
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Monday Meanderings -- 4 - 3 - 2023

Did you realize with the beginning of April we are 25% through with 2023?  Yep, time flies when we're quilting away!  

Although Pat and I had an all-day rehearsal on Saturday, I still got a lot done this week.  Here's the list: 


✅Make more green and pink RSC blocks — need more green, pink is done 

✅Finish Arkansas Traveler Block — completed sewing it together

✅Finish quilting baby quilt; ✅bind it — all done! 

✅Finish cutting out another quilt — cut all but the border/s, not bad

Design Tee Shirt quilt — I’m just not motivated yet … one of these days! 

Here's the finished Arkansas Traveler Block.  It is a surprisingly easy block to make when using the Accuquilt die. Someday I need to plan a quilt using this die/pattern.


Here's the baby quilt I finished this month. (Sadly, it is the only quilt I finished this month.) It's about 36" square and will go to the local hospital's NICU.  They like bright quilts and small ones. (works for me!) 

All the quilting was done with my domestic machine.  Ruthie, the long arm, is still out for repairs. You can see an up close picture of the spiral flower here

And, finally, a picture of a little of the back and most of the front. I didn't have enough of the green print fabric so I added a small piece of a green print that I had in my stash.  So, yes, this entire quilt came from my stash! 

Now it's time to focus on this week's goal list. Here's what I should be working on. 


Make plan for APQ UFO Challenge #4 - a group of big flying geese blocks. 

Clean up cutting table - work on it 15 min a day 

Sew borders on Traffic Jam 

Begin sewing grape quilt together

Make more RSC blocks in green and start purple 

We've got several events to attend this week.  Saturday night we'll be joining the Spotsylvanians to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Fredericksburg Nationals' baseball game. We sang last summer and enjoyed the game. Hopefully the weather will be decent. 

Sunday we'll be joining our family for an Easter dinner.  Hum, I wonder what I should bring to this.  I generally bring a veggie tray so the kids can snack on them before dinner is served. I'll probably do it again.  

Between these two events, I won't have as much quilting time as usual. But I should be able to get some of my goals checked off by the end of the week. 

I've redone my Mysteries and Quilt Alongs page.  See the link right above the date and headline for today's post?  I removed and then reposted the January post.  Then I redid the main page and listed all 3 postings I've done so far.  Yesterday I did the April listing.  If you are looking for a quilt along check out the listing.  (I could only find quilt alongs for April.)  If you are doing a quilt along or a mystery please let me know a month before it starts so I can include it on my monthly page.  

That's about it for me except to let you know the Linky parties I am joining. (Go check them out please!) 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings 

To Do Tuesday

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie  


  1. Your Arkansas Traveler block turned out beautifully, love those blues. Your baby quilt is really vivid and fun. You did well last week. Hopefully you can still make a lot of progress even with the busy schedule this week.

  2. the only thing I had trouble with with that block was that my corners were always a little short - and when I sewed blocks together my corners were cut off a little because of it.

  3. Do you have a Welcome Home date for Ruthie yet? I love your Arkansas Traveler block, beautiful fabrics. I discovered the runner I made last year that I didn't quilt as I wasn't sure how I wanted it. It's a Christmas one so no hurry.

  4. Looks like your Arkansas Traveler block turned out great! I love the baby quilt, too - it's so happy! I would love to find out if the NICU here took little quilts like that. They're so fun to make!

  5. I do like the AT block and hope you'll continue to make them. The first week of the month is a busy one for me -- add Holy Week and it's even busier. I wonder if the new MLB rules apply to farm teams.

  6. Man I love that Arkansas Traveler block. I am actually trying to sell my Accuquilt, but you are making me reconsider . . . Joining your family for an Easter dinner sounds fun - my mind goes to potato salad, deviled eggs, ham, desserts - can you tell I'm hungry? ;)

  7. What a lovely bright donation for NICU. The Ark. Traveler looks good in blues, too. Easter dinner - yum! I have to figure that out this week.

  8. What a great finish on the baby quilt despite not having your long arm working. Love the ARkansas Traveler block. Enjoy your family at Easter. We love ham at Easter and I used to make my MIL's Scalloped Pineapple which was a side but tasted like dessert! Now I cannot locate the recipe. That makes me sad. Oh well... Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  9. The baby quilt fabrics and colors complement each other well. The quilt is adorable. My fingers are crossed that the weather will be nice for the baseball game. Here’s to a great week.

  10. Arkansas Traveler--cool block!!! And very cheerful, fun baby quilt, Bonnie!!! I hope Ruthie's back in business soon! In the meantime, great domestic sewing machine quilting!!!

  11. Very pretty quilt.
    That block looks really complicated - but its going to be a wonderful quilt!

  12. What a cheery finish!! Happy Easter to you (and time off from quilting for family is a must)!

  13. Love the baby quilt Bonnie and your Arkansas Traveler blocks looks fantastic.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.