
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Monday Meanderings 5 - 1 - 2023

They say April showers bring May flowers.  Well we've had a LOT of rain in the last couple of days -- at least 2" according to one report. Let's just say it was a good time to stay inside and sew and read. So that's what I've done since Friday afternoon. I'm looking forward to some May flowers!  Ok let's start by looking at my goal's list from last week. 


✅Finish quilting and binding cupcake quilt — done, pictures to come

✅Make a few more 12” blocks — done

✅Make some bow tie blocks — done 

Pick Happy Blocks to make another top — done! 

I have several sets or partial sets of Happy Blocks hanging around the studio.  Here's one of the sets I plan to put together this coming week. 

These blocks were made by my friends in the FCQ Equilter's group from quite a few years ago.  These will be 8.5" blocks when finished.  I gathered a different bunch of blocks that I had made and decided I'd make some more. I want to make it a bit bigger even though the blocks will finish at 9".  I know I have at least one more set hanging around so you'll be seeing even more Happy Blocks in my future.  Here's the link to Mary's instructions. I'm pretty sure I've used all the size centers for which Mary gives instructions. Check her side bar to see directions for the other two sizes she uses.  

Now here's what I hope to get done this week.  Who knows whether I will or not but this is the list.


Make extra Happy Blocks

Sew one Happy Block quilt top together (or two!) 

Sew grape top together 

Make some Flower Song blocks 

I've probably put too much on my list but who knows, I might succeed. And even if I don't get all of them done I will make some progress. 

Here's what the Flower Song blocks look like.  I've been taking these blocks to retreats for years. The only thing I don't really like is all the half squares triangle outside edges are on the bias. I've got several pieces already cut and units sewn together. Once I have those all sewn into blocks I'll be using the Easy Angle ruler so the edges will be straight of grain for the next group.  We'll see if I get very many of them done. Part of my issue is I find them boring to work on. What? Oops... I've taken it to several retreats. But this project may end up going to another retreat before it's a finished top. 

I am using part of a jelly roll so all of these will be made in fun, bright colors. 

As usual I'll be linking up with my favorite Linky parties. I hope you can do some web surfing to see what quilters are currently working on. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings 

To Do Tuesday 

Are you a fan of dogs? How about mysteries?  If so you should check out the Chet and Bernie mysteries by Spencer Quinn. I finished listening to his latest book this week.  I get a kick out of them as the narrator is Chet, the dog who flunked out of K-9 school on his last day.  There went his job as a police dog. So he now works with Bernie as a private investigator.  These books are pretty light and funny as well as entertaining to listen to while I'm stitching. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Interesting Flower Song block, it could be made in many different ways, HTS or Flying geese. I wouldn't like the HST's to have bias edges either.

  2. The book series sounds like something I'll enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation. I've made lots of the Happy Blocks too, as well as some of Mary's other patterns. Great scrap quilts! Those Flower Song blocks look delightful, in spite of all the HSTs.

  3. Those Happy blocks will make some happy quilts. Good luck with your plans for this week. Even if you don't get check marks, I agree that progress counts for a lot too.

  4. How fun that the blocks are called Happy Blocks because they sure are! Your flower song block is pretty... too bad they are boring to make. The book series sounds cute! I'll have to look for it. Happy Monday!

  5. I always enjoy seeing Happy blocks - they do make a happy quilt! Your Flower Song blocks are pretty, too. Looks like they make a neat design. Happy May Day - hope your May flowers are growing already!

  6. The Chet and Bernie books sound like a fun read!

  7. I love those Happy Blocks, looking forward to seeing yours. Flower Song is really pretty, even though they bore you. ;) Those Chet and Bernie books sound like a hoot!

  8. I love these blocks! Looking forward to seeing all the fun fabrics you use! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  9. Your Happy Blocks are indeed happy - so cute and thank you so much for the link to Mary's Instructions. I will have to add these blocks to my to do list. Flower Song is adorable as well and looks like a fun one to work on. Have a great week, Bonnie.

  10. ooh love those flower song blocks! can't wait to see more of them...

  11. I think I see a Happy Blocks quilt in my future. It looks like a great way to use up some children fabric scraps. I really like your Flower Song blocks. I know what it feels like to get tired of making the same block over and over, but it will be a beautiful quilt.

  12. Just look at all of your check marks Bonnie. Well done on the list progress. I love the Happy Blocks and your Flower Song blocks are just beautiful. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.