
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Monday Meandering 5 - 29 - 2023

This week zoomed by with a lot of studio time and way less reading than some weeks.  I guess if I read I don't get as much stitching done.  The book has to really draw me in and the one I was reading earlier in the week didn't. The next one up did. Have you read any of Sherry Thomas's Lady Sherlock mysteries.  I just finished #7 and it did grab me and kept me. I've enjoyed all of them -- some as audio books and some as ebooks. Evidently it didn't cut into my stitching time all that badly as I got all my goals done! Whoop,!Whoop! Let's take a look. 


✅Mail two packages of blocks out -- sent out Friday and I bought a pair of shoes.

✅Finish fusing & trimming tee shirts for a quilt -- all done.

✅Put border on APQ UFO for May -- mitered and sewn on in two different colors, fancy! I also need to quilt it but haven't decided what how to yet.

✅✅Trim and bind 2 quilts -- Finished both of them.

Here's Sheep in Boots -- quilted and bound. (Too bad I never think about getting a label on before I sew the binding on!) 

And an up close view. . .

I used Ginger Flower for the quilting design and So Fine thread.  This will be going to a local hospital's NICU via my local guild, Virginia Star Quilters. 

Here's what I'll be doing this week. 


Hem a couple of pairs of pants

Make 2 Flower Song Blocks 

Finish 3 RSC blocks 

Put border on grapes quilt

Doesn't seem like all that much to me so I might work on some other things. You won't see much about the t shirt quilt again until late June or possibly July.  I've got a plan to get one part completed every month until the whole quilt is done. Here's part of one of the tee shirts already trimmed and stabilized. The hard part is coming -- figuring out where each shirt is to be placed and what fabric I'll add to it. 

Yep, you might have guessed, this is a a triathalon tee shirt. My son used to do a lot of running and biking. Please don't tell him I'm working on his quilt. (Yea, I know you don't really know him and I am hoping none of the family actually reads my blog!) 

I finished everything on my Goals List early Sunday afternoon. So, I decided I would try a block I'd been wanting to make for a while.  This is called String Bean and is 12.5" x 15.5" unfinished. It uses mostly 2.5" strips.  I have a slew of them and I thought this might help me get rid use them. Here's a link to Pat Sloan's pattern in case you have lots of strips too. This log cabin variation is very easy especially if you have a lot of precut strips or you've got leftover jelly rolls. 

My plan is to use a solid or reads-like solid in the center and then surround it with a colors drawn from multi-color fabrics that I'll also use. I was surprised to find this very nice hand dyed fabric in a scrap basket. It was a pretty big scrap and I have no idea why I would have thrown it in the basket instead of my hand dye box. I'm hoping to use lighter, spring colors while using up some of my smaller pieces of solids. The hand dyed pink fit right in with my plan. Time will tell whether I succeed. 

That's about it for this post. Here's my list of Linky Parties I'll be linking with:

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday 

Monday Musing 

To Do Tuesday

Take some time this week to visit these parties and join in.  You never know what great idea you'll see on quilter's blogs. 

I hope to publish my next Mysteries and Sew Alongs on Thursday, June 1. Check back if you are looking for a new sew along or mystery to do. 

I was so surprised to see my Peace Lily bloom.  I first noticed it before we went to the beach and I was so disappointed that I would miss its full bloom. I was wrong. It took several weeks to get to this point.  And, I suspect it will continue with this display for several more weeks.  My surprise at the bloom is because the plant is quite old and I can't remember it ever blooming before. Heck, I bet we've moved it at least 4 times.  A couple of years ago I separated it into two pots.  The second one looks anemic but this one has been quite nice and now the added bonus of two blooms. Do you have house plants?  I'm not much of a gardener but I do keep up with several house plants. 

It's time for me to finish this off and get on with my latest novel.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Sweet NICU finish, Bonnie! Best of luck on your son's T-Quilt. Thanks for the String Bean link! It looks like a fast and fun quilt. Your version is going to be SEW pretty!

  2. Sheep in Boots is really pretty, nice quilting too. I am being very casual about sewing for a couple weeks, but I'm always inspired by your blocks. I've added Pat's block to my "for fun" list. I've never had that kind of luck with Peach lilies, yours looks very lush. We have no house plants, because my kitties like to chew on them. I used to have 30, yes 30 in my little house when I was in my early 20s. And I made jute hangers for them! Swedish ivy was my favorite.

  3. I have a small Piece Lily and it flowered good last year but not since - my daughter has a larger one and it has been struggling to get one open for weeks - we see it - it just won't open!

  4. Sheep in Boots is a sweet quilt! I love the colors and the quilting is really fun. I try to sew a folded triangle of white or light-colored fabric into a corner of my quilts while sewing the binding on, and use that for a label. I don't always remember to do that either! Your Peace Lily is beautiful! I can grow one kind of houseplant and can't even tell you it's name - it has kind of heart shaped leaves that grow on long stems. I've had the same plant for years!

  5. Hi Bonnie,
    I’ve just recently gotten back into growing house plants. Since we spent all summer at the cottage, I had not kept any house plants at either home……but now that we sold the cottage, I have one house and can have house plants again. Your peace lily is lovely. It looks very happy. Thanks for faithfully posting, I enjoy readng your blog. Hugs, Judy

  6. When we moved from Maine to North Dakota in 1994 a friend sent me a philodendron (via FTD). I kept it in the same pot for years and years and years. I trimmed the vines and replanted a few, but it was the original plant that kept going. Last year I FINALLY repotted it. I remember that my mother had some leaf-polishing stuff that she'd apply to houseplants. What was it, I wonder? What I'd like to have are African violets but the light in our house isn't right............The Pat Sloan pattern looks intriguing. T-shirt quilts can be a challenge.

  7. Kudos for meeting all your goals and reading, too. I’ve enjoyed listening to several William Kent Krueger’s books. No houseplants here - too many allergies, but I had plants in some of my classrooms over the years. The students enjoyed them as much as I did.

  8. Love the quilting on Sheep in Boots. Looking at it and thinking maybe I could do it freehand! I haven't read any of the Sherry Thomas Lady Sherlock series but I know those who have been enjoy them a lot.

  9. Very cute finish! Congrats on checking off all your to do's last week. Enjoy your new book.

  10. Boy howdy did you get a lot done!!! Sheep in Boots is so cute! as is that String bean block - I like that!!! Hope you find more good books to keep you hooked!

  11. I have a few houseplants but most are outside! The NICU quilt is adorable. The String Bean blocks are going to be very good in a quilt!

  12. I love Sheep in Boots, Bonnie! You really had a great week in checking off your goals! Thanks for sharing with us on Monday Musings!

  13. Hi Bonnie. It is so much fun to visit and see all of your checks marks! Well done. Sheep in Boots is such a sweet finish. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  14. Wow on your Peace Lily!!! Our died while we were on our recent 2 week vacay--I thought it would make it without water as it usually bounces back. On the other hand, I've had huge success with Burro's Tails--they just keep growing and the break off pieces are so easy to start a new plant with.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.