff), 1st contact, phone, email, 2nd contact, phone, email.

    I set this up back in 2015 and when I opened it today I realized I need to do some serious updating of items, locations, and contacts!

    Carolyn (Virgo/Baritone)

  3. My friends in the local quilt group I belong have agreed that we will go through the quilter's sewing room and clear it out. That gives me some peace of mind. My eyes did get tired during those in between weeks and I would just have to sit down and close them for awhile. It's been much better since the second surgery now that they are both working the same way.

  4. My stash anymore is mostly red, white, and blue and will go to a QOV group. Before my cataract surgery, I could read without my glasses (thanks to LASIK surgery 20 years ago), and now I can’t read a thing without glasses. I was disappointed about that development.

  5. always good to get those languishing projects out and done...i do have a plan, first step being use as much as possible...hence not buying...

  6. On Amazon I found some magnifying glasses with rechargeable LED lights attached to the frame! These even come with four different strengths of lenses. They really helped up my game with hand stitching and reading!
    Your stars quilt s so pretty! Love those fabrics!
    What a sweet picture of the Grandmother’s Flower Garden hexie. Sort of bittersweet as well. Her stitches are lovely.
    After helping a friend organize what we could of her studio, clean out my parent’s home and now my recently passed brother-in-law’s home, I’m stitching through UFOs like crazy. My daughter is a prolific quilter, but our fabric tastes are different. I asked her to keep what she likes and then give everything to a local lady who teaches young students how to sew in an impoverished community. Like City Quilter Grace, I'm also not purchasing fabric unless it's absolutely needed for a project or, if I do, it's immediately sewn up! Fingers crossed! :)
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. Bonnie Im hoping that by the time I finish posting my comment you will be home from surgery and seeing a bit better since your one eye will be covered with a patch. after having my cataract surgery I was able to get rid of my glasses (Which I have worn since I was 5 years old) and only need readers now if I'm reading or sewing. It's nice to know you managed to get a project cut before your surgery so you will be able to work on something. Your challenge piece is pretty. I do like the hexies sewn without paper piecing. I have done a couple of projects that way, but find that EPP makes the blocks more uniform. Having a plan is a good idea. I learned last fall when helping a friend with her hubby's "stuff" that it can be a real mind boggle. Hope you are doing well now and thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  8. That Lazy Angle quilt sure has a lot of natural movement!!! Good call on skipping the quilt show and taking care of your eyes in a more timely manner. I hope it's going well!!!

  9. I am glad surgery went well, Bonnie. You accomplished a lot even after having surgery well done. That is a darling quilt top that you have pieced . So cheerful . Looking forward to seeing your progress on it in the near future. Have a very lovely weekend and wishing you the best with the 2nd surgery. .

  10. Hope the next eye goes just as great!!! it would be awkward having mismatched vision... Love your little quilt!! Bright!!!

  11. Oh dear I think the eyes not being the same would drive me crazy. But in the end you will love seeing so much better! Would wearing an eye patch be easier than holding your eye shut?

  12. That UFO challenge piece is really neat! Your question about what would happen to my stash if I was gone has got me thinking . . . good question! It would be a good idea for me to write down my thoughts on that and other possessions and discuss it with my husband and daughter. My son won't care - lol!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.