
Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday Meanderings 2 - 27 - 2023

Good morning - afternoon, evening or night depending where and when you read this! I'm in shock that we've only got one day of February left.  I've gotten some things done but not as much on the quilting front as I thought I would. But on the other hand the new "eyes" really are well worth the time taken from quilting.

I'm seeing distance really well without any glasses.  I sometimes can read without readers but not most of the time.  And I've done a ton of reading over the last 10 days or so. But now I'm ready to focus back on quilting especially finishing a few quilts. Ruthie is being fixed today (fingers crossed!) Tomorrow I hope to get at least one smaller top quilted and bound.  I haven't got many finishes this month year! 

Let's start with last week's goals.  Not a bad week overall. 


✅Pick an easy quilt using my stash and Go dies — It's cut out and 3 blocks sewn together.

✅Begin sewing Melodic Mystery together — two rows are done two more are in the works.

Work on hand embroidery🤞🏼if I can see it well enough  — didn’t try it. 

Left eye gets a new lens! — done although it really looks beaten up! Sight is working pretty well. 

And here's this week's goals...


Finish baby quilt to top stage

Sew Melodic Mystery together 

Quilt something on Ruthie

Finish the pink blocks for Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Anything else that strikes my fancy 

I'm not putting a lot on my goals list this week.  I've been a bit distanced from quilting the last two weeks so it'll take me a while to figure out what I need/want to do. 

I'm linking up to the following Linky parties. Take some time to surf the web using these links as a starting place. 

Oh Scrap!

Design Wall Monday 

Monday Musings 

To Do Tuesday 

I'm calling it done today.  I'm looking to a Quilty day most of tomorrow. But now I think I'll straighten up a bit in the studio. (Ha! I could spend days doing that but a little bit works for me!) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Glad you're through the eye surgeries and on the other side! Good distance vision without glasses is kind of amazing, isn't it? My son was even sort of incredulous when we were talking to him yesterday - you mean you can actually watch TV without glasses, Mom?! Your new block is pretty and so are your Melodic Mystery colors. Happy sewing!

  2. Yahoo for improved vision! Ruthie will be purring like a kitten after her repairs. Here’s to a great week of sewing!

  3. I met Cheryl Brickey at QuiltCon (well, we rode two floors in an elevator) and thought of the Melodic Mystery makers. Glad your vision is recovering as it should.

  4. Oh how wonderful to not need glasses! Yay! The melodic mystery is looking good! Good luck on your week!

  5. Your cataract surgery took me back aways - had mine done in the 90s. I solved the problem of one eyed vision by taking out the lens from my glasses from the one that was done. Worked like a charm. I still need glasses to read. What threw me for a loop was I was no longer able to see my hand sewing to sew! Boy that really bummed me out. What fun are your two projects. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Glad to hear you've made it through the procedures and everything is going great with your eyesight, Bonnie!!! You even got some good quilting, and reading, done!!! Yay!!!

  7. Yay for good eyes!!
    and Yay for a fun easy block it looks fantastic to me!

  8. So glad the eye surgeries paid off. You did well coming off the second one. Sometimes taking a step back and deciding on priorities is the way to go. I did the same for my to do list this week. Good luck with yours.

  9. Bonnie it's so good to read that you are seeing well enough to only need readers sometime. I think you did wonderfully with your list since you are still recuperating. Hope this week is going as well for you and you are discovering what you want to work on. Love the star block you made. Thank you for linking with TDT.

  10. Bonnie, it's so great that your vision has improved so much! I am loving your Melodic Mystery quilt! I love those colors! Have a great week!

  11. I'm so happy for you and your new eyes! I'm still amazed at not having to fiddle with contacts and being able to see and have bright light in my life again. I love that pretty block and also the colors in melodic mystery. I could spend days cleaning my space too!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.