
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Monday Meanderings 5 - 8 2023

I have had a great week. Pat and I went down to Nags Head to take care of some work around our beach house before the summer begins.  We've had a great spring with rentals and the summer and fall seem to be gearing up to continue apace.  

One thing I generally bring down is my trusty featherweight and too many projects to get done.  This time I finished two tops and made several different blocks. I did have another group of Happy Blocks I could have put together but didn't get to it. I also brought down my most recent finish for a photo shoot. But before I show those let's look at my goal list from last week. 


✅Make extra Happy Blocks — 6 done

✅Sew one group of Happy Blocks into quilt top — top done

✅Sew grape top together - made blocks and put top together 

Make some Flower Song blocks — 3 more made 

This was the last project I worked on.  I was happy to get 3 more blocks made.  Luckily I have quite a few additional blocks cut out and sewn into half square triangles.  I'm going to try to continue working on this project over the next few weeks. 

Here's my goals for this coming week. 


Start working on APQ’s UFO challenge - mine is a small wall hanging that needs a border, quilting and binding

Make various blocks to donate

Continue to make Flower Song Blocks 

Start fusing and trimming tee shirts for a quilt

Before the end of April I finished another small quilt.  I decided to take it on our trip so I could get some glamor pictures of it.  Pat and I went over to Roanoke Island's Festival Park.  Roanoke Island is famous as the site of the first attempted settlement from England in America.  The first English child was born in the settlement in 1587.  Unfortunately the settlement vanished and no one knows what happened to the people living there. You can read a bit about here and here

It was a beautiful sunny day with a bit of wind.  As usual, I took way too many photos and chose only a few to share. 

Pat fighting the wind. 


Using my 9" Accuquilt Cube I was able to make a 14" unfinished block. The quilt is approximately 41" square.  You can make this block using any cube using shapes 1,3, and 9.  The block will be larger than your cube size. (Basically it will be about 3 times the size of your shape 1 excluding the seam allowances.)  

There was this interesting stage that also let you enjoy the water view. 

On a tree!

On our back deck.  The backing fabric is a wide back from Connecting Threads called Cobblestone in Light Honeysuckle. I did not use it in the top but I did use it to bind the quilt. 

I have way too many tops to turn into quilts -- I'm still waiting for my long arm to come back. Once that happens I'll be spending more time getting tops finished.  I've run out of the plastic hangers I use to keep them neat. 

It's time to share my favorite Linky parties. I hope you can use one of these as a jumping off source to see a whole lot of blogs chock full of great ideas! 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings

To Do Tuesday

Here's hoping you have a Quilty week! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. looks like a pretty place - I haven't been to Nags Head but I know someone who has and loves it. Hope you get your machine back soon

  2. The Flower Song blocks are really neat ones! I love the fabric and colors you're making them out of. And the finished quilt is a pretty one, too. Looks like you had fun photographing it in some great places!

  3. Really nice finsh. I love the yellow background with the purples and pinks. Happy quilt.

  4. Loved all the different locations for your photo shoot, but my favorite is on your back deck as it just looks so peaceful there.

  5. Love the photos you chose from your photo shoot!! Looks like an amazing place!! and the quilt...well I totally love it!!!

  6. What a pretty quilt! Your reference to Roanoke sent me down the rabbit hole reading about the Lost Colony. So fascinating and what devotion these researchers have for patiently finding answers through digs and DNA testing. I've always loved the name "Nag's Head" :D

  7. Wonderful display photos! The Flower Song blocks pack great graphic punch.

  8. Ruthie is STILL on vacation?! Fun photos of your quilt: it’s good to see it showcased in different areas.

  9. Pretty and bright quilt--your color choices were very good.

  10. Your quilt looks amazing, Bonnie and it is so much fun to see it in different settings. I wish you the best with your rental for the summer season.

  11. Sounds like you had a very productive trip to the beach. Love your glamour shots of the finished quilt. The one on the stage is my favorite. Hope you have a very happy Mother's Day.

  12. I love your quilt, Bonnie!! And I enjoyed all the different photos of it! I LOVE my Qubes and GO! Big!! Thanks for sharing on MM.


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