
Sunday, May 21, 2023

Monday Meanderings 5 22 -2023

What a week!  I'm exhausted but I really wanted to write my normal Monday post. I did surprisingly well on my goals list so I'm sharing that first. 


✅Quilt two tops — done and done! 

✅Make blocks for BOM for guild —  finished & turned in quite a few different blocks at the meeting.

✅Start fusing & trimming tee shirts for a quilt — 1 column of shirts done. 

👎🏼Put border on the UFO — um, no, didn’t happen

Here are sneak peeks of the two tops I quilted this week. 

Hum, you might notice that these quilts use the same blocks.  They are called Happy Blocks and you can get simple directions here. Mary gives 3 different directions. I tend to change the inside block size and then make the outside blocks fit.  

And here are some blocks I made for the guild raffle quilt. 

Here's what I want to get done this week.


Mail two packages of blocks out

Finish fusing & trimming tee shirts for a quilt

Put border on APQ UFO for May

Trim and bind 2 quilts 

Hum, I sure hope I get all of these things done. But a high priority is to bind 2 quilts. 

Every Monday I head up to our community's club house to join a group of stitchers.  There is a variety of stitching going on along with lots of talking and laughing. I work on whatever strikes my fancy or I want to get done.  Many of the gals make hats using a circular frame.  When I realized I have 4 boxes of miscellaneous yarn I decided I'd borrow a frame and try to make one. (Or more.) (I'm looking at you Alycia!) 

Um, it really isn't a weird cactus.  I had some leftover fuzzy yarn so I decided to try it.  A friend made the pompom and another one trimmed it up. Some little girl is going to love this hat and her mom will probably hate that the fuzzy pieces fall out!  The frame that was available was more for a baby or toddler so that's the size I'm making. I've already made two more that I'll eventually photograph and share. I've asked another friend to be on the lookout for a frame or frames while she does her thrift shopping. I'm happy to be making a dent in my yarn. 

These will go to From the Heart Stitchers in Fredericksburg/King George. Here's a little about them. "Our mission is to serve our community by preserving and promoting fiber arts, creating a spirit of fellowship and love among our volunteers and board members, and producing handmade items which bring comfort, love and solace to others."  

The other big activity this weekend was a dress rehearsal and concert by the Spotsylvanians. Dress rehearsal went well except some crazy problems with the sound system. We were exhausted when we finally got home.  Call time on Saturday was 3:15 as the concert was beginning at 5.  This semester we were only doing one concert rather than an evening and a matinee the next day.  We sang a wide variety of music from  traditional Madrigal, pop music, spirituals, and a several songs from Disney.  We even sang a song in Norwegian!  (Think Frozen.) This was the 20th anniversary of the group so it was quite festive. Two other choral groups joined us.  We finished at 7:30! I was exhausted and I expect the audience was too. The highlight of the night might have been the heavy down pour during the second half which made its own music on the roof and dripped on the altos. Exciting! Like true professionals they moved out of the way and didn't skip a note! 

The group celebrated with a wonderful dinner and party at a local restaurant. (We were all starving by the time we got there!) There were several presentations and surprises before dancing and karaoke began.  Hubby and I were so very surprised and pleased when we were given a remembrance for our 50th wedding anniversary that we will be celebrating in June. (Boy did that time go by fast!) I thought you might like to see us with our acrylic reminder.

We were totally exhausted when we got home. (Again!) Sunday was quieter but I did start and finish a small quilt. 

I'm linking up with my favorite beginning of the week parties:

I'll come back tomorrow to link up what ever blogs are available. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Bonnie you are beautiful! You guys look too young to have been married almost 50 years. That is a cute little hat. Love the sneak peeks at your quilts. I especially like the quilting on the second one. Have a wonderful week!

  2. congrats on your anniversary - I have you beat by one year next month. I bet that was fun to get the award

  3. I bet you are just thrilled to be back using Ruthie, let's hope she doesn't ever get sick again! I like the quilting design on the second quilt a lot. Do you have big celebration plans for the 50th?

  4. The hat is adorable and you're right. Some little girl will absolutely love it. I love the Happy Blocks, and have used Mary's instructions for several quilts. Happy 50th anniversary. That is a really awesome milestone. We just hit 46 this year, but have been together 50 years.

  5. Happy Anniversary! 50! Wow! That's awesome! Love the hat and was thinking about trying out a frame too after seeing Alycia's posts! Your Happy Blocks are looking...well, Happy! Good job!

  6. Happy Blocks sure make happy quilts! Love the hat, too. It sounds like you had quite the concert weekend. Happy Anniversary - that's a wonderful milestone!

  7. Cute hat! Congratulations on completing your goals last week. Happy to hear that Ruthie is being cooperative and productive. I got a chuckle about the altos moving away from the drip.

  8. Congrats on your anniversary! And great goal work. Happy stitching!

  9. Happy anniversary to you and Pat! It must be great to be singing with the group — or groups plural. Hope Ruthie behaves herself.

  10. Bonnie, you two look great in your pic. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the celebration. The hat looks fun as well! Thanks for sharing your sneak peeks with us on your quilts! Have an awesome week and thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.

  11. What a busy but beautiful week! I discovered the joys of a Sentro 48 circular kitting machine to put a dent in my yarn stash! It would've gone faster if I didn't buy new yarns to play with! lol We celebrated our 47th so know how excited and grateful you must be for your 50th next month!!! (thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!)

  12. I, too am a fan of Happy Blocks! Mine are usually scrappy, that’s my way. But love your aqua and lime one that has a plan! You have inspired me! Adorable hat! My great GD would love the fuzzy pompon! Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! We have one in June too! I hope someone plan a party! Ours brings back so many memories!

  13. I claim all innocence in all hat matters!! Always - I am innocent I tell you!
    Cute hat tho!! and great quilts!
    I love the pic of the two of you!!! So gorgeous!! Happy 50th - altho you guys look like your just married!!!

  14. pretty blocks for guild...and congrats to you both!

  15. Wow, that was quite a week! Congrats on almost 50 years, that's an achievement. You've done so well on meeting your stitching goals too. Love the "cactus" hat. You are right, some little girl is going to be so in love with that hat!

  16. Bonnie it's no wonder you were tired after the busy week you had! Congratulations on 50 years. That is a wonderful landmark to attain. Love the cactus hat and seeing your check marks on your list. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope this week was a bit quieter and you had more time to stitch.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.