
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Monday Meanderings 11 - 13 - 2023

Another week has flown by.  Maybe it was because we came down to our beach house Friday after our last rehearsal. We went to the owners' meeting. Did a bit of work around the house. We drive home early Monday to make our regular Monday night rehearsal. There are two concerts this week on Tuesday and Thursday with our neighborhood group. Our second round of concerts will be the second weekend of December. It'll be a busy week with not a whole lot of sewing going on. I hope to squeeze in some during the mornings.  I did a great job on my goals last week before I left. YEA! 


✅Finish the Flower Song blocks -- 3 blocks finished.

✅Add sashing to Christmas present quilt -- ready for borders. 

✅Sew rest of ombré log cabin rows together -- done. 

✅Make 5 more Christmas tree skirts for mini trees -- done and turned in. 

Sew on ornaments -- I generally sew on them at a Monday stitching group. I brought them on our weekend away and made even more progress. I can see the end in sight for one of them. And the other three aren't that far behind. 

Here's the finished Ombre Log Cabin top. Except, wow! I didn't expect it to be so wide!  It's just about hitting the floor on both sides. Eek.  I'm not sure what I plan about that.  I'm considering taking out one diagonal column to make it about 14" shorter.  I do know I'm not really going to be doing much on it over the next few weeks.  Any opinions?  I don't mind ripping 2 seams -- I don't imagine it will take all that long.  It would also give me enough blocks to make pillow shams.  Decisions, decisions! 



Sing two concerts

Make some placemats for guild and attend guild meeting

Finish turquoise RSC blocks 

Layout and begin sewing Flower Song quilt

Stitch out a sample embroidery before starting some sweatshirts 

I'm sure that is way more than I can accomplish this week.  But I just might surprise myself.  And, I do like to move lots of projects ahead each week. 

Off list I made a couple of maple leaf blocks with the Accuquilt die. I need to add some other colors but here's what I have so far.  

I started by making three of the same burgundy fabric. I've added dark brown and orange.  I have a purple fabric picked out.  I need to figure out some more colors to use.  I also found an old block that I think might be interesting to add to this group.

It's about an inch smaller so I would have to add a small border to it. But I like the idea of the on point setting. (Oh no!  Not another one right after my Ombre Log Cabin!) This is going to be about 40" square quilt to hang over the fireplace.  I have a lot of seasonal quilts that size that get highlighted there.  I don't have a fall one I actually like so this one will become my fall quilt.  So what do you think?  Should I add the paper pieced block as the center? I probably need 7 more to finish off this round.  And then I'll decide how many more I need after that.  

I'm keeping this one short. We'll be up early in the morning to drive back home.  Then on to our normal Monday night rehearsal.  It's a busy week.  Hope you can spend some time checking out some blogs from these Linky parties. I'll try to get the other three links done on Monday morning. But it might be afternoon before I succeed. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings 

Show and Tell Monday 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Congrats on all the progress on your to do list for last week. Hopefully this week is as good. Sounds like life will be busy for a while.

  2. How about a green leaf and there is always different shades of the ones you already used too. What if you turned the leaves in all different directions to symbolize them falling down?

  3. Well, just look at those five green checkmarks! Good for you. Diagonal settings are a great way to make a quilt bigger -- as you found out! I'm partial to maple leaves with a blue background--makes me think of sunny autumn days (no rain in our forecast this week).

  4. Wow, your log cabin quilt is a true beauty, Bonnie!!! Remember, when you quilt it you'll loose a little width. But certainly not 14". How pretty! And I like how you threw that fancy leaf in with all the rest!!! It's eye catching that way!

  5. Always decisions, aren't there?! The log cabin top is stunning and so are the leaf blocks!

  6. Your ombre log cabin is gorgeous, Bonnie! Along with what Nancy said about the quilting, you could also take into account that it might shrink when washed. Having extra blocks for pillow shams would be fun, though, too. Your leaf wall-hanging is going to be a pretty one!

  7. I say keep the "center piece" leaf block. It is a nice contrast and adds interest. Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.

  8. Oh that ombre is beautiful!! maybe just have big people sleep under it and it will make it feel the perfect size haha!!

  9. I agree with Alycia - why not leave it long. That way it would fully cover people when they roll over in bed. No cold parts sticking out. :) The fall leaves look great. They'll make a lovely fall quilt for above your fireplace. Take care with all the busyness. It sounds like you will be busy.

  10. That is a beautiful log cabin quilt! I like the idea of taking off a row and making shams. As for the fall quilt, yes, keep that pretty centre block. :-)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.